From A History of
Miami County
Written by people
under supervision of Leonard U. Hill
To help celebrate
the Ohio Sesquicentennial.
After purchasing a farm from James Brown, located in
, but later resold without being used, the Commissioners in 1836 bought the
present Miami County Home farm on which a brick poor house, as it was then
called, was completed in 1840. The
number of occupants reported for the first year was nineteen.
Since the first building was poorly constructed and inadequate as to
accommodations, a new building was authorized in 1852 and occupied in 1854.
This building was 116 feet long and 46 feet wide with a hall extending
the length through the center of each floor.
It consisted of an elevated basement, two principal stories, and an attic
eight feet in height which gave the appearance of a four-story building.
Before the new building was completed, a violent storm tumbled the old
building down on the heads of the inmates, injuring many.
By 1879 the number of inmates had increased to 116.
This number included boys and girls who were soon to be transferred to
the new Children’s Home.
On May 20, 1886, a contract was let to T. R. Townsend for
building an additional building for the Miami County Infirmary to accommodate
the permanently insane. This is
today at the rear of the south end of the main building.
The present main building was completed in 1927 while Mr.
& Mrs. Marvin Thomas were superintendent and matron. A new barn was also
built in 1930 under their supervision to replace the round barn that had been
destroyed by fire.
Since January 1, 1940, the occupants of the Miami County
Home, who generally number about one hundred, having an average age of seventy
years, have been under the watchful care of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kreider.

Index to Miami County Home Records
Paupers Register 1842 – 1872
Compiled by Montgomery Co. Chapter of
Genealogical Society
The list was compiled by Rachel Engle from the microfilmed index located
at the
Local History Library,
100 W. Main St.
of A - K
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