Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    HOMER A. WALKER, dealer in drugs, stationery, notions, etc., opened trade July 1, 1881; carries a stock of $2,000 in a general line of drugs, etc. He first located at Seward, Seward Co., Neb., in the fall of 1868, with his parents (his father, Dr. L. Walker, was engaged in the drug trade), and obtained a knowledge of pharmacy in the store of his father, remaining until March, 1877. Then opened business in the drug trade at Aurora, Hamilton Co., Neb., where he continued until he came to Ord. Was born near Mt. Vernon, Ohio, August 20, 1854, the family then moved to Illinois, and lived some time in that State; then to Monmouth, Iowa, and other places in the same State. Married in Lincoln, Neb., December 18, 1879, to Miss Kate E. Stover, of Newburg, Penn. They have one son--George Elmer. Mr. W. is a member of Aurora Lodge, No. 68, A., F. & A. M. 

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