Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Augustus Thoma, jeweler, Piqua. Mr. Thoma, a native of Germany, was born in Baden in 1819 ; came to the United States in 1832; learned his trade in New York, and worked there several years. In 1838, his health not being very good, he took a trip West for recreation, and was so well pleased with the prospects of this Western country, that he concluded to make it his home, and has been a resident of Piqua ever since. He worked as "jour" for Reimund Wilman a short time, then bought him out, and following the Franklin maxim, "The shop keep him who keeps a shop," he has attended closely to his trade and business in connection, and, has been successful, and is now one of the substantial and respected citizens of Piqua, connected with some of the important industrial enterprises lately inaugurated here. His store is located at 197 Main street, where he keeps a fine stock of jewelry and silverware, and, being a practical workman of long experience, he does a large business in repairs, and also manufactures jewelers' tools. His residence is a part of the store-building, and has been his place of residence since 1845. He married, in 1840, Wilhelmina Sauerman, a native of Hanover, Germany, and, at the time of her marriage, a resident of Piqua; both she and her husband were orphans from early youth; they have two sons and one daughter living; A. F., who is traveling and selling jewelers tools and materials , Albin, who is also engaged in the business with his father and brother, and Caroline, a young lady at home.

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