Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Harrison Youtsey, farmer; P. O. Casstown; born in Maryland Jan. 20, 1821; is a son of John and Catharine Youtsey, who were probably born in Maryland; the ancestry originally coming from Germany. John and Catharine removed from Maryland to Miami County in 1831, locating upon the farm where G. G. McDowell now resides; there he lived about seven years; then went to the farm, which has since been known as the Sanderson place, and resided three years, after which he resided with his children till his death, which occurred in January, 1859. Harrison lived with his father until 20 years of age. Nov. 9,1843, he was united in marriage with Sarah Ann Saunders, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Sheets) Saunders, by which union they have had eleven children, of whom five are now living, viz., Maria Ellen, now Mrs. Amos Cromer; William H.; John C.; Clara, now Mrs. William Linton; and Andrew S. Mr. Youtsey, after his marriage, located for a few months in Elizabeth Township, near Sheet's Mill; then went on a farm south of Casstown, where he resided about four years; afterward going on to a farm near Miami City and residing four years, finally settling on a farm where he now resides. When Mr. Youtsey was married and started out in life, he was possessed of barely enough means to keep house and live in the most humble style; now he owns five good farms, embracing 724 acres, all excellent land, and most of the farms have good improvements with excellent buildings; on his home place, he has a large, fine house, which he has built since he located upon the farm. This large amount of property has mostly been accumulated by his own energy and industry in the space of thirty-five years.

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