Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    GEORGE THROCKMORTON, retired farmer; P.O. Conover; was born in New Jersey, March 12, 1809, and is a son of Job and Jane (Wooley) Throckmorton, both natives of New Jersey, who emigrated West in 1816, locating in Warren Co., Ohio, where Job died about 1825; Jane married for her second husband James Brelsford, of Greene Co., where they located and both died, she at the age of 89, and he at 93 years. George was reared on the farm, and procured his education in the common schools of the pioneer days, in Warren Co., Ohio; at the age of 18 he engaged in carpentering, where was his occupation for fifteen years, when he retired from its duties; in 1832, he purchased 160 acres of land in Sec. 12, Brown Township, and in 1836 moved from Warren Co., to Miami, locating in Piqua, where he lived until 1838, when he located on the above farm; he cleared the forest, and to-day fine buildings have taken the place of his rude huts and barns; during the late rebellion, he sold his former and purchased his present farm, which consists of the southeast quarter of Sec. 18, Brown Township, Miami Co., where he is now well situated and has 130 acres under cultivation. Mr. Throckmorton was married April 21, 1830, to Miss Sarah Lafferty, who was a native of Warren Co., Ohio, and died in Miami Co., in 1853, leaving a husband and nine children, of whom eight are now living. Mr. Throckmorton married for his second wife Miss Sarah D. Hendley; she is also a native of Warren Co., and came to Miami when about the age of 12 years.

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