Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    John R. Simpson, owner of the Ohio Electric Specialty Manufacturing Company, of Troy, and one of the capable and influential business men of that city, was born at Middletown, Ohio, June 22, 1876, a son of Abram and Harriet (Gallaher) Simpson. Abram Simpson was one of the early pork packers of Ohio, and owned a farm property at Middletown, in the public schools of which city John R. Simpson received his education and graduated from high school in 1895. His first connection with. the electrical business was as an employee of The Hobart Electric Manufacturing Company, of Troy, with which he continued to be identified until engaging in business on his own account. Mr. Simpson has taken out a number of patents, notably one on a trolley wheel to be used on electric cars. It has been adopted by electric railways throughout the country and is in general use. He likewise holds patents on an improved electric horn. His present business is one of a very substantial nature, and is principally devoted to the manufacture of brushes for the collecting of electrical current off of motors and dynamos. A complete history of the business will be found in the industrial section of this work. Mr. Simpson is prominent in fraternal affairs as a, member of the Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America and the Masons. With his family he belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Simpson married Roxanna, daughter of John and Anne D. Stillwell, of Troy, and to this union there have been born four children: Eusebia, Ernestine, Anna Belle and Nancy. Mr. Simpson has always been a public-spirited citizen, and during the period of the great war was a firm supporter of all movements and activities promoted by the Government.

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