Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association

    S. J. RUDY

    S. J. Rudy, one of the highly esteemed self-made men of Covington, where he carries on an extensive grain business and operates two large elevators, was born on a farm in Miami county, April 18, 1868, a son of William and Mary (Shafer) Rudy. William Rudy was one of the extensive farmers of his part of Miami county, where he passed his life in the pursuits of the soil, and as an honorable man of business and an exemplary citizen held the respect and confidence of all with whom he came into contact. There were five children in the family: Maggie, the widow of Allen Martin, of Covington; Emma, the wife of Samuel Wellbaum, of that city; Ida, the wife of Rollen Cable, of Covington; Minnie, the wife of Harvey Wolf, of that place; and S. J. Rudy secured his educational training in the country schools and began his career by working for his father on the home place, remaining under the parental roof and as the, elder man's associate until he reached the age of twenty years. At that time he decided he was ready to enter upon independent operations and accordingly rented the farm of John Miller, located in his home community, and for ten years continued operations thereon. Eventually disposing of his holdings, he came to Covington and embarked in another line of endeavor, taking up the grain and elevator business, which he has followed ever since. Mr. Rudy started in this field of enterprise in 1898, with a modest capital, and had just gotten nicely started when he was given a setback by the destruction of his elevator by fire. It was rather a severe blow, as his resources were not great, but he did not allow himself to become discouraged. On the contrary, he rallied all his forces and started on a larger scale, at his present location, where his operations have been crowned with marked success. Today, Mr. Rudy not only owns the elevator at Covington, but one as well at Bloomer, Ohio, which is operated by his son-in- law, Russell Helman, and owns several large farms, which are operated by renters in Miami county. Whatever may be his success, and it is not inconsiderable, it has been attained through the medium of his own efforts and by strictly legitimate dealing which has given him a substantial standing in the confidence of his associates and those with whom he has come into contact in a business way. Mr. Rudy married Dora M., daughter of Ezekiel Kendall, of Covington, and to this union there have been born eleven children, all living: William, who was in the United States service during the World war for eleven months at Camp Knox, Camp Taylor and Camp Stetson, Louisville Ky., and now is connected with railroad work at Bradford, Ohio; James and Albert, operating the elevator at Covington, Ohio; Alvy, who is working for James and Albert; George, who is at home and the youngest of the family; Nellie, who married Russell Helman, associated with the elevator business at Bloomer; Ethel and Dora,; who are unmarried and reside with their parents; and Alice and Olleta Fern, who are still attending school, and Susana, who is also attending school, and is a proficient violinist. While his career as a business man has been a decidedly busy one, entailing close attention to his interests, Mr. Rudy has always taken an active part in local affairs as a citizen and has aided good movements promising the advancement of the public welfare. For two years he belonged to the Covington City Council, where he gave a good account of his executive ability and worked constructively in behalf of his city and fellow citizens. As an active member and liberal supporter of the United Brethren church, he took a very active part in the movement which resulted in the erection of the magnificent edifice of that denomination at Covington.

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