Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Samuel McCurdy, one of the prosperous agriculturists of Concord township, and one who belongs to the self-made class of successful men, was born in Ireland, and is a son of Samuel and Eliza (Barr) McCurdy. He was about one year old when brought to the United States, his parents first settling at Allentown, Pa., and three years later removing to Troy, Ohio, the trip from Cincinnati to the latter point being made by canal boat. In the vicinity of Troy the parents purchased a farm of eighty acres, in Concord township, and there the parents passed the rest of their lives, the father dying in 1894, at the age of eighty-eight years, while the mother passed away when eighty years of age. There were ten children in the family, of whom eight are still living. Samuel McCurdy the younger acquired his education in the district schools of Concord township, and was reared to the pursuits of agriculture, in which he has always been engaged. Through industry and intelligent management of his affairs he has become one of the prosperous farmers of his township, where he is the owner of a highly-improved and very productive tract of 272 1/2 acres. On this property are to be found substantial buildings, notably several commodious barns, built by Mr. McCurdy himself. Mr. McCurdy married Susan, daughter, of Robert Correy, she being a native of Concord township, born and reared on the present McCurdy farm. To this union there were born ten children: Charles, who died at the age of twenty-two years; Samuel, who is his father's associate in cultivating the home farm; Joseph H., also working with his father; Mary, who is unmarried and lives with her parents; Jennie, the wife of Bert Billingsly, a farmer of Miami county; Rosa, the wife of Fred Williams, also a farmer of this county; Bessie, unmarried, residing with her parents; William Roy, an engineer of Dayton; Walter T., who is employed at Chicago, and John, who met death at a railroad crossing when twenty-seven years of age. Two of these sons have seen service overseas during the great World war. William Roy McCurdy joined the United States Navy and served about two years. Walter T. McCurdy joined the aviation corps, was under fire in France, and after the signing of the armistice was sent to Coblenz, Germany. In the meantime, at home Joseph McCurdy was serving on various war committees, Samuel McCurdy and his son, Samuel, Jr., were also assisting through contributions and cooperation,, and Mrs. McCurdy and her daughters were working loyally in behalf of the Red Cross.

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