Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Stanley R. Smith, senior member of the firm of Smith & Parsons, proprietors of a garage and dealers in farm implements at Tippecanoe City, is one of the energetic and substantial business men of his community. He was born in Staunton township, Miami county, July 27, 1874, a son of Robert R. and Jane (Snyder) Smith. His father, a native of England, immigrated to the United States in young manhood, and during the Civil war joined an Ohio contingent of 100-day men. Later he engaged in agricultural pursuits in Miami county in which he continued to be occupied until his retirement from active, affairs, and since then has been making his home with his son, Stanley R. He and his wife, who is now deceased, were the parents of nine children, of whom six are still living. Stanley R. Smith received his education in the country schools and grew up as a farmer's son. He spent about five years in farming after reaching manhood and then became a salesman of farm implements for his brother-in-law, R. H. Deam, of Phoneton, for whom he worked for ten years. Next, Mr. Smith entered the employ of the International Harvester Company, as a traveling salesman and continued to be thus employed for ten years. In 1918 he embarked in the garage and implement business at Tippecanoe City, where he first bought a half interest from Mr. Snell, and after three months bought out his partner, and took as his associate Mr. Parsons, with whom he has since been in partnership under the firm style of Smith & Parsons. The concern conducts a large garage and salesroom, acts as agent for the Chevrolet and Oldsmobile automobiles, and handles a complete and up-to-date line of farm implements, automobile accessories, tires, etc. Under excellent management the business is prospering greatly and is now recognized as a reliable commercial adjunct of the city's business interests. Mr. Smith is a man of energy, progressive ideas and acknowledged ability, and his long experience in the implement business makes him thoroughly familiar with all its principles. In addition to the Oldsmobile, the firm handles Chevrolet cars and during the period that it has handled these two makes has had numerous sales, with a consequent number of added friends as represented by satisfied customers. Mr. Smith first married Alta Welch, daughter of J. W. Welch, of New Carlisle, Ohio, and they had one son, Russell, now identified with the International Harvester Company. During the World war, Russell Smith enlisted in the United States Aviation corps, in which he served about one year, being stationed first at Columbus, later at Kelly Flying Field, Tex., and finally at Fort Sill, Okla. The present Mrs. Smith was formerly Ella, daughter of Levi Short, of Troy, Ohio, and they have three children: Iris, Mildred and Janette. Mr. Smith is a popular member of the local lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Masons, and holds membership in the United Commercial Travelers. He has always exemplified good citizenship and during the war period was a contributor to all movements for the accumulation of war funds.

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