Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    In Andrew Smith, of the firm of Fisher & Smith, Piqua has a business man who conforms his activities to high standards and who is advancing to prosperity on qualities of industry, good judgment and perseverance. He was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, February 13, 1874, a son of Andrew and Julia (Stroefer) Smith, and was educated in the public schools of Piqua, to which place his parents had moved when he was a child. After leaving school, he mastered the harness-maker's trade, and later joined in partnership C. G. Fisher, under the firm name of Fisher & Smith. This business has since grown to be one of marked prominence at Piqua, being widely known for its excellent line of leather goods, harness and automobile accessories. Mr. Smith is an earnest, painstaking gentleman, a business man of solid and reliable qualities, and a man whose integrity and worth are known and appreciated by a wide circle of friends. He married Miss Caroline Frances Graef, of Piqua, and they have one son, Stephen. While Mr. Smith is essentially a merchant and has little desire for political prestige or public prominence, he is likewise a good citizen who takes an active interest in local affairs and supports good measures to the limit of his abilities. During the war period he was generous in his contributions to the movements that were formulated to insure the success of American arms. As a fraternalist he has been active for some years , and at present holds membership in the local lodges of the Knights of Pythias, Masons and Improved Order of Red Men, in all of which he has numerous friends. With Mrs. Smith, he belongs to the Presbyterian church.

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