Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Louis V. Priller, one of the progressive business citizens of Tippecanoe City, where he is engaged in the conduct of a flourishing meat market in association with his brother, Charles, is a native of Indianapolis and a son of George J. Priller. A history of the Priller family will be found in this work in the sketch of Albert Priller, of Piqua. George J. Priller was for some years engaged in the meat business at Indianapolis, whence he went to Dayton and founded a similar enterprise. Later, members of the family entered the same line in various communities, so that the family name is prominently identified with this line of business endeavor. Louis V. Priller secured his educational training in the public schools of Piqua, and practically grew up in the meat business, which he learned in all its details under the tutelage of his experienced father. Coming to Tippecanoe City with his brother Charles, he bought the meat business formerly conducted by Carl Frings, and this has since been built up to large proportions. Another brother conducts an establishment at Troy, while still another is at the head of a similar business at Piqua, all of these being large and growing concerns. The Tippecanoe City establishment is one that caters to the best people of the city, carrying a full and complete line of choice meats and such other products usually found in modern, first-class meat markets. The brothers are courteous and obliging, thorough masters of their trade and possessed of excellent business qualities, and these things have combined to make their venture successful and popular with the public. During the period of the World war the brothers were generous contributors to all war measures and movements, while in civic affairs they have displayed their good citizenship by a public-spirited support of worthy civic enterprises. They have a number of business, social and fraternal connections, and are greatly esteemed by those with whom they have come into contact. Louis V. Priller married Miss Marlah Lawrence, of Tippecanoe City. Charles Priller is also married, and both brothers own pleasant homes at Tippecanoe City. The firm of Priller Brothers consists of Frank C., Louis V. and Charles.

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