Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Frank Corr Montross. The lumber interests of Miami county are well and worthily represented at Troy by Frank Corr Montross, junior member of the Francis Montross Lumber Company. Mr. Montross as born at Sloan, Woodbury county, Iowa, a son of G. D. and Ida May (Corr) Montross, the former a well-known pharmacist of Sloan, and the latter a niece of judge Edwin Corr, of the Supreme Court of Indiana. There were five children in the family: Lila, George Lloyd, Marie, who was formerly a high school teacher; Grace, and Frank Corr. Frank C. Montross was given good educational advantages, for after he had attended the graded and high schools at Sloan, Iowa, he went to college at Grinnell, Iowa, for two years, and completed his educational training at the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor. He received his introduction to the lumber business in Nebraska, from where he went to Sioux City, Iowa, and there applied himself to the business until coming to Troy, in 1914. At that time he formed a partnership with W. H. Francis, who has been well known as a lumberman and financier of this community for many years. The Francis Montross Lumber Company has enjoyed a steady and healthy growth and is at this time accounted one of the thriving and prosperous business institutions of this enterprising community. Mr. Montross has impressed himself upon his associates as a man of marked business capacity, who is thoroughly familiar with every detail of the lumber trade. He married Sarah Lorene, daughter of Joseph E. Robbins, of Sac City, Iowa, whose other four children were: Eva, Joseph, Clementine and Clarence. To Mr. and Mrs. Montross there has been born one daughter, Sarah Elizabeth. Mr. Montross is a Mason and has numerous business, social and civic connections.

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