Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Jacob Schaffer was born in Germany January 11, 1832, and was reared to manhood upon a farm. Determining to try his fortune in America, where he believed better opportunities were afforded young men than in the older countries of Europe, he bade adieu to home and friends in 1855, taking passage on a sailing vessel, which, after a voyage of thirty-eight days, reached the harbor of New York. He at once made his way westward, locating in Darke county, Ohio, where he was employed as a farm hand until 1865. He afterward worked at the bricklayer's trade for one year, and in 1869 he purchased the farm upon which he now lives. He first bought but ten acres, but has added to his place from time to time until he now owns a valuable tract of seventy-eight and a half acres, situated on section 12, Spring Creek township. He has made all the improvements upon his place, and the buildings stand as monuments to his thrift and enterprise. He carries on general farming and makes a specialty of the raising of tobacco, and by his well directed efforts has won a place among the substantial citizens of his community.

    In 1865 Mr. Schaffer was united in marriage to Catherine Mass, who was born in Strausburg, Germany, in 1842. Her father, Joseph Mass, came to America in 1851, crossing the Atlantic to New Orleans, whence he made his way up the river to Cincinnati, Ohio. The voyage across the Atlantic had been made in a sailing vessel, which reached the harbor six weeks after Weighing anchor at the French port. After a few months spent in Cincinnati Mr. Mass came to Piqua, where he followed the carpenter's trade twelve years. He then purchased one hundred and fifteen acres of land in Shelby county and turned his attention to farming. Fourteen children were born of the marriage of Mr. Schaffer and Catherine Mass, but eight of the number are now deceased. Those still living are Mary, Jacob, Annie, Lee, Willie and Benjamin. Jacob was married in 1898 and lives in Shelby county, Ohio.

    During the civil war Mr. Schaffer manifested his loyalty to his adopted land by entering the country's service in September, 1861, as a private in a regiment of Ohio light artillery. He joined Battery M and was mustered in at Camp Dennison for three years, participating in the engagements at Stone River, Chickamauga, those of the siege of Atlanta, Jonesboro and Lovejoy Station. After the last named he returned to Atlanta, and at Camp Dennison he was honorably discharged on the 3d of December, 1865. He was ever loyal to the old flag and the cause it represented, and is now a valued member of Foster's Command, U. V. U., and the Grand Army Post at Piqua. At all times he has favored the movements and measures which have promoted the general good, and he is a consistent member of the Catholic church.

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