Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    One of the native sons of Ohio, Isaac Mumford was born in Pike township, Clark county, on the 28th of February, 1847, his parents being George and Ruth Ann (Martin) Mumford, whose history appears elsewhere in this volume. The first twelve years of his life were spent in the county of his nativity, and he then came to Elizabeth township, Miami county, remaining with his father until twenty-five years of age. His boyhood days were passed in the usual manner of farmer lads, the duties of the school-room occupying his attention during the winter months, while in the summer season he assisted in the work of the farm. When twenty-five years of age he was married, the lady of his choice being Miss Almira Tower, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth. They began their domestic life on their present farm, which was given Mr. Mumford by his father. It was the old Arthur Vandevere place, and had been in the possession of the Vandevere family from the earliest period of development in this section of Ohio. It comprises one hundred and forty-seven acres of rich land, the greater part of which is now under the plow, the well tilled fields yielding to him a golden return for his efforts. Mr. Mumford follows advanced methods of farming, understands the necessity of rotating crops and cultivates his land and garners his harvests with the aid of the latest improved machinery. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Mumford has been blessed with three children, all of whom are now married: Walter, who wedded Hattie Buchanan, operates the home farm, and has one child, John Isaac, born February 1, 1900; Clara Belle is the wife of H. V. Shroyer, of Bethel township, and has two children, Marie and Hazel; Addie May is the wife of Mack Snider of Alcony, and has one child, Myra Alice, born February 16, 1900. Mr. Mumford and his family attend the Universalist church at Alcony, and in social circles they occupy an enviable position. In politics he is a Re- publican, having always cast his ballot for the men and measures of that party. He is frequently seen in its conventions and takes a deep interest in its growth and success. For nine years he has served as constable, discharging his duties in a very creditable manner, and in the spring of 1900 was re-elected for a term of three years.

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