Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Before Ohio was admitted to the Union representatives of the Sinks family came to this state. The grandfather, who resided in North Carolina, started westward and crossing the mountains with a team arrived in Ohio in 1798. He was the first one to make a location north of Dayton and he had to cut his way through the woods to the farm which he selected. His home was located about twelve miles from Dayton, where he secured a tract of government land, upon which he erected a log cabin. He was accompanied by his son, Andrew Sinks, the father of our subject, who was born in North Carolina, but spent a part of his youth in this state. After arriving at years of maturity he married Miss Emily Yount and then located upon a farm where Jacob Sinks was born and reared. They lived in true pioneer style and experienced many of the hardships and privations of frontier life. The mother often rode to Dayton on horseback to procure a sack of flour or meal. The father continued the arduous task of developing the land and in course of time he became the owner of an extensive, and valuable farm. He died at the advanced age of eighty-six years. They were consistent members of the Christian church and in that faith reared their family. They had twelve children, namely: Elizabeth, Enoch, George, Frederick, Alexander, Henry, Rosanna, Andy Y., Noah, William, Ira and Jacob. All of the children reached mature years and were married. The four youngest are still living.

    Mr. Sinks, of this review, was born in Butler township, Montgomery county, on the 1st day of March, 1832, and spent his boyhood days in the usual manner of farmer lads, aiding in the work of the fields and meadows through the summer months, while in the winter season he pursued his education in the common schools of the neighborhood. He remained in Butler township, Montgomery county, until twenty-three years of age, when he was married and began the operation of a saw-mill, which he conducted for a year of two. He then purchased a farm of eighty acres in Montgomery county, just across the township line from Miami county, and lived there until 1892, when he came to Tippecanoe City. He still owns one hundred and five acres of land in Butler township and a valuable tract of eighty acres in Monroe township, Miami county. He successfully carried on farming for a number of years, but now he is retired, enjoying a rest which he has truly earned and richly deserves.

    Mr. Sinks was married, January 25, 1855, to Miss Phoebe Macy, and they had three children: Emma, wife of George Smith; Perry, who is still living on his father's farm, and Ella, wife of Eli Saunders, of Tippecanoe City. The mother died in 1863, and in 1865 Mr. Sinks was again married, his second union being with Miss Elizabeth Tenney, by whom he had two children, Lettie and Nellie, both now deceased. His second wife died in 1870, and on the 3d of October, 1872, Mr. Sinks married Clarissa Macy, a sister of his first wife. They have one child, Annie, who married Luther Weaver. Mr. Sinks is a member of the Christian church, and in politics has always been a Republican, unswerving in his support of the principles of the party. He has witnessed almost the entire growth of this county and in the community where he has resided has been known as a worthy citizen. His prosperity has resulted from his well-directed efforts and he certainly deserves the rest which has come to him in his declining years.

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