Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    George W. Routson, who owns and operates sixty-two acres of land on sections 21 and 27, Staunton Township, and is prominently connected with the educational interests of this community, was born in Newberry township, Miami county, December 7, 1861. The family was founded in this county by George Routson, the grandfather of our subject, who came from Maryland in 1832, and located in Newberry township, and there, August 5, 1833, occurred the birth of Reuben Routson, the father, who first opened his eyes to the light of day on the farm which was the birthplace of our subject. The last named was reared upon the old family homestead, and in the common schools acquired his education, manifesting special aptitude in his studies. Subsequently he engaged in teaching and followed that profession until 1886, when he became a student in Wittenberg College, there remaining until 1888. He then resumed teaching and was thus connected with the schools of his native township for seven years, when he accepted the position of superintendent in the schools of Casstown. On the expiration of one year he resigned that position in order to become principal of the schools of Covington, where he also remained for one year. He then spent one year as a teacher in the school at North Clayton, after which he purchased and located upon his present farm in Staunton township.

    On the 2Ist of July, 1892, Mr. Routson was married to Miss Angeline Branson, a daughter of D. C. Branson, and a native of Newberry township. Since he located on his farm, Mr. Routson has served as superintendent of the schools of Staunton township. He has also filled the office of justice of the peace a portion of one year, but resigned his position because the duties thereof interfered with his school work. During the summer months he devoted his energies to the care and operation of the farm and has made it a valuable property, its neat appearance indicating his sagacious supervision.

    In politics he is a Democrat, and in religious belief is a Lutheran. Mr. Routson is known as a very capable educator who has the ability to impart clearly and readily to others the knowledge he has acquired. He is a man of scholarly attainments and he has given considerable thought and attention to the questions now occupying the public mind, and his life is actuated by broad humanitarian principles.

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