Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Henry Spitler, retired, Covington, a native of Pennsylvania; was born in Lebanon Co. in 1811; raised on a farm, and has followed farming with the exception of the past twelve years. He came to Miami Co. in 1849 and settled about five miles northwest of Covington, where he remained until 1869, when he purchased a residence in Covington, to which he removed and retired from active labor. In 1872, he, in company with Wilkerson Pierson and John Shuman, opened a bank in Covington, which is now known as the Stillwater Valley Bank. They began with $35,000 cash capital. At one time, Mr. Spittler held all the stock, except about $1,000, and has been its principal stockholder during all its existence. The bank was managed with such perfect honesty and stability that it passed safely through the crisis of 1873, and has been growing in the confidence and patronage of the people ever since. Its history is given more completely elsewhere, and need not, therefore, be repeated here. Mr. Spittler has been successful both as a farmer and banker, and is now a valuable citizen. He was married in Pennsylvania to Susan Banner, they have reared eleven children, eight of whom are now living; all are married; five are residents of this county; two are in Indiana, and one in Missouri. Mrs. Spittler's death occurred here March 7, 1870.

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