Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association

    A. W. MILES

    A. W. Miles, confectioner, grocer and Postmaster, Tippecanoe City; was born in Newton Township, this county, Nov. 27, 1839, and is the son of Wade and grandson of Jonathan Miles, one of Newton Township's first settlers. Wade was a native of same place, and a farmer by occupation; he was married twice, first to Mary Tucker, of this county, and second to Malinda Hayes, nee Thomas; eight children were born of the first, and one child of the second marriage; a son and two daughters are dead. The subject of this sketch is the second child of the family, he was brought up on the farm, and educated in the common school. He assisted in the duties of the farm till his father's death, and one year after this, began the profession of teaching, which he continued till 1858; in the fall of 1858, he entered a dry-goods store as clerk, and continued here till the outbreak of the late rebellion, when, at the first call for troops, he responded, and entered the army as a member of the 11th O. V. I., Co. H, in which he served till the close of the war, a period of four years three months and five days; enlisted as a private and was promoted to Corp; Commissary, which office he held when mustered out participated in the hard-fought battles of second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, around Chattanooga, Atlanta campaign, besides numerous skirmishes; was with Sherman to the sea, in the campaign of South Carolina, at close of the war, and from latter place went to Washington City, and then to Louisville Ky., where he was mustered out; he returned to Tippecanoe and engaged as clerk in a dry-goods store till May, 1868, when he became clerk in the post office, and in May, 1869, received appointment as Postmaster, which position he has since filled with fidelity and satisfaction to the public. In connection with the post office, he keeps a full line of fancy groceries and confectionery. His motto is excellence in quality, integrity in transactions, low prices and quick sales. He finds his political views in the Republican party, and has frequently held the office of Township Trustee. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. and M. R. A. of this place, and also a member and clerk of the Baptist Church of this place. He was married in January 7 1867, to Mary C. Wesler, of this county, who died last February, leaving four sons. a son and a daughter having previously died.

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