Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Coffman and Spencer, grocers, Tippecanoe City; one of the leading firms of Tippecanoe. Edward Coffman, member of above firm, was born in Montgomery Co., Ohio, Sept. 10, 1844, and is the son of Jesse and Eliza (McCord) Coffman, both natives of Pennsylvania. Jesse was a cooper by trade, and emigrated to Ohio in 1833, locating first in Little York, Montgomery Co., and subsequently in West Milton, for a short time, and finally in Dayton, where his death occurred in 1859 ; he had four sons and five daughters, two of whom have died, one son in the late civil war. Our subject is the sixth child of the family, and was reared and schooled in the city of Dayton ; at the latter place he was engaged as a clerk in a hotel, and one year ago came to Tippecanoe City and has since been doing a large trade in the grocery business he is located in Room 2, Chaffee's Block, where he keeps the largest stock of groceries in the city, and, judging from the appearance of the goods in his large and spacious room, he fully understands his business. Their motto is, excellence in quality, integrity in transactions, low prices and quick sales. Mr. C. is connected with another grocery in Dayton, Ohio, under the same firm style. He married Miss Louisa Spencer, of Dayton, Ohio, in 1871, and has one child, a daughter, 7 years old. Mr. C. finds expression for his political views in the Republican party.

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