Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    Mrs. Margaret McWilliams; P. O. Piqua daughter of Absalom and Amelia (Israel) Martin. Mr. Martin was a Captain under Gen. Wayne, and remembering the attractions of the Miami Valley, sought a home here; they came to Miami Co. about 1839, and resided near Piqua until their decease. The subject of this sketch was born near Martin's Ferry, Ohio, April 8, 1808. Was married there to Samuel McWilliams, Feb. 3, 1823; they removed to Wayne Co. about 1830, and came to this county about 1840. Mr. McWilliams was born near Martin's Ferry Aug. 4, 1805; he was a miller, and followed milling a short time then boated several years, after which he was for many years engaged in buying, improving, renting and selling residence property in Piqua his decease occurred here, March 14, 1880 ; Mrs. McWilliams survives him; her residence is on the corner of High street and Broadway, where a married granddaughter, with two great-grandchildren, reside under the same roof with her.

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