Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    CHARLES B. MAIER, who is engaged in the carriage, buggy, harness and horse supply business at Covington, is a leading citizen of Newberry Township, of which he is one of the trustees. He was born on a farm in Newberry Township, Miami County, Ohio, October 20, 1862, and is a son of Eberhart and Louisa Maier.

    The parents of Mr. Maier were both born in Germany but their marriage took place in America. In 1864 they moved from Newberry to Newton Township, where the father died four years later, leaving his widow with a family of little children. This devoted mot her gave all her energies to the keeping of her family together and remained on the home farm until each one was grown. This estimable woman, now in her eighty-third year, resides at Springfield, Ohio, where she has many friends.

    Charles B. Maier was six years old when his father died. His capable mother reared him carefully, teaching him habits of thrift and encouraging him both at school and in the performance of his farm duties. For a number of years he followed farming, acquiring the home place of 129 acres, all but forty-five acres in Newberry Township, lying in Newton Township. His wife owns a farm of twenty acres adjoining. His farm land is now rented, his business interests at Covington requiring his presence in the city, which has been his home since 1907. On January 5, 1904, Mr. Maier and family went to California and spent a whole year in that State but came back to Ohio better satisfied with their native place than ever. Mr. Maier has been engaged in his present business since October, 1906, having bought out J. G. Wetzel. Mr. Maier married Miss Emma Price, a daughter of Isaac Price, and they have two children: Arthur J. and Walter L.

    Mr. Maier has always been an active citizen, taking an interest in both township and city affairs. In the fall of 1907 he was elected on the Democratic ticket, a trustee of Newberry Township, with a majority of 214 votes, although it is normally Republican. He assumed the duties of the office on January 1, 1908, the other members of the board being Harry Fox and John Weheman. Mr. Maier is identified with the order of Odd Fellows.

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