Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    JAMES MOTT, deceased, formerly one of Newberry Township's prominent citizens and highly respected men, was born on a farm in Darke County, Ohio, and died on his farm in Newberry Township, Miami County, in 1895. His parents were Zachariah and Mary Mott.

    The late James Mott was left motherless when he was but a babe and he was cared for a short time in the home of Samuel Wise, near Bradford, Miami County, after which he made his home until manhood with his brother Abraham. He learned to work hard in boyhood and was always a busy man, following farming as his main occupation, coming into possession of the fine old Elmore farm of 160 acres. He was a good farmer and took pride in his property and the splendid residence, now occupied by his only daughter and husband, he put up during his active years. He was a stanch Democrat in his political views, but when be was elected to township offices he served entirely without bias and there are those who assert that no more able or honest trustee ever was elected in Newberry Township than was James Mott. He married Anna Elmore, who survived him but two years. She was a daughter of Joseph Elmore and was born on the farm on which she and husband lived and which is now the property of J. F. Etter and wife. Two children only were born to them, the one survivor, being Nannie, who is the wife of J. F. Etter.

    Mr. Etter was born at Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, and came to Miami County when eleven years old, with his parents, James and Susanna Etter. Mr. Etter manages the farm on which he and wife reside, but does not cultivate it, having it rented. Mr. and Mrs. Etter have two children: Mae, who is the wife of Edwin Grove; and James, who is in the employ of the Government as railway clerk. running between Indianapolis and Pittsburg. He married Lo Dollinger and has four children: Francis, Lois, Robert and Ruth. Mrs. Etter was reared in the Christian Church, her father being a consistent member and for years a trustee of the Greenville Creek Church.

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