Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    C. W. NETTLESHIP, a substantial business man and representative citizen of Piqua, Ohio, conducts a grocery at No..827 West north Street, and has been engaged in business in this city since May 1, 1901. Mr. Nettleship was born in Shelby County, Ohio, in 1865, an was there reared to maturity and received his training at the grocery business, with which he has always been identified. He remained in his native county until 1894, then moved to Dayton, where he successfully conducted a store until 1902. On May 1st of that year, he moved to Piqua and established the store which he has since conducted. He is a man of tireless energy and good business judgment and his progress in the business world has been steady. He erected the store building occupied by his grocery on West North Street, and is also the owner of two other good buildings which he erected.

    Mr. Nettleship was married May 1, 1902 to Miss Bertha Schmmell, who was born in Newark, New Jersey, and came west to Piqua with her parents when quite young. Religiously, she is a member of St. Paul's church. Mr. Nettleship is a man of wide acquaintance and is most highly esteemed by his fellow citizens.

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