Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


Click for photo of David C. Manning and wife

    DAVID C. MANNING, one of the most respected among the elderly residents of Brown Township, where he is now living retired from active life, was born in the northeast corner of this township February 3, 1835, son of Major Clarkson and Phoebe (Corey) Manning. His paternal grandfather, Isaac Manning, was of German descent, and was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, serving with Washington's army at the battle of Trenton.

    Clarkson Manning was born in Warren Township, Somerset County, New Jersey, August 15, 1794. He was early trained to farm labor, and, the school of his district being some two miles away, his educational opportunities were in consequence very limited. In September, 1814, he was drafted, and served as a private under Captain John Logan, his company forming a part of the troops detailed for the guarding of New York Bay and being stationed in the vicinity of Sandy Hook. During this service he opened fire on some British vessels that were approaching, but which thereupon retreated. From that time, it is said, he was known by the title of major (the major of the company being sick, he had served in his place); he retained this title to the end of his life. His military service was short, as he was discharged in Jersey City in December of the same year 1814. In later years he received two land warrants from the Government, one of forty and another of 120 acres, which were obtained for him by Squire Duncan, of Fletcher.

    On March 18, 1818, Major Manning married Phoebe Corey, who was born in New Jersey, January 7, 1791. Early in the following June they started in a two-horse wagon for Ohio, heading for Lebanon, Warren County. On arriving there they remained a short time, and then went to Middletown. Here they stopped until April, 1819, when they emigrated to Miami County and entered land in Section 3, Brown Township. While his family and belongings found shelter at the nearest neighbors, some four miles away, Major Manning went to work to erect a habitation, building a log cabin l8x20 feet and opening up a road, to his property. He then took possession with his family, and soon all were engaged in the strenuous work of developing a good farm out of the rough and wild land on which they had settled. This took a number of years, but was finally accomplished. In l824, on the prospect of a new road being opened up to pass by his farm, Major Manning built a hewed-log house, which was one of the best in the township and was the first house taxed by the county; it was also the only one with a shingle roof in Brown Township. In this the family resided until 1833, at which time the Major erected a brick house on the Lena Pike. Here he spent the rest of his life, which was prolonged to his ninety- fourth year, his death taking place April 12, l887, as the result of a fall on the ice several weeks previous. His wife attained a still greater longevity, dying in her ninety-seventh year, about eighteen weeks before her husband. At the time of her death they had enjoyed almost sixty-eight years of happy married life together, a remarkable record, which few are privileged to repeat. To their latest days they were well preserved and intelligent old people, who took an interest in what was going on around them and kept informed with respect to the leading events of the day. In politics Mr. Manning was a Jacksonian Democrat. He accompanied his wife to the Leatherwood Baptist Church, of which she was a member. Mrs. Manning was an active church worker, a true and loyal woman and of a good and highly respectable family.

    Major Manning and his wife were the parents of seven children, as follows: Parkus, who died at the age of nine years; Elsie Anna, now deceased, who was the wife of David Counts and lived in Fletcher; Isaac, who died at the age of forty years, on his farm near Lena, in Champaign County; Johanna, who married John Hair, and died in Fulton County, Illinois; Mary Jane, widow of William Wooley, and a resident of Palestine, Ohio,; John, who died at the age of eighteen years; and David Corey, whose name appears at the head of this sketch.

    David Corey Manning was reared on the home farm and educated in the common schools of his neighborhood. When about twenty years of age he took a trip through northern Indiana, southern Michigan, central Illinois and Iowa, looking for a favorable location on which to settle. He purchased some land in Benton County, Iowa, but subsequently disposed of it with out having settled thereon. During the Civil War he took another trip, this time, going east, overseeing a few loads of stock, and also visiting some friends in Plainfield, New Jersey. In 1865 he took charge of a steam sawmill north of Conover, and operated it until it was destroyed by fire, some three years later. In 1868 he purchased a farm in Brown Township from Daniel H. Knoop, which comprised seventy-seven and a half acres. This he paid for within ten years. He made excellent improvements on the property, including the erection of substantial farm buildings. At his father's death he became administrator of the property, dividing the land according to his father's wishes. He received forty acres of the old homestead, and afterwards purchased his sister's interest, also consisting of forty acres. He was engaged for many years in agricultural pursuits, being one of the most progressive and successful farmers in this vicinity. A few years ago he retired, and is spending his life on his home farm, known as Fruit Hill farm.

    Mr. Manning was married February 5, 1857, to Miss Caroline Throckmorton, of Brown Township, a daughter of George and Sarah (Lafferty) Throckmorton, who were New Jersey people. George Throckmorton, who was a carpenter by trade, came to Ohio with his parents and was married in Warren County. For some time he and his family resided in Piqua, but afterwards settled on a farm in Brown Township, where he made his home for a number of years. He removed to Clinton County, where he spent three years, but afterwards returned and purchased a farm adjoining his old place in Brown Township. Here he died, but in the meanwhile had resided for a brief interval at Conover. His daughter, Mrs. Manning, was born in the homestead, October 25, 1838.

    Mr. and Mrs. David C. Manning have been the parents of two children: George D. and Charles E. The former, whose death occurred October 23, 1904, was an agriculturist and school teacher, being one of the best known educators in the county. He was married and was an enterprising and useful citizen, whose untimely demise was much regretted by the entire community. His brother, Charles E. Manning, residing in this township, is also married and is a successful farmer.

    Mr. Manning is a Democrat in political faith, but has taken little active part in politics. He was, however, elected trustee to fill an unexpired term of six months, was re-elected to the same office for one year and subsequently for three years more, his election being a voluntary expression of the confidence of his fellow citizens, as he had not solicited the office. On his father- in-law's death Mr. Manning successfully and satisfactorily settled the latter's estate. He was formerly active in the work of the Grange, and at various times held office therein. At the present time he is enjoying the repose which he has well earned by a life of industry and usefulness that has been marked by fidelity to every trust reposed in him. He now rents out his former farm and is one of the most esteemed among the older residents of Fletcher and township generally.

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