Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers -- Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association


    H. T. Gabriel. In business circles of Troy, Ohio, the name of H. T. Gabriel is associated with commercial integrity and soundness land representative, and public-spirited citizenship. Mr. Gabriel, who is the proprietor of a flourishing shoe business, was born at Piqua, Ohio, April 12, 1869, being a son of Milton and Marion (Garvey) Gabriel. Milton Gabriel served as a private in the Union Army during the war between the States, having enlisted with a contingent from Miami county. He and his wife were the, parents of a family of five children. H. T. Gabriel was educated in the public schools of Troy, to which community he had been brought as a child, and upon the completion of his studies at once became interested in the shoe business. For a time, he was variously employed as clerk and salesman, and then associated himself in business with M. E. Baird and later with George M. Clyde, the firm becoming known as The Gabriel Shoe Company, with Charles Rastron and E. G. Vogel as interested parties. This business has been built up to large proportions and Mr. Gabriel occupies a deservedly high place in the estimation of his associates in the business world. He is a member of the Troy and Rotary clubs and is fraternally affiliated with the local lodge of the Knights of Pythias, in which he has numerous friends. As a citizen he has always faithfully and fully discharged his duties, and during the period of the recent great war active in all the measures promulgated and assisted in filling the count y war chest. Mrs. Gabriel, who was formerly Miss Nellie Clyde, daughter of W. J. Clyde, of Troy, was prominent in all the women's activities during the war.

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