Didjano….. that
Short St
is not the shortest street in town?
Short Street runs from
Water Street
to La Fayette and Drury intersection, it’s about 5 blocks long and runs along
the north side of the court house. Off the top of your head do you know of a
shorter street? Maybe you could think of one that’s two blocks long or even a
block long.
Do you know where
Browns Drive
is? Even if you’ve traveled
Dye Mill Rd.
you could miss it. You would have to look pretty hard to even read the street
sign, not because it’s hidden by shrubs or trees, as some are, but because the
sign has weathered over the years and has not been maintained. The first time I
saw it I was amazed because of its location.
While I was out photographing old houses, I pulled over and stopped under the
sign. I didn’t realize the significance of this until I was writing down the
address of the building I was in front of. The address on the buildings sign was
Browns Dr.
it was Dye Mill.
So there was a street sign that was, on all appearances the drive way for
the water plant. I guess you figured that out by now. So, how long is this
street? I don’t know because it’s not on any street maps or plot maps.
It’s not even a block long by all indications it’s an entrance to the water
plants parking lot which is off to the left as you enter the street, or
“Drive” as it designates itself.
What’s this got to do with local history? Nothing of great significance,
but it is an interesting little tidbit for the trivia fan.
Browns Dr
City of
Treatment Plant
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