Miami Union

April 12, 1879

ROCKEY, JACOB - A MISTAKE - The papers last week--ours among them--had an account of the burning to death, the Tuesday night previous, of  Mr. Jacob Rockey, near Addison, Champaign County, at a log heap between Addison--where he had been that afternoon--and his own residence.  The accounts further stated that Mr. R. was intoxicated at the time.  This is now believed to be a mistake.  No evidence that he was under the influence of liquor at the time he left Addison was adducted before the Coroner.  On the other hand reliable gentlemen of that town, who saw him just as he left for home--only a mile and a quarter distant--say that he was then entirely sober.  As he had no liquor with him, and could not have procured any on the road, his neighbors and friends do not, for a moment, credit the report that he was at all intoxicated, and utterly repudiate this explanation of the occurrence.  They are strongly inclined to the belief that there was some foul play connected with Mr. R.'s sad death.  We make the foregoing statement on the authority, and at the request of a member of Mr. Rockey's family.

see George Rockey

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