from the 1909 History of
Miami County Ohio
by Thomas Harbaugh
There is a tradition to the effect that the term "LostCreek' originated
back in the days of the red man. It is asserted, with what degree of truth
none can say at this late day, that an Indian once lost his bearings along
the stream now called Lost Creek. When accosted by a friendly settler who
observed the Indian's state of mind, the brave replied that not only was
the Indian lost, but the creek as well, hence the name Lost Creek, which
the stream bears to the present day, as well as the township through which
it flows. The county commissioners at their session on December 10, 1818
decreed that a certain area bounded on the north by Brown Township, on
the south by Elizabeth and on the east by Jackson Township in Champaign
County should be called Lost Creek. Prior to this time, in fact as early
as 1804, Willis Northcutt and John Rogers had settled within this area.
Later General John Webb and Alexander McDowell Sr., two men who had taken
part in the War of 1812, entered the township and permanently located there.
Some of the early records of Lost Creek have been lost, but enough is known
to say that John Lenon, George W. Green, and James Buckles were the first
duly elected trustees, and that J. K. McFarland acted as clerk. The first
township election was held at the home of George Puterbaugh, near the site
of the now demolished Lost Creek Baptist Church. Very few' votes were polled.
There was no "log rolling," as now, and the ballots were bits
of white paper, the names of the candidates being written in ink. From
this first election, almost a century ago, sprang the government of Lost
Creek Township. Among the old settlers of Lost Creek Township-not in the
order of their arrival, for that is impossible to give-were Elisha Webb,
Asa Rogers, Abram Cromer, James Buckles, Timothy Green, James Frazee, George
Green, Willis Northcutt, John W. Martin, Willis Hance, Benjamin Hance,
Giles Johnson, Allen Ralston, William Babb, Daniel Knoop, John Wilson,
William Burton, Thomas Sliidler, Henry Whitmore, William Wallace, Richard
Palmer, W. C. Knight, William Saunders, John Lenon, David Archer, Jonathan
Yates, Reuben Westfall, John Darst, Thomas Stretch, Joseph Webb, Joseph
Layton, James Fordyce, Jonas Sutton, P.H. Knoop, Thomas Long, Barnett Rapp,
Samuel McDowell, John Shanks, Levi Martin, Jacob Youtsey, Jonathan Covault,
Josiah Martin, Peter Clyde, Levi Trimmens and Andrew Egnew.
These were the men who cleared the Lost Creek forests and opened up
that township. They came from various parts of the Union. They made long
and perilous journeys to the new homes, and by their perseverance made
the woodlands put on new beauty. All were hardy, honest, God-fearing people,
who raised large families where they settled. Lost Creek Township is peopled
today by many descendants of its first pioneers.
There is nothing exciting in the history of this township. It saw none
of the border troubles which during the War of 1812 kept some of the other
townships in a state of ferment. The only event of that war which belongs
to the township is the march of General Isaac Hull's army on its way to
Detroit. Hull came through the Miami wilderness from Dayton and crossed
Lost Creek Township. He found a blockhouse near where the George McDowell
homestead now stands, and halted there to rest his men. The march from
Dayton had told severely on the little army; the men were almost shoeless
and on the occasion above referred to the pioneer women of Lost Creek bound
up the bleeding feet with blankets and gave of their provisions to refresh
the army.
The early enterprises of the township were few. In 1814 John McFarland
erected a carding-mill and fulling-mill near where Casstown now stands,
and Green and Frazee put up a couple of grist-mills which were badly needed.
Gen. John Webb was elected justice of the peace in 18I9 and served many
years in that capacity. One of the other early justices was Thomas Shidler,
who became a member of the Legislature. General Webb, who lived to a good
old age, came from Kentucky. He moved with his parents to Ohio in 1797
and settled first near the site of Dayton. General Webb volunteered in
1813 to take part in the war with England. He was not permitted, however,
to see any arduous service, as during the greater part of his enlistment
he was stationed at Greenville. He afterwards became a major-general in
the Ohio militia and upon the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1861 he
drilled a company of Home Guards which afterward went to the front. During
the Civil War Lost Creek Township furnished more than two hundred men to
the Union armies, and these took part in some of the most desperate conflicts
of that war.
CASSTOWN. The only municipality within the boundaries of Lost
Creek Township is the village of Casstown. It was laid out in 1832 by Levi
Trimmens. It was first called Trimmensburg, but the name not suiting the
first inhabitants it was changed to Casstown, being the only postoffice
of that name in the United States. Casstown now contains about 300 people.
The first brick house erected in the village was built by Daniel Knoop,
who for many years engaged in the merchandising business there. The village
is four miles east of Troy, on the Springfield, Troy and Piqua Railway.
It has several stores, a grain elevator, three churches, an Odd Fellows
Lodge, good cement sidewalks, and is quite a business center. Some of its
early mayors were John T. Webb, Abram Merritt and Henry Jackson. Others
were J.B. Geisinger, Charles P. Young, H. P. McDowell, James M. Stuart,
John C. Knoop. The present official roster is as follows: Mayor-W. W. Baker,
clerk- F. G. Main; treasurer-Samuel Knoop; marshal-John H. Harbaugh; council-
J.W. Fuller, Charles Conner, Alexander Long, Frank Simmons, Thomas Lewis,
W.R. Wilgus; board of education-George M. Boak, Joseph Burton, Jesse Davis,
Samuel Porter, W.W. Baker. Casstown has a well-graded high school, conducted
by F. G. Main as principal and Horace Motter and Miss Pear Main as assistants.
In the center of the township lies a collection of houses known locally
as Sodom of Pencetown. It has advanced beyond the dignity of a hamlet.
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