Troy Times

April 11, 1850  

THOMAS, OWEN S. - Died at his father's residence in Troy, March 27th, Owen S. Thomas, in his seventeenth year.  His disease was that lingering one, the consumption, which permits the afflicted and his friends to hope till the last, yet hope in vain.  Well in his case might his friends hope for a continuation of his life.  For surely, if any one so soon in life, had reason and prospect of future eminence it was he.  Naturally of a bright and investigating mind, he had applied himself closely to his studies and acquired a mastery of them rarely accomplished by one of so tender an age.--Having scarcely attained his fourteenth year, he entered the Freshman Class in Marietta College in the fall of Forty eight.  Passing from that into the Sophomore, he still maintained a high standing when finding his health to fail him, he returned home to improve it; but, alas too late, as the malady grew more and more severe, baffling all remedy till the day of his death.  Those who knew him slightly, loved him for the manliness of his demeanor and the bright flashes of his intellect, and those who knew him intimately, loved him for his interesting, social intercourse, and his ever real kindness.  His friends have real cause to mourn his loss.  But he died, not without a hope in his Redeemer. 

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