Troy Times

March 3, 1853 

THIRKIELD, MRS. JANE - {Communicated} Died on February 19th, 1853, Mrs. Jane Thirkield, consort of J. E. Thirkield.  Her disease was Dropsy of the Heart, with which she suffered severely; but she bore her afflictions with great patience and Christian fortitude.  The grace of God, in whom she trusted supported her to the last moment.  She was a worthy member of the M. E. Church for forty-two years, and died in the full assurance of everlasting life.  She retained her right mind to the last minute.  She left ten children and a companion with whom she lived for forty-five years, to lament their loss; but they all have a good hope of meeting in that happy world above where parting will be no more.  Her age was sixty-three years and four months.  She was beloved by all who knew her.  This verse she repeated several times a few minutes before she died, 

"I'll praise my Maker while I've breath,

And when my voice is lost in death,

Praise shall employ my nobler powers,

My days of praise shall ne'er be past

While life, and thought, and being last,

Or immortality endures."


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