The Christian Worker 1892, Jan- 1893 Dec (Vol. 22-23) 4 Mo. 27, 1893
Eli and Mary (Davis) Hoover were the paternal grandparents of Herbert Hoover, 31st US President.

Hoover -- Eli Hoover was born in Miami County, Ohio, July 16th, 1820. Was united in marriage with Mary Davis in 1840, by whom he had five children, three of whom are still living.
After the decease of his fist companion he moved to this State, and settled at West Branch, Cedar County, [Iowa] in the year 1853, and in the year 1854 was united in marriage with Hannah M. Leonard, by whom he had five children, four of whom are still living. He moved from Cedar County to Hardin County, 3 Mo, 1876, settled on a farm two miles south of Hubbard. He lived there three years, and returned to Cedar county, remaining at that place four years, then returned to Hardin County, and settled one mile north of Hubbard, where he resided until he moved into Hubbard in 1892, from where he departed to his home above. From early life he was honored by all who know him; an active member of Friends Church. Our brother and father in Israel leaves a wife, seven children, and a large circle of friends, to whom he would say, Follow me as I have followed Christ, and be ye also ready, for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh. His death was caused by over exertion, exposed to the sun heat, being on a load of hot hay, he fell off with great force. He lived 31 hours and 10 minutes.

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