Miami Union - In Piqua Items
March 13, 1880
PROCTOR, WILLIE - A terrible accident occurred just north of the Pan Handle Freight Depot on Monday afternoon, resulting in the death of Willie Proctor, the sixteen year old son of T. J. Proctor, Esq.  About two o'clock, Yardmaster Shannon, was engaged in getting out some cars from the track behind the depot.  The switch engine was backing slowly out on the main track, when the boy who was in the habit of being around the depot, stepped between the rails, intending to spring upon the foot board in the rear of the tender.  It is supposed his foot caught in a hole in the planking, where the  track crosses the gutter, and before he could extricate himself, the ponderous locomotive had struck him down.  The engineer was conscious of having struck something and stopped his engine immediately, but the unfortunate lad was dead when taken from under the wheels.  His neck was evidently broken, and his limbs badly crushed.  No blame is attached to the yard employee, as they did not know what the boy was doing.  Much sympathy is felt fro Mr. and Mrs. Proctor, the former of whom has been very sick for some time.  The funeral services on Wednesday were largely attended.

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