Miami Union
July 24, 1880
GARDNER, ROBERT - The funeral of young Gardner, who was killed by lightning, was held Thursday and was one of the largest ever held in this part of the county.

Miami Union
July 24, 1880
GARDNER, ROBERT - Killed by Lightning - A young man named Robert Gardner, aged 23 years, son of Mr. Henry Gardner, who lives near the "Home Woolen Mills", was killed by a bolt of lightning last Monday evening, on the road not far from his home.  The young man left home early in the evening and rode a colt to a neighbor's.  Here he remained a short time when he left for home, just at the time of the heavy thunderstorm.  As he had not returned home at a late hour in the night, his folks started in search of him at midnight and found him lying dead in the road.  He was lying face downwards, the bridle of his colt being under him.  A hole and burn was found in his neck, a rent in his hat and another in his boot, caused by the electric field.  It is supposed by his friends that he had turned his colt loose and was walking homeward when overtaken by the sudden messenger of Death.  Young Gardner was a worthy young man, one who was respected by all who knew him, and his sudden death was caused a shock to a large circle of friends.

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