Miami Union

January 9, 1875 

SLAUSON, MARY L. - Obituary - Entered into rest, Thursday morning, December 31st, Mary L. Slauson, aged 21 years, only daughter of Richard and Maria Slauson.  To infancy and age death wears a less strange face than to those who stand girded for life, with foot upon the threshold and with expectant hand upon the very door.  Hopes are quenched when at their very brightest, and life surrendered when life is most inviting.  So was it with our young friend whose early death we note.  She had just begun to live when death called her away from earth.  But a little more than a year ago and none were happier--none fuller of life and hope than she who now sleeps under the New Year snows.  The call was not sudden, but yet it was unmistakable, and during the weary months of spring and summer and fall the way to the tomb was paved silently, though surely, under the lingering decay of that dread foe to life and health--consumption.  Baptised in infancy and at an early age avowing her own convenental love by public profession of Christ--she entered into rest with the penitent tremblings, and yet the strong, peaceful trust of those who fall asleep in Jesus.  And now in Paradise, we trust, with her own sweet sister Hattie, whom two years ago the winter's snow covered in the tomb--she awaits the award of the Resurrection morn.  She died in youth's prime, but yet is not death to such rather the portal to the true life--the grand and blessed life of eternity.  H. -- Piqua Journal.

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