Miami Union

July 24, 1875 

ELLIOTT, KATIE E. - Near Piqua, on the 16th inst., of cholera infantum, Katie E., infant daughter of Thomas A. and Ella L. Elliott, aged 10 months and 6 days.  Katie was the only child of her fond and loving parents.  They cherished bright hopes for the future of this, their first born.  But alas; they were doomed, to what seems, a sad disappointment.  It is hard to give up to death's cold embrace these loved objects of parental affection.  But we should ever remember that God's ways are not as ours.  He, who when on earth took little children in His arms, and blessed them, saying, "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." has only taken little Katie to his loving embrace and made her a little angel to welcome her fond parents to the same happy home--another link in the chain which binds the loved ones on earth to the dear ones in Heaven.                                                    R.

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