Stillwater Valley Gazette

January 11, 1872

KING, MAMIE - Mamie King, only child of A. J. and Jennie King, died Friday, December 29th, 1871, of brain fever, aged three years, seven months, and five days.

The Christmas has passed with its gladness;
And now in their brightest array,
The children are gleefully shouting
For joy on this bright New Year's day.

But where is our lovliest blossom,
Our daintiest darling of all?
Say, where is the form that was fairest?
We call, but she heeds not our call.

Do we hear the dear voice of our Mamie,
The little short steps drawing nigh,
The fair rounded cheek with its dimples,
The baby lips lisping "good bye!"

Ah! the fair dimpled fingers are folded;
Bright flowers around them now lie,
The angels have gathered our floweret,
To grace a bright New Year's on high.

The sweet rosy lips now are silent,
Closed the bright eyes of our love,
The dear, dainty feet, too are resting
'Mid the blossoms of Eden above.

Brief life was our precious one's portion,
But patient, confiding, and bright,
She taught in her sweet little mission
That "of such are the children of light."

O, Savior, who lov'st little children,
May we like their innocence drove,
That at length in our Father's fair kingdom,
We may rest in his infinite love.

We have severed some fair, golden ringlets
From the clustering curls as they lie;
'Twill remind us to wait for our Mamie
When the last New Year morning draws nigh.


Stillwater Gazette

January 4, 1872

KING, MAMIE - In Piqua, Dec. 30, 1871, Mamie, daughter and only child of A. J. and Jennie King, aged three years and seven months. "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." P.

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