Tippecanoe City Herald

October 27, 1870

PEARSON, ROBERT - Sad Occurrence - On Wednesday night last, Mr. Robert Pearson, an old citizen of the county, met with an accident which caused his death. He had been in town and started for home about dark. A heavy rain was falling and he concluded to stop over night at his mother's house, near this place. The family had retired when he arrived there, but he put his team in the stable, and went to the loft for hay. It being very dark he stepped out of an open door, falling some ten feet. His mother becoming alarmed by his prolonged absence, sent another son and daughter to the barn, where they found the unfortunate man lying in a helpless and almost insensible condition, and he died before assistance could be summoned. Esquire Jay, acting as coroner, held an inquest on Thursday, the jury finding a verdict in accordance with the facts in the case. The deceased had his faults--let them be buried with him.  

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