Marriage Record Notices from Miami Union Newspapers of 1876

Keep in mind the date following the article is the date of the newspaper announcement

Thanks to Jeannine Friend for taking the announcements from the newspaper and typing them up.

The only newspaper on file for 1876 is the Miami Union. 

ACHEY, WILLIAM - and Mary Kincaid.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

ADAMS, ARTHUR - and Matilda Wrench.  April 1, 1876 (MU)  

ADLARD, JOHN - and Eliza Looker.  April 22, 1876 (MU)

AIKEN, WILLIS - and Jane Real.  June 10, 1876 (MU)

ALEXANDER, CHARLES A. - and Anna B. Cassel.  April 8, 1876 (MU)

ALLEN, ALBERT A. - The residence of Mr. David Brown of this place was the scene of youthful festivity a few evenings since; the occasion being the celebration of the nuptials of his only daughter, Miss Ladema Brown and Mr. Albert A. Allen, of Dayton, Ohio. Quite a number of invited guests were present, all of whom assisted in increasing the joys and pleasures of the happy couple.  November 18, 1876 (MU) In the Bethel Township Items

ALLEN, JAMES W. - and Sarah J. Kelly.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

ANDERSON, BARTHOLOMEW - By J. P. Watson at the Christian parsonage, Troy, O., May 15, 1876, Bartholomew Anderson, of Miami Co., Ind., and Amanda Johnson, of Addison, O.  May 20, 1876 (MU)  

ANDERSON, ESTERVILLER V. B. - and B. F. Law.  January 29, 1876 (MU)

ANDERSON, JOHN - and Edy Hamlet.  March 18, 1876 (MU)

APPLEGATE, MARY ALICE - and Joseph Henry Hancock.  June 10, 1876 (MU)

ASTON, MATTY - and Marshall Smith.  March 18, 1876 (MU)

AUSTIN, CAROLINE - and George W. Umstead.  June 10, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Austin, MU has Austice

AUSTIN, ROSWELL A. - On Sunday evening, April 30, 1876, by Samuel McKee, Esq., Mr. Roswell A. Austin and Miss Mattie Gallion.  May 6, 1876 (MU)

BAINS, GEORGE W. - and Ella M. J. John.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

BASKERVILLE, THOMAS - and Susan Ellen Fidler.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

BATES, LIDA M. - On Thursday eve., Jan. 6th, 1876, at the residence of Dr. Bates, No. 640 South State St., Chicago, Ill., by the Rev. D. Williamson, E. C. Morrison, of St. Louis, Mo., to Miss Lida M. Bates, of Troy, O.  January 15, 1876 (MU)

BATSON, WILLIAM H. H. - Martha J. Fox.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

BAUMGARDNER, JAMES E. - and Martha E. Douds.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

BEALL, CHAS. L. - and Emma M. Rosson.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

BEAR, AMANDA - By J. P. Watson, at the house of the bride's mother, Troy, O., Feb. 3, 1876, Wesley P. Lambert and Amanda Bear.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

BEEDLE, BELLE - and James J. Mitchell.  April 22, 1876 (MU)

BEILE, FRANK L. - and Emma C. Smith.  May 13, 1876 (MU)

BENNING, JOHN - and Sarah E. Oldfather.  March 18, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Benning, MU has Bensng

BERRY, THOMAS L. - and Rachel Johnson.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

BISHOP, JOSEPH S. - and Martha Fidler.  April 8, 1876 (MU)

BLACK, E. OLLIE - Mr. Presley G. Sayers of this vicinity, was married on the 17th ult. to Miss E. Ollie Black, of Newark, O.  June 3, 1876 (MU)

BODINE, NANCY J. - By J. P. Watson, at the home of bride's mother, Troy, O., Dec. 25, 1876, Joseph E. James and Miss Nancy J. Bodine.  December 30, 1876 (MU)

BOOLE, THOMAS - and Mary Evernhan.  January 15, 1876 (MU)

BORAN, MARGARET A. - and Daniel N. Ward.  June 17, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Boran, MU has Mooran

BOUSMAN, HENRY - and Clara B. Helmer.  March 11, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Bousman, MU has Bowsman

BOWERS, JOHN H. - and Jane Saylor.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

BRANDENBURG, FLORENCE E. - and Reuben Moore.  March 25, 1876 (MU)  Note: Court Records show Florence E., MU has Thuma E.

BRANT, DAVID - and Jane Swank May 6, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Brant, MU has Brand

BRESDEL, BARBARA - and Frank Saupp.  January 29, 1876 (MU)

BRISTLIN, JACOB - and Elizabeth Staibla.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

BRITTON, JACOB E. - and Clara Hatfield.  February 12, 1876 (MU)

BROWN, ALONZO E. - On Thursday evening, 28th inst., in the Baptist Church, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, Mr. Alonzo E. Brown and Miss Mary Belle Shilling, both of Troy.  December 30, 1876 (MU)

BROWN, ARNOLD O. - and Charlotta Mitchell.  February 12, 1876 (MU)

BROWN, CLARK D. - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., on Sunday, Sept. 17, 1876, Mr. Clark D. Brown to Miss Anna I. E. Webb.  September 30, 1876 (MU)

BROWN, LEDEMA - The residence of Mr. David Brown of this place was the scene of youthful festivity a few evening since; the occasion being the celebration of the nuptials of his only daughter, Miss Ledema Brown and Mr. Albert Allen, of Dayton, Ohio. Quite a number of invited guests were present, all of whom assisted in increasing the joys and pleasures of the happy couple.  November 18, 1876 (MU) In the Bethel Township Items

BROWN, MARY E. - and James A. Rusmisell.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

BROWN, THOMAS C. - Mr. Thomas C. Brown, son of Commissioner B. F. Brown, was married on the 10th inst. to Miss Alice E. Sawyer, of Boston, Mass.  Among the wedding presents of the fair bride was a silver pitcher made in 1726, a gift worthy of the recipient and the Centennial year.  Mr. Brown and his bride received the congratulations of friends at the residence of Mr. Amos B. Sawyer, in this city on Tuesday.  February 26, 1876 (MU)

BURTON, LUCY O. - and Zachary T. Medaris.  February 26, 1876 (MU)

BUTT, ELIZA C. - and William H. Long.  April 29, 1876 (MU)

CAMPBELL, LAURA E. - and William T. Coffing.  January 22, 1876 (MU)

CASSEL, ANNA B. - and Charles A. Alexander.  April 8, 1876 (MU)

CATHCART, JAMES M. - and Angie Thomas.  July 1, 1876 (MU)

CATHCART, LAURA - On Thursday evening, May 4, 1876, by Elder J. P. Watson, Mr. Fredus Merrill and Miss Laura Cathcart, both of Troy, Ohio.  May 6, 1876 (MU)

CETONE, LIZZIE J. - Jan. 25, 1876, at the residence of the officiating minister, in Troy, O., by Rev. T. P. Childs, Mr. John A. Webb, and Miss Lizzie J. Cetone, all of Miami Co.  January 29, 1876 (MU)

CHAPMAN, CAROLINE E. - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., Dec. 20, 1876, Mr. Geo. L. Miller to Miss Caroline E. Chapman, all of Miami county, O.  December 23, 1876 (MU)

CHRISTIAN, SAMUEL - and Lydia Dohner.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

CHRONABERRY, WILLIAM - By Rev. Joseph Rossell, on the 10th inst., at the residence of the officiating minister, William Chronaberry and Laura B. Richason, both of Miami Co., Ohio.  September 16, 1876 (MU)

CLARK, DRUSILLA - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., Nov. 29, 1876, Mr. James Martin to Miss Drusilla Clark.  December 23, 1876 (MU)

CLARK, ELLA V. - and William H. Hurley.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

CLARK, JOHN W. - and Mary A. Thompson.  March 18, 1876 (MU)

CLARK, LAURA BELL - and Ervin Siler.  July 1, 1876 (MU)

CLARK, LEANDER - and Sarah Wilkinson.  April 29, 1876 (MU)

CLARK, WILLIAM W. - and Mary E. Doty.  April 8, 1876 (MU)

CLYNE, HORATIO S. - and Anna M. Sayers.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

COBURN, HENRY H. - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., Sept. 27, 1876, Mr. Henry H. Coburn to Miss Mary A. Grubb.  September 30, 1876 (MU)

COFFING, WILLIAM T. - and Laura E. Campbell.  January 22, 1876 (MU)

COLLINS, ROSE - and Benjamin F. Goodspeed.  January 22, 1876 (MU)

COSTS, ANTHONY S. - and Mary Raynor.  March 4, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Costs, MU has Coats

COTRELL, WILLIAM - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., Sept. 28, 1876, Mr. William Cotrell to Miss Jennie Zeaburn, all of Miami county.  September 30, 1876 (MU)

COVAULT, SAMUEL - and Susanah Kiser.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

COVERT, ELIZA - and Abraham Waifel.  February 19, 1876 (MU)

CRITTEN, DeFREESE - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Anderson, Indiana, on Tuesday last, by Mr. -----, Mr. DeFreese Critten of Piqua to Miss Ollie, daughter of the late Thomas M. Stillwell, formerly member of Congress from Indiana.  We learn from one who was a guest on the occasion that this wedding was one of the most brilliant that ever took place in that part of the state.  There were several couples from this county--some of them from Troy--and a large number from Cincinnati, Indianapolis and other places.  Long life and prosperity to our young friend.  April 8, 1876 (MU)

CROMER, DELIA - On the 21st inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Joseph Schetter to Miss Delia Cromer, both of Troy.  February 26, 1876 (MU)

CROY, MINNIE - and William H. Whitmore.  June 24, 1876 (MU)

CRUEA, CHARLES F. - and Sarah E. Luce.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

CUNNINGHAM, JENNIE - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., October 25, 1876, Mr. Samuel Linn to Miss Jennie Cunningham, both of Tippecanoe City.  October 28, 1876 (MU)

DAVIS, SUSAN - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 30th of December, 1875, Mr. Stephen Julien to Miss Susan Davis, both of Miami county, O., by Rev. Joseph Rossell.  January 22, 1876 (MU)

DeBRA, DANIEL - and Eliza J. Graybill.  April 29, 1876 (MU)

DELAP, ANNA F. - and Charles Horton.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

DILL, MARY ANN - On Sabbath morning, June 25, 1876, at Main St. Lutheran Church, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Charles F. Leistner to Miss Mary Ann Dill, both of Miami Co.  July 8, 1876 (MU)

DIXON, SUSAN ELLEN - and Noah Morgan.  June 24, 1876 (MU)

DOHNER, LYDIA - and Samuel Christian.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

DOTY, MARY E. - and William W. Clark.  April 8, 1876 (MU)

DOUDS, MARTHA E. - and James E. Baumgardner.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

DUER, WILLIAM H. - and Sarah E. Worthington.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

DUNKEL, ANNA E. - and Wilbur J. Edwards.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

DYE, CHRISTIANA - and Wm. (William) D. Reeder.  February 19, 1876 (MU)

DYE, NANNIE E. -  Pleasant Wedding Festivities - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Dye request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter on Thursday, September fourteenth from seven to ten P. M., 1876.  This was the reading of the invitations that two weeks ago announced the approaching marriage of Miss Nannie E. Dye, the fair daughter of our townsman, W. H. H. Dye, Esq., to Mr. Walter Worman, an event which took place as announced, last Thursday evening, with the most pleasant wedding festivities.  The elegant apartments of Mr. Dye's large residence were thrown open for the reception of a large number of invited guests--friends and relatives of the parties whose nuptials were to be celebrated.  The house, already handsomely furnished, was rendered more attractive and beautiful, by extensive floral decorations.  The double room in which the ceremony was performed was particularly beautiful.  The arch between the two rooms was profusely trimmed with evergreens and __eroses; and suspended from the the center of the arch was a large and beautiful floral bell--a symbol of the merry wedding bells which enter largely into all poetry and songs of such occasions.


  At a few minutes after eight o'clock the bridal party entered the room in the following order: the 2nd attendants, Dr. F. W. Thomas and Miss Annie Worman, entered, the lady stepping to the left and the gentleman to the right; next came the 1st attendants, Mr. Chas. F. Snyder and Miss Mattie Dye; next came bridegroom elect, accompanying the bride's mother; last followed the bride elect, leaning on the arm of her father.
   The bride was dressed in a handsome creamy white brocade silk, made with train and elaborately puffed, and decorated.  On her head was a wreath of orange blossoms, and a veil of long-flowing tulle.  She looked pretty enough for any bride.
   The groom was in fall evening dress--black cloth, swallow-tail coat, white vest, tie and gloves, and he was as happy as e'er groom dare be.
   The bride's maids were handsome dresses.  Miss Dye a cream colored gross grain silk, short sleeves and train and Miss Worman a cream colored brocade, made same style.  Their attendants were in full evening dress.
   Rev. H. L. Badger, Rector of St. James Episcopal Church, Piqua, performed the marriage ceremony, reading from the Prayer Book that beautiful and impressive ceremony of the Episcopal Church--the contracting parties repeating appropriate portions after him.  After the minister had pronounced the words man and wife, and closed by asking the blessing of Heaven upon the newly-married couple, they received congratulations; first of their parents and relatives, then of the numerous friends.
   After this guests were invited to partake of a sumptous repast to which full justice was done--the best mark of their appreciation of the success of the caterer in getting up an elegant supper.
   Mrs. Worman was the recipient of a large number of beautiful and costly presents.  They were arranged in one corner of the upper hallway, and drew forth repeated expressions of admiration from observers.  Among them were a fine and complete set of dishes--beautiful gold band china--the gift of Mrs. Dye; a set of ivory handled silver knives, silver table sets, goblets, butter dishes, fruit dishes, water pitcher, cake dishes, card receivers, napkin rings, mantle ornaments, and many other very handsome articles, which will be to her a lasting testimony of the affection of her friends on this the happiest day of her life.
   Among the guests present from a distance were: Mr. Chas. Lane, Mr. Harry Gilliespie, Mr. Chas. Gebhart, Mr. Manning Craighead, Mr. Fred P. Beaver, Mr. Rufe Woerall, Mr. Josh Johnson, Mr. M. Worman, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Raber, Mrs. Esterbrook, Mrs. Ed Best, Miss Maggie Cain, Miss Lucretia Lentzy, Miss Sallie Worman, Miss Lucy F. Collins, Miss Jessie Piltz, of Dayton; Mrs. Laura Hall, Mrs. Lulu Dana, and Miss Virgie Clayton, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Weller, of Tecumseh, Mich., Mr. Defrees Crittan and wife, of Springfield; Mr. John G. Collins, of Indianapolis.
   The newly married couple left Troy on Friday morning for an Eastern trip--Niagara and the Centennial.  They carry with them the heartfelt wish of a large number of friends for a long and happy wedded life. Among the guests present from a distance were: Mr. Chas. Lane, Mr. Harry Gilliespie, Mr. Chas. Gebhart, Mr. Manning Craighead, Mr. Fred P. Beaver, Mr. Rufe Woerall, Mr. Josh Johnson, Mr. M. Worman, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Raber, Mrs. Esterbrook, Mrs. Ed Best, Miss Maggie Cain, Miss Lucretia Lentzy, Miss Sallie Worman, Miss Lucy F. Collins, Miss Jessie Piltz, of Dayton; Mrs. Laura Hall, Mrs. Lulu Dana, and Miss Virgie Clayton, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Weller, of Tecumseh, Mich., Mr. Defrees Crittan and wife, of Springfield; Mr. John G. Collins, of Indianapolis.  The newly married couple left Troy on Friday morning for an Eastern trip--Niagara and the Centennial.  They carry with them the heartfelt wish of a large number of friends for a long and happy wedded life.  September 16, 1876 (MU)

EARNHART, MAYOR MOSES B. - On the 30th ult., at the residence of Mrs. McCampbell, in Troy, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, Mr. Moses B. Earnhart, Mayor of Troy, to Miss Elizabeth P. McCampbell.  In Notes About People - Mayor Moses B. Earnhart was married last Sabbath morning to Miss Elizabeth P. McCampbell.  Many friends of the parties join us in wishing them a long and happy life.  August 5, 1876 (MU)
EBY, ALICE M. - By J. P. Watson, at the home of the bride's parents, Dec. 28, 1876, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Troresse, of the M. E. Church, Rev. Perry W. Sinks, of Jacksonville, Ill., and Miss Alice M. Eby, of Union, Montgomery Co., O.  December 30, 1876 (MU)

EDWARDS, WILBUR J. - and Anna E. Dunkel.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

EMMONS, ELIZA B. - and Samuel L. Wikoff.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

ETTER, ANNA - On Monday evening June 12, 1876, by George Keifer, Esq., Mr. William A. J. McDonald to Miss Anna Etter.  Both of Troy.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

ETTER, MARY E. - and John W. McCool.  April 15, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Etter, MU has Eider

EVERNHAN, MARY - and Thomas Boole.  January 15, 1876 (MU) Add: Note: Court Records show Evernhan, MU has Evernhas

FAGER, EDWARD C. - By J. P. Watson, May 29th, 1876, at the parsonage, Troy, O., Mr. Edward C. Fager and Mary E. Smith.  June 10, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Edward C. Fager, MU has E. C. Fayer

FENNER, MRS. AMY C. - At the residence of Mr. James Foster, on Tuesday last, by Rev. Mr. Brewster, Mr. Charles Voorhis, of Elizabeth Township to Mrs. Amy C. Fenner, daughter of Mr. John Irwin, late of this place.  Mr. V. and his excellent lady have our best wishes for a smooth journey through life, and to Mrs. Foster, at whose house the pleasant affair occurred, we tender thanks for a liberal share of the good things provided by her and her worthy husband for the occasion.  May 6, 1876 (MU)

FIDLER, MARTHA - and Joseph S. Bishop.  April 8, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Fidler, MU has Fiddler

FIDLER, SUSAN ELLEN - and Thomas Baskerville.  February 5, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Fidler, MU has Fiddler

FITTER, EMMA V. - and William H. Rike.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

FITZY, ARTHANER M. - and Alice Klinger.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

FOULIS, CORWIN - and Margaret White.  July 1, 1876 (MU)

FOWLER, FREDERIC W. - and Sarah E. Frazier.  June 10, 1876 (MU)

FOX, MARTHA J. - and William H. H. Batson.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

FRAZIER, SARAH E. - and Frederic W. Fowler.  June 10, 1876 (MU)

FRIEDMAN, JOHN - and Ann Schoppmier.  January 29, 1876 (MU)

FURROW, NANCY J. - In Conover, August 13th, by Rev. J. D. Laner, Mr. John T. R. Wilson and Miss Nancy J. Furrow, all of Miami Co., Ohio.  August 19, 1876 (MU)

FURROW, ROBERT - At the Christian Parsonage, Troy, O., by J. P. Watson, Mr. Robert Furrow and Miss Mary J. Wormpool, both of Troy.  May 6, 1876 (MU)

GALLION, MATTIE - On Sunday evening, April 30, 1876, by Samuel McKee, Esq., Mr. Roswell Austin and Miss Mattie Gallion.  May 6, 1876 (MU)

GARVEY, LAURA E. - Dr. Jas. P. Wallace, was married this evening in the First Baptist Church, to Miss Laura E., oldest daughter of Wm. M. Garvey, Esq., of this city.  Countless friends will join with us in wishing the Dr. and his bride a happy career through life.  March 18, 1876 (MU)

GEISS, MATILDA - and Jerry G. O'Conner.  March 25, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Geiss, MU has Geise

GESTER, VINA - and John P. Gordon.  June 10, 1876 (MU)

GIBSON, WILLIAM - and Mary Lee.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

GIPE, SARAH C. - and David M. Ross.  May 20, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Gipe, MU has Gripe

GLICK, LONDON - and Anna E. Patterson.  May 27, 1876 (MU)

GOODSPEED, BENJAMIN F. - and Rose Collins.  January 22, 1876 (MU)

GORDON, JOHN P. - and Vina Gester.  June 10, 1876 (MU)

GORRELL, ALPHASETTA - and Thomas Reish.  March 11, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Gorrell, MU has Gouel

GOTTSHELL, MARY J. - and Daniel S. Myers.  August 26, 1876 (MU)

GRAYBILL, ELIZA J. - and Daniel DeBra.  April 29, 1876 (MU)

GRUBB, MARY A. - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., Sept. 27. 1876, Mr. Henry H. Coburn to Miss Mary A. Grubb.  September 30, 1876 (MU)

HAGEMAN, CHARLES HENRY - On Dec. 14, at the residence of the bride's parents in Dayton, Ohio, by Rev. Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Charles Henry Hageman, of Troy, to Miss Mary Helen Williams, of Dayton.  December 16, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Charles Henry, MU has Charlie

HAHN, LIZZIE - On Thursday, July 27th 1876, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Daniel Huber to Lizzie Hahn, both of Darke county, O.  July 29, 1876 (MU)

HALL, JOSEPH JR. - and Sarah E. Stoker.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

HAMILTON, DAVID B. - By Rev. J. B. Bristow, at the residence of Mr. John B. Hetzler, the bride's father, in Shelby County, Ohio, on Thursday, Dec. 21, 1876, Mr. David B. Hamilton to Miss Laura A. Hetzler, both of Shelby County. (Shelby Co. papers please copy.)   December 30, 1876 (MU)

HAMLET, EDY - and John Anderson.  March 18, 1876 (MU)

HANCOCK, JOSEPH HENRY - and Mary Alice Applegate.  June 10, 1876 (MU)

HARDY, ELIZABETH - and Aaron Warner.  April 29, 1876 (MU)

HARRIETT, EVA R. - and James J. Overton.  May 6, 1876 (MU)

HARTER, JOSEPHINE M. - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Elizabeth Township, Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 19th, 1876, at 4 o'clock, by the Rev. H. Y Rush, Mr. Edward W. Heywood of Boston, Mass., to Miss Josephine M. Harter of this County.  December 30, 1876 (MU)

HARTER, MADISON - By Geo. Keifer Esq., at his residence, April 11th, 1876, Mr. Madison Harter to Miss Mary E. Martin, both of Dayton, Ohio.  April 15, 1876 (MU)

HARTMAN, MARY ANN - By Rev. Joseph Rossell, on the 5th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. George Mason and Miss Mary Ann Hartman, both of Tippecanoe, Miami Co., O.  September 16, 1876 (MU)

HARTSELL, KATE - and Thomas C. Levering.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

HATFIELD, CLARA - and Jacob E. Britton.  February 12, 1876 (MU)

HATHAWAY, BENJAMIN F. - By J. P. Watson, at the Christian parsonage, Troy, O., June 6, 1876, Benjamin F. Hathaway and Sarah L. Mahaffey, both of Troy.  June 10, 1876 (MU)

HEB, SARAH ANN - and August H. Larger.  May 27, 1876 (MU)

HELMER, CLARA B. - and Henry Bousman.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

HERKENRHODE, MARY A. - and Chas. L. Stoker.  February 12, 1876 (MU)

HETZLER, LAURA A. - By Rev. J. B. Bristow, at the residence of Mr. John B. Hetzler, the bride's father, in Shelby County, Ohio, on Thursday, Dec. 21, 1876, Mr. David B. Hamilton to Miss Laura A. Hetzler, both of Shelby County. (Shelby Co. papers please copy.)  December 30, 1876 (MU)

HEYWOOD, EDWARD - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Elizabeth Township, Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 19th, 1876, at 4 o'clock, by the Rev. H. Y Rush, Mr. Edward Heywood of Boston, Mass., to Miss Josephine M. Harter of this County.  December 30, 1876 (MU)

HEYWOOD, MRS. MELINDA - By J. P. Watson, at the bride's home, Troy, O., Oct. 21, 1876, Thomas Thompson, Esq., and Mrs. Melinda Heywood.  October 28, 1876 (MU)

HIGGINS, MARY - and John Quindless.  April 29, 1876 (MU)

HILLIARD, JOHN - and Mary A. Johnson.  March 18, 1876 (MU)

HITTLE, MALINDA - At the residence of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Hall, on Thursday, January 7th, 1876, Jonathan Knife, Jr. to Miss Malinda Hittle, both of Miami county.  January 6, 1876 (MU)

HOLMES, AMBROSE - and Ida Stucken.  May 27, 1876 (MU)

HOLZPOLE, JACOB - and Emma Umholtz.  March 4, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Holzpole, but MU has Holszple.

HONEYMAN, GEORGE - and Matilda C. Wagoner.  April 15, 1876 (MU)

HORTON, CHARLES - and Anna F. Delap.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

HOWELL, HARRIET - By J. P. Watson, in Troy, Oct. 23, 1876, John W. Sedgewick and Harriet Howell.  October 28, 1876 (MU)

HUBER, DANIEL - On Thursday, July 27th 1876, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Daniel Huber to Lizzie Hahn, both of Darke county, O.  July 29, 1876 (MU)

HUFFMAN, GEO. (GEORGE) W. - and Mary Ringbaum.  February 19, 1876 (MU)

HUGHS, RACHEL - and Foster Johnson.  June 3, 1876 (MU)

HURLEY, WILLIAM H. - and Ella V. Clark.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

HYDE, ROSE L. - and Joseph D. Sawyer.  October 14, 1876 (MU) In Piqua Items

JAMES, JOSEPH E. - By J. P. Watson, at the home of bride's mother, Troy, O., Dec. 25, 1876, Joseph E. James and Miss Nancy J. Bodine.  December 30. 1876 (MU)

JOHN, ELLA M. J. - and George W. Bains.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

JOHNSON, AMANDA - By J. P. Watson at the Christian parsonage, Troy, O., May 15, 1876, Bartholomew Anderson, of Miami Co., Ind., and Amanda Johnson, of Addison, O.  May 20, 1876 (MU)

JOHNSON, FOSTER - and Rachel Hughs.  June 3, 1876 (MU)

JOHNSON, MARY A. - and John Hilliard.  March 18, 1876 (MU)  Note: Court Records show Mary, MU has May

JOHNSON, RACHEL - and Thomas L. Berry.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

JONES, EMMA - and Harry T. Randall.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

JONES, IRWIN M. - and Luella Shuts.  June 3, 1876 (MU)

JORDAN, LOU ELLEN - and Edgar J. Whipple.  June 24, 1876 (MU)

JOYCE, MARY - Miss Mary Joyce, a former employee at the Morris House, was married at Piqua, last Wednesday evening.  October 28, 1876 (MU) She married William McDade even though it was not mentioned in the paper.

JULIEN, STEPHEN - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 30th of December, 1875, Mr. Stephen Julien to Miss Susan Davis, both of Miami county, O., by Rev. Joseph Rossell.  January 22, 1876 (MU)

KELLEY, MARY E. - and Charles S. Yeazel.  January 15, 1876 (MU)

KELLY, SARAH J. - and James W. Allen.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

KENNISON, CLARINDA - and Ezekiel B. Rench.  July 1, 1876 (MU)

KINCAID, MARY - and William Achey.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

KING, HENRY W. - and Elizabeth Kirchner.  February 12, 1876 (MU)

KINNISON, MARY F. - and Joseph B. Rench.  May 27, 1876 (MU)

KIRCHNER, ELIZABETH - and Henry W. King.  February 12, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Kirchner, MU has Curtner

KISER, ELIZA JANE - and Isaac M. Smith.   August 26, 1876 (MU)

KISER, SUSANAH - and Samuel Covault.  July 15, 1876 (MU)  Note: Court Records show Susanah, MU has Susannah

KLINGER, ALICE - and Arthaner M. Fitzy.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

KLUMB, MRS. MARY - On January 11th, 1876, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Ernst Koetitz and Mrs. Mary Klumb, both of Tippecanoe City, Ohio.  January 15, 1876 (MU) 

KNEE, CAROLINE - and H. N. Taylor.  May 20, 1876 (MU)

KNIFE, JONATHAN JR. - At the residence of the officiating clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Hall, on Thursday, January 6th, 1876, Jonathan Knife, Jr., to Miss Malinda Hittle, both of Miami county.  January 8, 1876 (MU)

KOETITZ, ERNST - On January 11th, 1876, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Ernst Koetitz and Mrs. Mary Klumb, both of Tippecanoe City, Ohio.  January 15, 1876 (MU)

LAMBERT, WESLEY P. - By J. P. Watson, at the house of the bride's mother, Troy, O., Feb. 3, 1876, Wesley P. Lambert and Amanda Bear.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

LANE, FRANK G. - and Clara J. Stewart.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

LARGER, AUGUST H. - and Sarah Ann Heb.  May 27, 1876 (MU)

LAW, B. F. - and Esterviller V. B. Anderson.  January 29, 1876 (MU)

LEE, MARY - and William Gibson.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

LEISTNER, CHARLES F. - On Sabbath morning, June 25, 1876, at Main St. Lutheran Church, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Charles F. Leistner to Miss Mary Ann Dill, both of Miami Co.  July 8, 1876 (MU)

LEPPERT, WILLIAM - and Margaret A. Lower.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

LEVERING, THOMAS C. - and Kate Hartsell.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

LIDEY, MARY - and Aaron McBride.  April 15, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Lidey, MU has Lidy

LINK, LUTHER C. - On January 6th, 1876, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Luther C. Link with Miss Malissa Tullis, both of Tippecanoe City, Ohio.   January 15, 1876 (MU)

LINN, ELLA - On the 24th inst., in Troy, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, Mr. Charles Roberts to Miss Ella Linn, both of Miami county, O.  February 26, 1876 (MU) 

LINN, SAMUEL - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., October 25, 1876, Mr. Samuel Linn to Miss Jennie Cunningham, both of Tippecanoe City.  October 28, 1876 (MU)

LONG, ELIZABETH - By J. P. Watson, at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Israel Long, Staunton Tp., Miami Co., O., Oct. 12, 1876, Mr. Isaac P. Pearson and Miss Elizabeth Long.  October 21, 1876 (MU)

LONG, JACOB - and Frances Mathews.  April 8, 1876 (MU)

LONG, WILLIAM H. - and Eliza C. Butt.  April 29, 1876 (MU)

LONGNECKER, SUSANNAH - and Levi N. Miller.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

LOOKER, ELIZA - and John Adlard.  April 22, 1876 (MU)

LOWER, MARGARET A. - and William Leppert.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

LUCE, SARAH E. - and Charles F. Cruea.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

MAHAFFEY, SARAH L. - By J. P. Watson, at the Christian parsonage, Troy, O., June 6, 1876, Benjamin F. Hathaway and Sarah L. Mahaffey, both of Troy.  June 10, 1876 (MU)

MARSHAL, JOHN - and Anna L. Small.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

MARTIN, JAMES - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., Nov. 29, 1876, Mr. James Martin to Miss Drusilla Clark.   December 23, 1876 (MU)

MARTIN, MARY B. - and George L. Miller.  August 26, 1876 (MU)

MARTIN, MARY E. - By Geo. Keifer Esq., at his residence, April 11th, 1876, Mr. Madison Harter to Miss Mary E. Martin, both of Dayton, Ohio April 15, 1876 (MU)

MASON, GEORGE - By Rev. Joseph Rossell, on the 5th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. George Mason and Miss Mary Ann Hartman, both of Tippecanoe, Miami Co., O.  September 16, 1876 (MU)

MATHERS, MARIA - and George Minnick.  August 26, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Maria Mathers, but MU has Mina Mathews

MATHERS, MATTIE - Our friend Charlie Stewart, of the Burnett House, Sidney, was married last week to Miss Mattie Mathers, one of Sidney's fair daughters. Here's our ---- Charlie; may you and your bride live long and prosper.  August 5, 1876 (MU)

MATHEWS, FRANCES - and Jacob Long.  April 8, 1876 (MU)

MATTHEWS, LAVINA - and Lewis Miller.  February 12, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Matthews, MU has Mathers

MAYFIELD, CHARLES - and Milly Ann White.  January 22, 1876 (MU)

McBRIDE, AARON - and Mary Lidey.  April 15, 1876 (MU)

McCAMPBELL, ELIZABETH P. - Mayor Moses B. Earnhart was married last Sabbath morning to Miss Elizabeth P. McCampbell.  Many friends of the parties join us in wishing them a long and happy life.  In another part of the paper: On the 30th ult., at the residence of Mrs. McCampbell, in Troy, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, Mr. Moses B. Earnhart, Mayor of Troy, to Miss Elizabeth P. McCampbell.  August 5, 1876 (MU)

McCOOL, JOHN W. - and Mary E. Etter.  April 15. 1876 (MU)

McDADE, WILLIAM - Miss Mary Joyce, a former employee at the Morris House, was married at Piqua, last Wednesday evening.  October 28, 1876 (MU) Mr. McDade's name was not mentioned in the newspaper.

McDONALD, WILLIAM A. J. - On Monday evening June 12, 1876, by George Keifer, Esq., Mr. William A. J. McDonald to Miss Anna Etter.  Both of Troy.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

McKINLEY, JOHN - and Laura B. Motter.  February 19, 1876 (MU)

McKNIGHT, BENJAMIN - and Catharine Robinson.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

McLORD, MARY - and Martin Eickert.  January 29, 1876 (MU)

MEDARIS, ZACHARY T. - and Lucy O. Burton.  February 26, 1876 (MU)

MERRILL, FREDUS - On Thursday evening, May 4, 1876, by Elder J. P. Watson, Mr. Fredus Merrill and Miss Laura Cathcart, both of Troy, Ohio.  May 6, 1876 (MU)

METZGER, KATHERINE - and Henry Schmidt.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

MILLER, GEORGE L. - and Mary B. Martin.  August 26, 1876 (MU)

MILLER, GEO. (GEORGE) L. - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., Dec. 20, 1876, Mr. Geo. L. Miller to Miss Caroline E. Chapman, all of Miami county, O.  December  23, 1876 (MU)

MILLER, LEVI N. - and Susannah Longnecker.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

MILLER, LEWIS - and Lavina Matthews.  February 12, 1876 (MU)

MINNICK, GEORGE - and Maria Mathers.  August 26, 1876 (MU)

MITCHELL, CHARLOTTA - and Arnold Brown.  February 12, 1876 (MU)

MITCHELL, JAMES J. - and Belle Beedle.  April 22, 1876 (MU)

MOORE, REUBEN - and Florence E. Brandenburg.  March 25, 1876 (MU)

MOORE, WM. (WILLIAM) E. - By Rev. J. P. Watson, at the Christian Church parsonage, Troy, Aug. 10th., Mr. Wm. E. Moore and Miss Florence Yount; both of Darke Co.  August 12, 1876 (MU)

MORGAN, NOAH - and Susan Ellen Dixon.  June 24, 1876 (MU)

MORRISON, E. C. - On Thursday eve., Jan. 6th, 1876, at the residence of Dr. Bates, No. 640 South State St., Chicago, Ill., by the Rev. D. Williamson, E. C. Morrison, of St. Louis, Mo., to Miss Lida M. Bates, of Troy, O.  January 15, 1876 (MU)

MOTT, FRANK B. - Mr. Frank B. Mott, late ticket agent at the Pan Handle Depot, was married on Tuesday evening to Miss Kate M. Rupple, at the residence of Louis Schmidt, a large number of invited guests being present.  After receiving the congratulations of many warm friends, the couple left on the 10:14 train for an extended Eastern trip.  The best wishes of all go with them.  August 12, 1876 (MU)

MOTTER, LAURA B. - and John McKinley.  February 19, 1876 (MU)

MYERS, DANIEL S. - and Mary J. Gottshell.  August 26, 1876 (MU)

NISWARGER, MARY - On the 29th of January, 1876, at the residence of the officiating minister, Joseph Rossell, Mr. John Whitehead to Miss Mary Niswarger, both of Miami Co., Ohio.  March 25, 1876 (MU)  Note: Court Records show Niswarger, MU has Nisnarger

O'CONNER, JERRY G. - and Matilda Geiss.  March 25, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show O'Conner, MU has Conner

O'CONNERS, JOHANNAH - and Rose M. O'Conners.  April 8, 1876 (MU)

O'CONNERS, ROSE M. - and Johannah O'Conners.  April 8, 1876 (MU)

OLDFATHER, SARAH E. - and John Benning.  March 18, 1876 (MU)

OVERTON, JAMES J. - and Eva R. Harriett.  May 6, 1876 (MU)

PARSONS, HENRY J. - and Clara J. Wood.  October 14, 1876 (MU) In Piqua Items

PATTERSON, ANNA E. - and London Glick.  May 27, 1876 (MU)

PEARSON, EMMA C. - and Perry Shearer.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

PEARSON, HENRSIE - and Obed A. Pearson.  January 15, 1876 (MU)

PEARSON, ISAAC P. - By J. P. Watson, at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Israel Long, Staunton Tp., Miami Co., O., Oct. 12, 1876, Mr. Isaac P. Pearson and Miss Elizabeth Long.  October 21, 1876 (MU)

PEARSON, OBED A. - and Henrsie Pearson.  January 15, 1876 (MU)

PERRY, THOMAS - and Patsy Wilkinson.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

POE, AUGUSTUS - and Nancy Turner.  March 18, 1876 (MU)

PRILL, MARY F. - Miss Mary F. Prill, one of Troy's fairest daughters, was married, in Piqua, on Thursday evening last, to Mr. Edward C. Yager, of the latter city.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Kennedy, of the Methodist Church.  Our young men lack enterprise, or else they would not permit their Piqua neighbors to come down here and steal away our pretty girls in this manner.  Nevertheless Ed. is to be congratulated, which we do most heartily, and wish him and his fair young bride a long and happy life.  December 16, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Mary F, but MU has Mollie

QUAVER, HARRIET ANN - and Joseph P. Wells.  May 27, 1876 (MU)

QUINDLESS, JOHN - and Mary Higgins.  April 29, 1876 (MU)

RANDALL, HARRY T. - and Emma JonesJuly 15, 1876 (MU)

RARICK, MARY - and John Weaver.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

RAYNOR, MARY - and Anthony S. Costs.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

REAL, JANE - and Willis Aiken.  June 10, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Real, MU has Rile

REEDER, WM. (WILLIAM) D. - and Christiana Dye.  February 19, 1876 (MU)

REISH, THOMAS - and Alphasetta Gorrel.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

RENCH, EZEKIEL B. - and Clarinda Kennison.  July 1, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Rench, MU has Reuch

RENCH, JOSEPH B. - and Mary F. Kinnison.  May 27, 1876 (MU)

RHODEHAMEL, ELIZA A. - By J. P. Watson, at the residence of Wm. Evans, Esq., Troy, O., Sept. 28, 1876, Mr. John R. Roney and Miss Eliza A. Rhodehamel, both of Troy.  September 30, 1876 (MU) Court Records show Rhotehamel, MU has Rhotehammel

RHOTEHAMEL, HENRY - and Lydia Weak.  January 15, 1876 (MU) Court Records show Rhotehamel, MU has Rhotehammel

RICHASON, LAURA B. - By Rev. Joseph Rossell, on the 10th inst., at the residence of the officiating minister, William Chronaberry and Laura B. Richason, both of Miami Co., Ohio September 16, 1876 (MU)

RICKERT, MARTIN - and Mary McDowell.  January 29, 1876 (MU)  Note: Court Records show Rickert, but MU has Eickert

RIKE, WILLIAM H. - and Emma V. Fitter.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

RINGBAUM, MARY - and Geo (George) W. Huffman.  February 19, 1876 (MU)

ROBERTS, CHARLES - On the 24th inst., in Troy, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, Mr. Charles Roberts to Miss Ella Linn, both of Miami county, O.  February 26, 1876 (MU)

ROBINSON, CATHARINE - and Benjamin McKnight.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

ROLLINS, FLORENCE ANN - By the Rev. S. A. Brewster, at the residence of Mr. J. C. Winans in Staunton township, Mr. John Andrew Small and Miss Florence Ann Rollins.  December 9, 1876 (MU)

RONEY, JOHN R. - By J. P. Watson, at the residence of Wm. Evans, Esq., Troy, O., Sept. 28, 1876, Mr. John R. Roney and Miss Eliza A. Rhodehamel, both of Troy.  September 30, 1876 (MU)

ROSS, DAVID M. - and Sarah C. Gipe.  May 20, 1876 (MU)

ROSSON, EMMA M. - and Chas. L. Beall.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

RUPPLE, KATE M. - Mr. Frank B. Mott, late ticket agent at the Pan Handle Depot, was married on Tuesday evening to Miss Kate M. Rupple, at the residence of Louis Schmidt, a large number of invited guests being present. After receiving the congratulations of many warm friends, the couple left on the 10:14 train for an extended Eastern trip. The best wishes of all go with them.  August 12, 1876 (MU)

RUSMISELL, JAMES A. - and Mary E. Brown.  March 11, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Rusmisell, MU has Rusenisell

SAUER, ELIZABETH - and Christopher Zink.  January 29, 1876 (MU)

SAUPP, FRANK - and Barbara Bresdel.  January 29, 1876 (MU)

SAWYER, ALICE E. - Mr. Thomas C. Brown, son of Commissioner B. F. Brown, was married on the 10th inst. to Miss Alice E. Sawyer, of Boston, Mass.  Among the wedding presents of the fair bride was a silver pitcher made in 1726, a gift worthy of the recipient and the Centennial year.  Mr. Brown and his bride received the congratulations of friends at the residence of Mr. Amos B. Sawyer, in this city on Tuesday.  February 26, 1876 (MU)  

SAWYER, JOSEPH D. - and Rose L. Hyde.  October 14, 1876 (MU) In Piqua Items

SAYERS, ANNA M. - and Horatio S. Clyne.  March 4, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records show Sayers, but MU has Sayres.

SAYERS, PRESLEY F. - Mr. Presley F. Sayers of this vicinity, was married on the 17th ult. to Miss E. Ollie Black, of Newark, OJune 3, 1876 (MU)

SAYLOR, JANE - and John H. Bowers.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

SCHETTER, JOSEPH - On the 21st inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Joseph Schetter to Miss Delia Cromer, both of Troy.  February 26, 1876 (MU)

SCHMIDT, HENRY - and Katherine Metzger.  July 15, 1876 (MU) 

SCHOPPMIER, ANN - and John Friedman January 29, 1876 (MU)

SEDGEWICK, JOHN W. - By J. P. Watson, in Troy, Oct. 23, 1876, John W. Sedgewick and Harriet Howell October 28, 1876 (MU)

SETPHIN, LUCY - James Tolbert.  March 25, 1876 (MU)

SHAFFER, GEORGE W. - and Florence I. Ziegler.  May 13, 1876 (MU)

SHANK, THEODORE - By Rev. T. P. Childs at the bride's house, five miles north of Troy, O., Mr. Theodore Shank, of Dayton, and Miss Elizabeth M. Small.  November 25, 1876 (MU)

SHEARER, PERRY - and Emma C. Pearson.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

SHILLING, MARY BELLE - On Thursday evening, 28th inst., in the Baptist Church, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, Mr. Alonzo E. Brown and Miss Mary Belle Shilling, both of Troy.  December 30, 1876 (MU)

SHUTS, LUELLA - and Irwin M. Jones.  June 3, 1876 (MU) Note: Court Records shows Luella, MU has Leuellie

SILER, ERVIN - and Laura Belle Clark.  July 1, 1876 (MU)

SINKS, REV. PERRY W. - By J. P. Watson, at the home of the bride's parents, Dec. 28, 1876, assisted by the Rev. McTroresse, of the M. E. Church, Rev. Perry W. Sinks, of Jacksonville, Ill., and Miss Alice M. Eby, of Union, Montgomery Co., O.  December 30, 1876 (MU)

SMALL, ANNA L. - and John Marshal.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

SMALL, ELIZABETH M. - By Rev. T. P. Childs at the bride's house, five miles north of Troy, O., Mr. Theodore Shank, of Dayton, and Miss Elizabeth M. Small.  November 25, 1876 (MU)

SMALL, JOHN ANDREW - By the Rev. S. A. Brewster, at the residence of Mr. J. C. Winans in Staunton township, Mr. John Andrew Small and Miss Florence Ann Rollins.  December 9, 1876 (MU)

SMITH, EMMA C. - and Frank L. Beile.  May 13, 1876 (MU)

SMITH, ISAAC M. - and Eliza Jane Kiser.  August 26, 1876 (MU)

SMITH, MARSHALL - and Matty Aston March 18, 1876 (MU)

SMITH, MARY E. - By J. P. Watson, May 29th, 1876, at the parsonage, Troy, O., Mr. Edward C. Fager and Mary E. Smith.  June 10, 1876  (MU)

SPENCER, MARTHA - Our good friend Prof. Chas. F. Wilder, will be united in marriage this evening to Miss Martha Spencer, also of the Piqua Schools.  If good wishes can bring their own fulfillment, the skies will always be sunny for the newly mated pair.  June 3, 1876 (MU)

STAIBLA, ELIZABETH - and Jacob Bristlin.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

STEWART, ABBIE W. - At the residence of Henry Eddy, Esq., Troy, O., Oct. 26, 1876, by J. P. Watson, Mr. James A. Whisman and Miss Abbie W. Stewart, both of Staunton tp., Miami County, O.  October 28, 1876 (MU)

STEWART, CHARLIE - Our friend Charlie Stewart, of the Burnett House, Sidney, was married last week to Miss Mattie Mathers, on of Sidney's fair daughters. Here's our ----- Charlie; may you and your bride live long and prosper.  August 5, 1876 (MU)

STEWART, CLARA J. - and Frank G. Lane.  July 15, 1876 (MU)

STEWART, JOSEPH B. ESQ. - At the residence of Rev. S. T. Wells, the bride's father, near Piqua, Ohio, Oct. 26, 1876, by J. P. Watson, Joseph B. Stewart, Esq., of Shelby Co., and Miss Marietta Wells.  October 28, 1876 (MU)

STILLWELL, OLLIE - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Anderson, Indiana, on Tuesday last, by Mr.-----, Mr. Defreese Critten of Piqua to Miss Ollie, daughter of the late Thomas M. Stillwell formerly member of Congress from Indiana.  We learn from one who was a guest on the occasion that this wedding was one of the most brilliant that ever took place in that part of the state.  There were several couples from this county--some of them from Troy--and a large number from Cincinnati, Indianapolis and other places.  Long life and prosperity to our young friend April 8, 1876 (MU)

STOKER, CHAS. L. - and Mary A. Herkenrhode.  February 12, 1876 (MU)

STOKER, SARAH E. - and Joseph Hall, Jr.  February 5, 1876 (MU)  Note: Court Records show Stoker, but MU has Stokes

STUCKEN, IDA - and Ambrose Holmes.  May 27, 1876 (MU)

SWANK, JANE - and David Brant.  May 6, 1876 (MU)

TAYLOR, H. N. - and Caroline Knee.  May 20, 1876 (MU)

THOMAS, ANGIE - and James M. Cathcart.  July 1, 1876 (MU)

THOMPSON, MARY A. - and John W. Clark.  March 18, 1876 (MU)

THOMPSON, THOMAS ESQ. - By J. P. Watson, at the bride's home, Troy, O., Oct. 21, 1876, Thomas Thompson, Esq., and Mrs. Melinda Heywood.  October 26, 1876 (MU)

TOLBERT, JAMES - and Lucy Setphin.  March 25, 1876 (MU)

TULLIS, MALISSA - On January 6th, 1876, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Luther C. Link with Miss Malissa Tullis, both of Tippecanoe City, Ohio.  January 15, 1876 (MU)

TURNER, NANCY - and Augustus Poe.  March 18, 1876 (MU)

UMHOLTZ, EMMA - and Jacob Holzpole.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

UMSTEAD, GEORGE W. - and Caroline Austin.  June 10, 1876 (MU)

VOORHIS, CHARLES - At the residence of Mr. James Foster, on Tuesday last, by Rev. Mr. Brewster, Mr. Charles Voorhis, of Elizabeth Township to Mrs. Amy C. Fenner, daughter of Mr. John Irwin, late of this place.  Mr. V. and his excellent lady have our best wishes for a smooth journey through life, and to Mrs. Foster, at whose house the pleasant affair occurred, we tender thanks for a liberal share of the good things provided by her and her worthy husband for the occasion.  May 6, 1876 (MU)  Note: Court Records show Voorhis, but MU has Vorhees

WADE, ANNA E. - and Granville J. Wones.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

WAGONER, MATILDA C. - and George Honeyman.  April 15, 1876 (MU)  Notes: Court Records show Wagoner, but MU has Wagner

WAIFEL, ABRAHAM - and Eliza Covert.  February 19, 1876 (MU)

WALLACE, DR. JAS. (JAMES) P. - Dr. Jas. P. Wallace, was married this evening in the First Baptist Church, to Miss Laura, oldest daughter of Wm. M. Garvey, Esq., of this city.  Countless friends will join with us in wishing the Dr. and his bride a happy career through life March 18, 1876 (MU)

WARD, DANIEL H. - and Margaret A. Boran.  June 17, 1876 (MU)

WARMPOOL, MARY J. - At the Christian Parsonage, Troy, O., by J. P. Watson, Mr. Robert Furrow and Miss Mary J. Warmpool, both of Troy May 6, 1876 (MU)  Notes: Court Records show Warmpool, Mary J., but MU has Wampool, Jennie

WARNER, AARON - and Elizabeth Hardy.  April 29, 1876 (MU)

WEAK, LYDIA - and Henry Rhotehamel.  January 15, 1876 (MU)

WEAVER, JOHN - and Mary Rarick.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

WEAVER, SARAH J. - and Philip J. West.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

WEBB, ANNA I. E. - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., on Sunday, Sept. 17, 1876, Mr. Clark D. Brown to Miss Anna I. E. Webb.  September 30, 1876 (MU)

WEBB, JOHN A. - Jan. 25, 1876, at the residence of the officiating minister, in Troy, O., by Rev. T. P. Childs, Mr. John A. Webb, and Miss Lizzie J. Cetone, all of Miami Co.  January 29, 1876 (MU)

WELLS, JOSEPH P. - and Harriet Ann Quaver.  May 27, 1876 (MU)

WELLS, MARIETTA - At the residence of Rev. S. T. Wells, the bride's father, near Piqua, Ohio, Oct. 26, 1876, by J. P. Watson, Joseph B. Stewart, Esq., of Shelby Co., and Miss Marietta Wells October 28, 1876 (MU)

WEST, PHILIP J. - and Sarah J. Weaver.  February 5, 1876 (MU)

WHIPPLE, EDGAR J. - and Lou Ellen Jordan.  June 24, 1876 (MU)  Note: Court Records show Whipple, but MU has Whippie

WHISMAN, JAMES A. - At the residence of Henry Eddy, Esq., Troy, O., Oct. 26, 1876, by J. P. Watson, Mr. James A. Whisman and Miss Abbie W. Stewart, both of Staunton tp., Miami County, O.  October 28, 1876 (MU)

WHITE, E. KIRK - On Thursday, Jan. 20, at the residence of the bride in Troy, by Eld. J. P. Watson, Mr. E. Kirk White, of Miamisburg and Miss Ella M. White, daughter of W. H. White, Esq., of this place.  January 22, 1876 (MU)

WHITE, ELLA M. - On Thursday, Jan. 20, at the residence of the bride in Troy, by Eld. J. P. Watson, Mr. E. Kirk White, of Miamisburg and Miss Ella M. White, daughter of W. H. White, Esq., of this place January 22, 1876 (MU)

WHITE, MARGARET - and Corwin Foulin.  July 1, 1876 (MU)

WHITE, MILLY ANN - and Charles Mayfield.  January 22, 1876 (MU)  

WHITEHEAD, JOHN - On the 29th of January, 1876, at the residence of the officiating minister, Joseph Rossell, Mr. John Whitehead to Miss Mary Niswarger, both of Miami Co., Ohio.  March 25, 1876 (MU)

WHITMORE, WILLIAM H. - and Minnie Croy.  June 24, 1876 (MU)

WIKOFF, SAMUEL L. - and Eliza B. Emmons.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

WILDER, PROF. CHAS. (CHARLES) F. - Our good friend Prof. Chas. F. Wilder, will be united in marriage this evening to Miss Martha Spencer, also of the Piqua Schools.  If good wishes can bring their own fulfillment, the skies will always be sunny for the newly mated pair.  June 3, 1876 (MU)

WILKINSON, PATSY - and Thomas Perry.  March 4, 1876 (MU)

WILKINSON, SARAH - and Leander Clark.  April 29, 1876 (MU)

WILLIAMS, MARY HELEN - On Dec. 14, at the residence of the bride's parents in Dayton, Ohio, by Rev. Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Charlie Harvy Hagemen, of Troy, to Miss Mary Helen Williams, of Dayton.  December 16, 1876 (MU)  Note: Court Records show Mary Helen, MU has Mary Helen

WILSON, JOHN T. R. - In Conover, August 13th, by Rev. J. D. Laner, Mr. John T. R. Wilson and Miss Nancy J. Furrow, all of Miami Co., Ohio.  August 19, 1876 (MU)

WONES, GRANVILLE J. - and Anna E. Wade. March 4, 1876 (MU)

WOOD, CLARA J. - and Henry J. Parsons.   October 14, 1876 (MU) In Piqua Items

WORMAN, WALTER - Pleasant Wedding Festivities - Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Dye request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter on Thursday, September fourteenth from seven to ten P. M., 1876.  This was the reading of the invitations that two weeks ago announced the approaching marriage of Miss Nannie E. Dye, the fair daughter of our townsman, W. H. H. Dye, Esq., to Mr. Walter Worman, an event which took place as announced, last Thursday evening, with the most pleasant wedding festivities.  The elegant apartments of Mr. Dye's large residence were thrown open for the reception of a large number of invited guests--friends and relatives of the parties whose nuptials were to be celebrated.  The house, already handsomely furnished, was rendered more attractive and beautiful, by extensive floral decorations.  The double room in which the ceremony was performed was particularly beautiful.  The arch between the two rooms was profusely trimmed with evergreens and __eroses; and suspended from the the center of the arch was a large and beautiful floral bell--a symbol of the merry wedding bells which enter largely into all poetry and songs of such occasions.


   At a few minutes after eight o'clock the bridal party entered the room in the following order: the 2nd attendants, Dr. F. W. Thomas and Miss Annie Worman, entered, the lady stepping to the left and the gentleman to the right; next came the 1st attendants, Mr. Chas. F. Snyder and Miss Mattie Dye; next came bridegroom elect, accompanying the bride's mother; last followed the bride elect, leaning on the arm of her father.
   The bride was dressed in a handsome creamy white brocade silk, made with train and elaborately puffed, and decorated.  On her head was a wreath of orange blossoms, and a veil of long-flowing tulle.  She looked pretty enough for any bride.
   The groom was in fall evening dress--black cloth, swallow-tail coat, white vest, tie and gloves, and he was as happy as e'er groom dare be.
   The bride's maids were handsome dresses.  Miss Dye a cream colored  gross grain silk, short sleeves and train and Miss Worman a cream colored brocade, made same style.  Their attendants were in full evening dress.
   Rev. H. L. Badger, Rector of St. James Episcopal Church, Piqua, performed the marriage ceremony, reading from the Prayer Book that beautiful and impressive ceremony of the Episcopal Church--the contracting parties repeating appropriate portions after him.  After the minister had pronounced the words man and wife, and closed by asking the blessing of Heaven upon the newly-married couple, they received congratulations; first of their parents and relatives, then of the numerous friends.
   After this guests were invited to partake of a sumptous repast to which full justice was done--the best mark of their appreciation of the success of the caterer in getting up an elegant supper.
   Mrs. Worman was the recipient of a large number of beautiful and costly presents.  They were arranged in one corner of the upper hallway, and drew forth repeated expressions of admiration from observers.  Among them were a fine and complete set of dishes--beautiful gold band china--the gift of Mrs. Dye; a set of ivory handled silver knives, silver table sets, goblets, butter dishes, fruit dishes, water pitcher, cake dishes, card receivers, napkin rings, mantle ornaments, and many other very handsome articles, which will be to her a lasting testimony of the affection of her friends on this the happiest day of her life.
   Among the guests present from a distance were: Mr. Chas. Lane, Mr. Harry Gilliespie, Mr. Chas. Gebhart, Mr. Manning Craighead, Mr. Fred P. Beaver, Mr. Rufe Woerall, Mr. Josh Johnson, Mr. M. Worman, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Raber, Mrs. Esterbrook, Mrs. Ed Best, Miss Maggie Cain, Miss Lucretia Lentzy, Miss Sallie Worman, Miss Lucy F. Collins, Miss Jessie Piltz, of Dayton; Mrs. Laura Hall, Mrs. Lulu Dana, and Miss Virgie Clayton, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Weller, of Tecumseh, Mich., Mr. Defrees Crittan and wife, of Springfield; Mr. John G. Collins, of Indianapolis.
   The newly married couple left Troy on Friday morning for an Eastern trip--Niagara and the Centennial.  They carry with them the heartfelt wish of a large number of friends for a long and happy wedded life.  September 16, 1876 (MU)

WORTHINGTON, SARAH E. - and William H. Duer.  March 11, 1876 (MU)

WRENCH, MATILDA - and Arthur Adams.  April 1, 1876 (MU)

YAGER, EDWARD C. - Miss Mary F. Prill, one of Troy's fairest daughters, was married, in Piqua, on Thursday evening last, to Mr. Edward C. Yager, of the latter city.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Kennedy, of the Methodist Church.  Our young men lack enterprise, or else they would not permit their Piqua neighbors to come down here and steal away our pretty girls in this manner.  Nevertheless Ed. is to be congratulated, which we do most heartily, and wish him and his fair young bride a long and happy life.  December 16, 1876 (MU)

YEAZEL, CHARLES S. - and Mary E. Kelley.  January 15, 1876 (MU)

YOUNT, FLORENCE - By Rev. J. P. Watson, at the Christian Church parsonage, Troy, Aug. 10th, Mr. Wm. E. Moore and Miss Florence Yount; both of Darke Co.  August 12, 1876 (MU)

ZEABURN, JENNIE - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., Sept. 28, 1876, Mr. William Cotrell to Miss Jennie Zeaburn, all of Miami county.  September 30, 1876 (MU)

ZIEGLER, FLORENCE I. - and George W. Shaffer.  May 13, 1876 (MU)

ZINK, CHRISTOPHER - and Elizabeth Sauer.  January 29, 1876 (MU)  Notes: County Records show Zink, but MU has Zinck

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