Marriage Record Notices from Miami Union Newspapers of 1875

Keep in mind the date following the article is the date of the newspaper announcement

Thanks to Jeannine Friend for taking the announcements from the newspaper and typing them up.

The only newspaper on file for 1875 is the Miami Union.

ALLEN, S. A. - Miss S. A. Allen, formerly a teacher of our school, was married at Dayton, on last Wednesday, to Dr. Hartley, of Casstown, this county.  January 30, 1875 (MU)

AXE, SAMUEL - At the residence of Mr. Kingham, in Casstown, August 4th, by Rev. A. B. Nixon, Mr. Samuel Axe to Miss Mary Kingham, all of Miami county.  August 21, 1875 (MU)

AXTELL, SAMUEL P. - At the residence of the bride, in West Milton, O., on Tuesday, August 10th, by Rev. Crum, Mr. Samuel P. Axtell to Miss Frances M. Kessler.  August 14, 1875 (MU)

BAER, NATHANIEL N. - At Gettysburg, O., on the evening of March 18th, 1875 at the residence of Mr. Samuel Reed, by Rev. J. C. Eastman, of Greenville, Mr. Nathaniel N. Baer to Miss Madora Belle Reed, both of Gettysburg.  Many friends and relations from Gettysburg, Covington, Bradford, Versailles, Greenville, Arcanum and Troy were among the guests.  The contribution which Troy made to the company present was quite large and had much to do in making this one of the events of the season.  The new-made husband and wife have many hearty good wishes for their future career.  March 27, 1875 (MU)

BAKER, LEANDER  J. M. - On the 16th inst., at the house of the bride, by Rev. Daniel Tenney, Leander J. M. Baker, of Springfield, Clarke county, and Mrs. Margaretta S. Reylum, of this place.  November 20, 1875 (MU)

BANGS, BURTON C. - Our young friend Burton C. Bangs, of Pearson & Co.'s was married last Sabbath evening to Miss Letititia Studebaker, daughter of Mr. John Studebaker.  December 11, 1875 (MU)

BANNING, GEORGE W. - Feb. 25, 1875, by Rev. P. Banta, Mr. George W. Banning to Mrs. Anna B. Basaker, both of Troy, Ohio.  February 27, 1875 (MU)

BASAKER, MRS. ANNA B. - Feb. 25, 1875, by Rev. P. Banta, Mr. George W. Banning to Mrs. Anna B. Basaker, both of Troy, Ohio.  February 27, 1875 (MU)

BEOYER, MARY - By J. P. Watson, at the residence of J. McKee, Main street, Troy, O., September 24, 1875, Eli Fair and Mary Beoyer, both of Tippecanoe City.  October 2, 1875 (MU)

BLALAC, SOPHRONIA - At the parsonage of the Union Baptist Church, Sept. 9, 1875, by Rev. J. L. Philips, Mr. Ephraim W. Houser and Miss Sophronia Blalac, all near Piqua, Miami county, Ohio.  September 18, 1875 (MU) Note: Court Records show Blalac, but MU has Blalack.

BLOSS, HERMAN - On June 17th, 1875, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Herman Bloss with Miss Mary Ellen Knorre, both of Tippecanoe City, Ohio.  June 19, 1875 (MU)

BLUMHORST, CHARLES H. - At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Charles H. Blumhorst to Miss Arintha Landry, all of Troy, Miami county.  June 5, 1875 (MU)  Note: Court records show Blumhorst, MU has Bloominghurst.

BOWER, LUTIE - On the 15th inst., by J. P. Watson, at the residence of the bride's father, Dr. J. Bower, Main Street, Troy, O., Mr. Freeman S. Cecil and Miss Lutie Bower.  April 17, 1875 (MU)

BRANDENBURG, ELNORA - On Thursday, September 30th, by Rev. T. E. Fidler, at the residence of the bride's parents in Clarke county, Ohio, Mr. Whiten Deaton to Miss Elnora Brandenburg.  October 2, 1875 (MU)

BRANDENBURG, IDA - On Thursday, September 30th, by Rev. T. E. Fidler, at the residence of the bride's parents in Clarke county, Ohio, Mr. John Turner to Miss Ida Brandenburg.  October 2, 1875 (MU)

BROWN, MINNIE - At the residence of the bride's father, West Milton, Ohio, on the 3rd inst., by Rev. Carey T. Crum, Mr. Wm. E. Pierce to Miss Minnie Brown.  June 12, 1875 (MU)

BUCHANAN, A. C. - On Thursday eve., December 24, by Rev. T. M. Hopkins, Mr. A. C. Buchanan, of Troy, to Miss Anna Shoemaker of Piqua.  January 2, 1875 (MU)

BURKETT, JESSE - On Tuesday evening, Dec. 29, 1874, by J. P. Watson, assisted by Rev. A. L. McKinney, at the residence of J. A. Tenney, Mr. Jesse Burkett and Florence P. Tenney.  January 2, 1875 (MU)

BURKHART, REV. JACOB - A Brilliant Wedding - The marriage of Rev. Jacob Burkhart to Miss Elizabeth Reichle at the Lutheran church last Tuesday evening, was a brilliant affair.  After the ceremonies at the church the party was furnished with a luxuriant supper at the house of the bride.  Numerous handsome presents were received, one most singularly attractive was some beautiful bead work, bearing an inscription in German, four lines in length.  The bride skipped about the party as gaily and gracefully as one could wish to see.  Great hilarity prevailed during the entire evening and everything passed off pleasantly.  It was an occasion long to be remembered.  June 12, 1875 (MU)

BYRKETT, LAURA E. - On Friday, June 15th, 1875, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. G. F. Gowdy, Dr. Samuel Duff Hartman to Miss Laura E. Byrkett, both of Tippecanoe City, Ohio.  June 19, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Laura E, but MU has Susan E.

BYRKETT, SARAH E. - At the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. Joseph Rossell, Mr. Albert N. Malcomb to Miss Sarah E. Byrkett, both of Miami county.  August 21, 1875 (MU)

BYRKETT, WILLIAM F. - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Z. Pierce, of Union Tp., on Sunday, Jan. 31, by Rev. William Jay, Hannah W., only daughter, to Mr. William F. Byrkett of Troy.  February 6, 1875 (MU)

CAREY, FLORENCE H. - At the residence of Mr. James Hamilton, uncle of the bride, near Piqua, on Thursday evening last, by Rev. T. M. Hopkins, Mr. Adouerium J. Stevens, of Bay City, Michigan, and Miss Florence H. Carey, of this county.  A number of the friends of the bride assembled to witness her happy union with the partner of her choice, who is to bear her away to his Michigan home.  The occasion was the most pleasant and enjoyable, and a host of friends join in wishing the new bride a long and happy life.  November 13, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Carey, but MU has Cary.

CECIL, FREEMAN S. - On the 15th inst., by J. P. Watson, at the residence of the bride's father, Dr. J. Bower, Main Street, Troy, O., Mr. Freeman S. Cecil and Miss Lutie Bower.  April 17, 1875 (MU)

CHILDS, ABBOTT E. - In Troy, O., May 11, at the house of the bride's parents, by Rev. T. P. Childs, Mr. Abbott E. Childs, of Chicago, Ill., and Miss Olive A. Shilling, of Troy.  May 15, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Abbott, but MU has Abbot

CLAUSON, MARGARET - On the 4th inst., by Geo. Keifer, Esq., Mr. Geo. P. Nissonger to Miss Margaret Clauson, both of Miami co.  February 6, 1875 (MU)

CLIFTON, DEBORAH A. - On the 4th inst., at the residence of Rev. Joseph Rossell, Mr. Frederick Motter and Miss Deborah A. Clifton, both of Miami Co., Ohio.  July 17, 1875 (MU)

COLLINS, ELLA - By J. P. Watson, at the residence of the bride's father, Troy, O., February 10, 1875, Mr. Frank M. Statler and Miss Ella Collins, both of Troy.  February 20, 1875 (MU)

COLLINS, LUELLA J. - On the 24th of March, by Rev. D. A. Tawney, Mr. Nezer Yates and Miss Luella J. Collins, both of Brown township.  April 10, 1875 (MU)  Note: Court records show Luella, but MU has Luilla.

COSLEY, HARVEY A. - In the First Baptist Church, of Troy, O., on Sabbath evening, Aug. 29th, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, assisted by the Rev. J. T. Bil, Harvey A. Cosley and Sadie E. Weddell, both of Troy.  No cards.  September 4, 1875 (MU)

COUFFER, CHRISTIAN N. - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Troy, on Wednesday evening, by Rev. Geo. B. Sturges, Mr. Christian N. Couffer, of Urbana, to Miss Anna M. Petit, of Troy.  March 27, 1875 (MU)

CRAY, MARY A. - On the 9th inst., by J. P. Watson, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, O., Daniel Favorite and Mary A. Cray, both of Miami county.  September 25, 1875 (MU)

CROOKSHANK, HANNAH R. - On the 27th of April, 1875, at the residence of William Swailes, Main St., Troy, O., by J. P. Watson, Charles W. Hoffaker, of Lima, and Hannah R. Crookshank, of Troy.  May 1, 1875 (MU)   

CROZIER, WILL G. - On Thursday evening last, in Gettysburg, Darke County, Ohio, by Rev. Moore, Mr. Will G. Crozier, of Piqua, to Miss Laura A. Dorwin, of Gettysburg.  February 27, 1875 (MU)

CULBERTSON, LILLIE N. - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Troy, on Thursday morning, May 12th, by Rev. Geo. B. Sturgis, Mr. Frank G. Eddy, of Chicago, Ill., and Miss Lillie N. Culbertson, of Troy.  May 15, 1875 (MU)

DAVIS, JESSE - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., on Wednesday evening, August 11, 1875, Mr. Jesse Davis to Miss Martha J. Gorman, both of Troy.  August 14, 1875 (MU)

DEATON, WHITEN - On Thursday, September 30th, by Rev. T. E. Fidler, at the residence of the bride's parents in Clarke county, Ohio, Mr. Whiten Deaton to Miss Elnora Brandenburg.  October 2, 1875 (MU)   

DEWEESE, ARMINTA - On the 21st inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Theodore Moore to Miss Arminta Deweese, both of Staunton township, this county.  February 27, 1875 (MU)

DEWEESE, JOHN M. - On the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, in Lostcreek township, by Rev. D. A. Tawney, Mr. John M. Deweese and Miss Sarah Hearst.  February 20, 1875 (MU)

DORWIN, LAURA A. - On Thursday evening last, in Gettysburg, Darke County, Ohio, by Rev. Moore, Mr. Will G. Crozier, of Piqua, to Miss Laura A. Dorwin, of Gettysburg.  February 27, 1875 (MU)

DUNCAN, ALWILDA - By J. P. Watson, at the Christian parsonage, Troy, Dec. 23, 1875, Enos Hall and Alwilda Duncan, both of Miami Co.  December 25, 1875 (MU)

DYE, SARAH E. - On Wednesday evening, October 6th, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, at the residence of the bride's parents in Concord township, Miami county, Ohio, Mr. Theodore Long to Miss Sarah E. Dye.  October 16, 1875 (MU)

EDDY, FRANK G. - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Troy, on Thursday morning, May 12th, by Rev. Geo. B. Sturgis, Mr. Frank G. Eddy, of Chicago, Ill., and Miss Lillie N. Culbertson, of Troy.  May 15, 1875 (MU)

ELDERS, CHARLES A. - On the 26th inst., by Rev. P. M. Weddell, Mr. Charles A. Elders, and Miss Theda Penny, both of Troy.  October 30, 1875 (MU)

EVANS, HENRY O. - On Thursday forenoon, Oct. 14, 1875, at the residence of the bride's parents, near Washington C. H., Ohio, by the Rev. Clark Kendall, Henry O. Evans to Miss Rebecca Jennie Jefferson.  October 16, 1875 (MU)

EVANS, WILLIAM - By Rev. T. P. Childs, Jan. 31st, William Evans, of Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co., O., and Mrs. Abigail Veneman, of Piqua, O.  February 6, 1875 (MU)

FAIR, ELI - By J. P. Watson, at the residence of J. McKee, Main street, Troy, O., September 24, 1875, Eli Fair and Mary Beoyer, both of Tippecanoe City.  October 2, 1875 (MU)

FAVORITE, DANIEL - On the 9th inst., by J. P. Watson, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, O., Daniel Favorite and Mary A. Cray, both of Miami county.  September 25, 1875 (MU)

FURROW, LIZZIE - At the Christian Parsonage, by J. P. Watson, March 2, 1875, Mr. Clarence Priest, of Miami Co., and Miss Lizzie Furrow, of Addison, Champaign Co., O.  March 6, 1875 (MU)

GIBBS, MARION - On the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Elder J. P. Watson, Mr. Marion Gibbs, of Wapakoneta, to Miss Mary E. McGuigan, of Troy.  February 27, 1875 (MU)  

GILLESPIE, WILLIAM ESQ. - By J. P. Watson, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, O., Aug. 5th, 1875, William Gillespie, Esq., and Miss Margaret Harney, both of Troy. August 21, 1875 (MU)

GORMAN, MARTHA J. - By Geo. Keifer, Esq., on Wednesday evening, August 11, 1875, Mr. Jesse Davis to Miss Martha J. Gorman, both of Troy.  August 14, 1875 (MU)

GREEN, JOHN W. - On the 28th of January, 1875, by George Keifer, Esq., Mr. John W. Green to Miss Nancy Smith, both of this county.  January 30, 1875 (MU)

GREEN, WILLIAM, ESQ. - By Rev. T. P. Childs, at the residence of Dr. E. F. Sample, in Dayton, William Green, Esq., and Mrs. Mary J. Sample, both of Miami Co., O.  July 10, 1875 (MU)

HAGERMAN, CHRISTIAN - At the house of the officiating clergyman, on the 26th inst., by Rev. D. Tenney, Christian Hagerman, of this county, to Martha S. Van Nortwick, of Illinois.  July 31, 1875 (MU)

HALL, ENOS - By J. P. Watson, at the Christian parsonage, Troy, Dec. 23, 1875, Enos Hall and Alwilda Duncan, both of Miami Co.  December 25, 1875 (MU)

HARNEY, MARGARET - By J. P. Watson, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, O., Aug. 5th, 1875, William Gillespie, Esq., and Miss Margaret Harney, both of Troy.  August 21, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Harney, but MU has Harner

HARPER, JOHN - At the residence of the bride's parents on the 4th inst., by Rev. Cary T. Crum, Mr. John Harper to Miss Emily J. Miller, all of West Milton, Ohio.  March 13, 1875 (MU)

HARTLEY, DR. - Miss S. A. Allen, formerly a teacher of our school, was married at Dayton, on last Wednesday, to Dr. Hartley, of Casstown, this county.  January 30, 1875 (MU)

HARTMAN, DR. SAMUEL DUFF - On Friday, June 15th, 1875, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. G. F. Gowdy, Dr. Samuel Duff Hartman to Miss Laura E. Byrkett, both of Tippecanoe City, Ohio.  June 19, 1875 (MU)

HEARST, SARAH - On the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, in Lostcreek township, by Rev. D. A. Tawney, Mr. John M. Deweese and Miss Sarah Hearst.  February 20, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Sarah, but MU has Sallie

HOFFAKER, CHARLES W. - On the 27th of April, 1875, at the residence of William Swailes, Main St., Troy, O., by J. P. Watson, Charles W. Hoffaker, of Lima, and Hannah R. Crookshank, of Troy.  May 1, 1875 (MU)

HOUSER, EPHRAIM W. - At the parsonage of the Union Baptist Church, Sept. 9, 1875, by Rev. J. L. Philips, Mr. Ephraim W. Houser and Miss Sophronia Blalac, all near Piqua, Miami county, Ohio.  September 18, 1875 (MU)

JEFFERSON, REBECCA JENNIE - On Thursday forenoon, Oct. 14, 1875, at the residence of the bride's parents, near Washington C. H., Ohio, by the Rev. Clark Kendall, Henry O. Evans to Miss Rebecca Jennie Jefferson.  October 16, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Rebecca Jennie, but MU has Jennie

JEFFRIES, MRS. FRANCIS - On the evening of the 23rd inst., at the bride's residence, by Rev. Alex'r Telford, Mr. Pleasant Venable to Mrs. Francis Jeffries, both of Troy.  There was a large and happy company to witness the ceremony and enjoy the festivities.  The numerous and valuable bridal presents witnessed the high estimation in which the parties were held.  We wish for them health, happiness and plenty.  A. T.  June 26, 1875 (MU)

JETMORE, MRS. AMANDA M. - On Monday evening, August 23rd, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, at the residence of the bridegroom, Mr. Carlton W. Voris to Mrs. Amanda M. Jetmore.  September 11, 1875 (MU)

JOHNSTON, EDWIN L. - On Jan. 7th, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, Ohio, by J. P. Watson, Mr. Edwin L. Johnston with Miss Harriet E. Moore.  January 30, 1875 (MU)

KESSLER, FRANCES M. - At the residence of the bride, in West Milton, O., on Tuesday, August 10th, by Rev. Crum, Mr. Samuel P. Axtell to Miss Frances M. Kessler.  August 14, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Frances M., but MU has Fannie M.

KINCAID, ANNIE L. - In Troy, on the 27th inst., by Rev. D. Tenney, Mark E. Lampher of Piqua, to Annie L. Kincaid, of this place.  July 31, 1875 (MU)

KINCK, MELISSA A. - By J. P. Watson, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, Ohio, Nov. 10, 1875, William Morrett and Melissa A. Kinck, both of Lostcreek township.  November 13, 1875 (MU)  Note: Court records show Kinck, but MU has Knick

KING, NANCY BELL - At the Parsonage of the Mulberry street M. E. Church, by Rev. S. A. Brewster, Nov. 18th, 1875, Mr. Jacob Roberts and Miss Nancy Bell King.  November 20, 1875 (MU)

KINGHAM, EDWARD G. - At the residence of Mr. Kingham, in Casstown, August 4th, by Rev. A. B. Nixon, Mr. Edward G. Kingham to Miss Maria Smith.  August  21, 1875 (MU)

KINGHAM, MARY E. - At the residence of Mr. Kingham, in Casstown, August 4th, by Rev. A. B. Nixon, Mr. Samuel Axe to Miss Mary E. Kingham, all of Miami county.  August 21, 1875 (MU)

KNICK, JENNIE E. - Dec. 1st, by Rev. T. P. Childs, at the home of the bride, Mr. John E. M. Shibbetts and Miss Jennie E. Knick, all of Casstown, O.  December 4, 1875 (MU)

KNORRE, MARY ELLEN - On June 17th, 1875, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Herman Bloss with Miss Mary Ellen Knorre, both of Tippecanoe City, Ohio.  June 19, 1875 (MU)  Note: Court records show Knorre, but MU has Knoere

LAMPHER, MARK E. - In Troy, on the 27th inst., by Rev. D. Tenney, Mark E. Lampher of Piqua, to Annie L. Kincaid, of this place.  July 31, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Lampher, but MU has Lanpher

LANDRY, ARINTHA - At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Charles H. Blumhorst to Miss Arintha Landry, all of Troy, Miami county.  June 5, 1875 (MU)

LEAF, LIZZIE - Mr. Joseph H. Skinner and Miss Lizzie Leaf were married, at the residence of the bride, in Troy, last Thursday evening.  December 4, 1875 (MU)

LONG, SALLIE - By J. P. Watson, at the bride's father, Staunton township, Dec. 20, 1875, Charles D. Speagh and Sallie Long.  December 25, 1875 (MU)

LONG, THEODORE - On Wednesday evening, October 6th, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, at the residence of the bride's parents in Concord township, Miami county, Ohio, Mr. Theodore Long to Miss Sarah E. Dye.  October 16, 1875 (MU)

LOUTHAN, JOHN M. - At the Parsonage of the Mulberry street M. E. Church, by Rev. S. A. Brewster, Nov. 11, 1875, Mr. John M. Louthan and Sarah M. Walters.  November 20, 1875 (MU)

MALCOMB, ALBERT N. - At the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. Joseph Rossell, Mr. Albert N. Malcomb to Miss Sarah E. Byrkett, both of Miami county.  August 21, 1875 (MU)

MALMSBURY, LYDIA P. - On January 28th, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, by J. P. Watson, Mr. John B. Miller to Miss Lydia P. Malmsbury.  January 30, 1875 (MU)

McANALLY, ESTELLA A. - On Sunday, Jan. 10th, 1875, by Rev. J. D. Lauer, Mr. L. Emmett Mott to Miss Estella A. McAnally, all of St. Paris, Ohio.  January 16, 1875 (MU) Note: Court Records show Estella A., but MU has Stella A.

McFARLAND, WILLIAM H. ESQ. - By J. P. Watson, July 28, 1875, at the residence of the bride's father, the Rev. Judge A. L. McKinney, Main St., Troy, O., William H. McFarland, Esq., and Miss Olive McKinney.  Will's brother printers in this office join us in wishing himself and bride a long and happy life.  July 31, 1875 (MU)  

McGUIGAN, MARY E. - On the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Elder J. P. Watson, Mr. Marion Gibbs, of Wapakoneta, to Miss Mary E. McGuigan, of Troy.  February 27, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show McGuian, but MU has McGwigan

McKENZIE, CHARLES E. - In Troy, on Tuesday evening, Feb 23d, 1875, at the house of the officiating minister--Rev. T. P. Childs--Mr. Charles E. McKenzie, Compositor in this office, to Miss Clara Merrill.  We extend to the young couple our congratulations.  Charlie is a good Typo and always sets a clean proof.  If his married life be kept as free from mistakes as his proofs are, we predict a happy voyage through life for him and his young bride.  February 27, 1875 (MU)

McKINNEY, OLIVE - By J. P. Watson, July 28, 1875, at the residence of the bride's father, the Rev. Judge A. L. McKinney, Main St., Troy, O., William H. McFarland, Esq., and Miss Olive McKinney.  Will's brother printers in this office join us in wishing himself and bride a long and happy life.  July 31, 1875 (MU)

MERRILL, CLARA - In Troy, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 23d, 1875, at the house of the officiating minister--Rev. T. P. Childs--Mr. Charles E. McKenzie, Compositor in this office, to Miss Clara Merrill.  We extend to the young couple our congratulations.  Charlie is a good Typo and always sets a clean proof.  If his married life be kept as free from mistakes as his proofs are, we predict a happy voyage through life for him and his young bride.  February 27, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Merrill, but MU has Merrell

MILLER, EMILY J. - At the residence of the bride's parents on the 4th inst., by Rev. Cary T. Crum, Mr. John Harper to Miss Emily J. Miller, all of West Milton, Ohio.  March 13, 1875 (MU) 

MILLER, JOHN B. - On January 28th, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, by J. P. Watson, Mr. John B. Miller to Miss Lydia P. Malmsbury.  January 30, 1875 (MU)

MINNICH, LOUISA - At the Christian parsonage, by J. P. Watson, April 29, John T. Morgan, of Sidney, and Louisa Minnich, of Piqua.  May 1, 1875 (MU)

MOORE, HARRIET E. - On Jan. 7th, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, Ohio, by J. P. Watson, Mr. Edwin L. Johnston with Miss Harriet E. Moore.  January 30, 1875 (MU)

MOORE, THEODORE - On the 21st inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Theodore Moore to Miss Arminta Deweese, both of Staunton township, this county.  February 27, 1875 (MU)

MORRETT, WILLIAM - By J. P. Watson, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, Ohio, Nov. 10, 1875, William Morrett and Melissa A. Kinck, both of Lostcreek township.  November 13, 1875 (MU)

MORTON, JOHN T. - At the Christian parsonage, by J. P. Watson, April 29, John T. Morton, of Sidney, and Louisa Minnich, of Piqua.  May 1, 1875 (MU)

MOTT, L. EMMETT - On Sunday, Jan. 10th, 1875, by Rev. J. D. Lauer, Mr. L. Emmett Mott to Miss Estella A. McAnally, all of St. Paris, Ohio.  January 16, 1875 (MU)

MOTTER, FREDERICK - On the 4th inst., at the residence of Rev. Joseph Rossell, Mr. Frederick Motter and Miss Deborah A. Clifton, both of Miami Co., Ohio.  July 17, 1875 (MU)

NICHWITZ, SALLIE - By J. P. Watson, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, O., July 22, 1875, Benjamin F. Stickel and Sallie Nichwitz, both of West Milton, Ohio.  July 24, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Nichwitz, but MU has Nechwitz

NISSONGER, GEO. (GEORGE) P. - On the 4th inst., by Geo. Keifer, Esq., Mr. Geo. P. Nissonger to Miss Margaret Clauson, both of Miami co.  February 6, 1875 (MU)

OAKES, FRANK W. - Feb. 17th, by Rev. Thomas Collett, Mr. Frank W. Oakes of Tippecanoe, to Miss Elizabeth Sullivan, of Troy.  February 20, 1875 (MU)  Note: Court records show Oakes, MU has Oaks.

ORBISON, JAS. (JAMES) L. - At Troy, O., June 18th, 1875, at the residence of J. T. Orbison, by the Rev. D. Tenney, Jas. L. Orbison to Eva Van Kirk, both of Cincinnati.  Under Notes about People from Cincinnati Enquirer - Mr. Jas. L. Orbison, the handsome and popular telegraph operator of the Fire Department of this city, was married at Troy, Ohio, yesterday, to Eva Van Kirk, a beautiful and wealthy young lady of the West End.  The young couple have a host of friends throughout Southern Ohio who will wish them God-speed in their heart-in-heart journey through life.  June 26, 1875 (MU)

PENNY, THEDA - On the 26th inst., by Rev. P. M. Weddell, Mr. Charles A. Elders, and Miss Theda Penny, both of Troy.  October 30, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Theda Penny, but MU has Theoda Pinney

PETIT, ANNA M. - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Troy, on Wednesday evening, by Rev. Geo. B. Sturges, Mr. Christian N. Couffer, of Urbana, to Miss Anna M. Petit, of Troy.  March 27, 1875 (MU)

PIERCE, HANNAH W. - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Z. Pierce, of Union Tp., on Sunday, Jan. 31, by Rev. William Jay, Hannah W., only daughter, to Mr. William F. Byrkett, of Troy.  February 6, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Pierce, but MU has Peirce

PIERCE, WM. (WILLIAM) E. - At the residence of the bride's father, West Milton, Ohio, on the 3rd inst., by Rev. Carey T. Crum, Mr. Wm. E. Pierce to Miss Minnie Brown.  June 12, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Pierce, but MU has Peirce

PRIEST, CLARENCE - At the Christian Parsonage, by J. P. Watson, March 2, 1875, Mr. Clarence Priest, of Miami Co., and Miss Lizzie Furrow, of Addison, Champaign Co., O.  March 6, 1875 (MU)

PRUTZMAN, JOHN P. - At the residence of the bride, in Sidney, on Wednesday morning, March 10th, by Rev. R. McCaslin, Mr. John P. Prutzman, of Three Rivers, Michigan, to Miss Florance J. Wykoff, of Sidney.  Florance carries with her to her Michigan home the best wishes of her many Ohio friends.  March 13, 1875 (MU)

REED, MADORA BELLE - At Gettysburg, O., on the evening of March 18th, 1875, at the residence of Mr. Samuel Reed, by Rev. J. C. Eastman, of Greenville, Mr. Nathaniel N. Baer to Miss Madora Belle Reed, both of Gettysburg.  Many friends and relations from Gettysburg, Covington, Bradford, Versailles, Greenville, Arcanum and Troy were among the guests.  The contribution which Troy made to the company present was quite large and had much to do in making this one of the events of the season.  The new-made husband and wife have many hearty good wishes for their future career.  March 27, 1875 (MU)

REICHLE, ELIZABETH - A Brilliant Wedding - The marriage of Rev. Jacob Burkhart to Miss Elizabeth Reichle at the Lutheran church last Tuesday evening, was a brilliant affair.  After the ceremonies at the church the party was furnished with a luxuriant supper at the house of the bride.  Numerous handsome presents were received, one most singularly attractive was some beautiful bead work, bearing an inscription in German, four lines in length.  The bride skipped about the party as gaily and gracefully as one could wish to see.  Great hilarity prevailed during the entire evening and everything passed off pleasantly.  It was an occasion long to be remembered.  June 12, 1875 (MU)

REYLUM, MRS. MARGARETTA S. - On the 16th inst., at the house of the bride, by Rev. Daniel Tenney, Leander J. M. Baker, of Springfield, Clarke county, and Mrs. Margaretta S. Reylum, of this place.  November 20, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Reylum, but MU has Reyburn

RHINEHART, LOU - Dec. 31, 1874, by Geo. Keifer, Esq., Mr. Geo. W. Siler to Miss Lou Rhinehart, both of Troy.  January 9, 1875 (MU)

RIES, OLIVER O. - At the residence of Mr. H. Brown, West Milton, Ohio on the 3rd inst., by Rev. Carey T. Crum, Mr. Oliver O. Ries and Miss Ellen E. Stevens June 12, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Ries, but MU has Reese

ROBERTS, JACOB - At the Parsonage of the Mulberry street M. E. Church, by Rev. S. A. Brewster, Nov. 18th, 1875, Mr. Jacob Roberts and Miss Nancy Bell King.  November 20, 1875 (MU)

ROSS, ELMINA - Our young friend, William A. R. Tenney, Deputy Auditor, was married last Thursday morning to Miss Elmina, daughter of J. W. Ross, Esq.  The young couple left the same day for an eastern trip.  December 25, 1875 (MU)  Note: Court Records show Elmina, but MU has Ella.

ROWE, FRANCIS M. - By J. P. Watson, at the home of the bride's parents, Water St., Troy, O., July 18, 1875, Francis M. Rowe and Miss Ella West.  July 24, 1875 (MU)

SAMPLE, MRS. MARY J. - By Rev. T. P. Childs, at the residence of Dr. E. F. Sample, in Dayton, William Green, Esq., and Mrs. Mary J. Sample, both of Miami Co., O.  July 10, 1875 (MU)

SHIBBETTS, JOHN E. M. - Dec. 1st, by Rev. T. P. Childs, at the home of the bride, Mr. John E. M. Shibbetts and Miss Jennie E. Knick, all of Casstown, Ohio.  December 4, 1875 (MU)

SHILLING, OLIVE - In Troy, O., May 11, at the house of the bride's parents, by Rev. T. P. Childs, Mr. Abbott E. Childs, of Chicago, Ill., and Miss Olive A. Shilling, of Troy.  May 15, 1875 (MU)

SHOEMAKER, ANNA - On Thursday eve., December 24, by Rev. T. M. Hopkins, Mr. A C. Buchanan, of Troy, to Miss Anna Shoemaker, of Piqua.  January 2, 1875 (MU)

SILER, GEO. (GEORGE) W. - Dec. 31, 1874, by Geo. Keifer, Esq., Mr. Geo. W. Siler to Miss Lou Rhinehart, both of Troy.  January 9, 1875 (MU)

SKINNER, JOSEPH H. - Mr. Jospeh H. Skinner and Miss Lizzie Leaf were married, at the residence of the bride, in Troy, last Thursday evening.  December 4, 1875 (MU)

SMITH, MARIA - At the residence of Mr. Kingham, in Casstown, August 4th, by Rev. A. B. Nixon, Mr. Edward G. Kingham to Miss Maria Smith.  August 21, 1875 (MU)

SMITH, NANCY - On the 28th of January, 1875, by George Keifer, Esq., Mr. John W. Green to Miss Nancy Smith, both of this county.  January 30, 1875 (MU)

SPEAGH, CHARLES D. - By J. P. Watson, at the bride's father, Staunton township, Dec. 20, 1875, Charles D. Speagh and Sallie Long.  December 25, 1875 (MU)

STATLER, FRANK M. - By J. P. Watson, at the residence of the bride's father, Troy, O., February 10, 1875, Mr. Frank M. Statler and Miss Ella Collins, both of Troy.  February 20, 1875 (MU)

STEIL, FREDERICK - Quite a large circle of friends and relatives assembled at the residence of Mr. Geo. Ziegenfelder, on Thursday evening last, to witness the marriage of his daughter, Miss Christiana Ziegenfelder to Mr. Frederick Steil, the popular clerk of Steil's Bazaar.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Burkhart, of the German Lutheran Church.  The bridal party left Friday morning for a wedding tour, carrying with them the best wishes of a host of friends for a long and prosperous life.  October 30, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Frederick, MU has Fred

STEVENS, ADOUERIUM. J. - At the residence of Mr. James Hamilton, uncle of the bride, near Piqua, on Thursday evening last, by Rev. T. M. Hopkins, Mr. Adouerium J. Stevens, of Bay City, Michigan, and Miss Florence H. Carey, of this county.  A number of the friends of the bride assembled to witness her happy union with the partner of her choice, who is to bear her away to his Michigan home.  The occasion was the most pleasant and enjoyable, and a host of friends join in wishing the new bride a long and happy life.  November 13, 1875 (MU)

STEVENS, ELLEN E. - At the residence of Mr. H. Brown, West Milton, Ohio on the 3rd inst. by Rev. Carey T. Crum, Mr. Oliver O. Ries to Miss Ellen E. Stevens.  June 12, 1875 (MU)

STICKEL, BENJAMIN F. - By. J. P. Watson, at the Christian Parsonage, Troy, O., July 22, 1875, Benjamin F. Stickel and Sallie Nichwitz, both of West Milton, Ohio.  July 24, 1875 (MU)

STUDEBAKER, LETITITIA - Our young friend Burton C. Bangs, of Pearson & Co.'s was married last Sabbath evening to Miss Letititia Studebaker, daughter of Mr. John Studebaker.  December 11, 1875 (MU)

SULLIVAN, ELIZABETH - Feb. 17th, by Rev. Thomas Collett, Mr. Frank W. Oakes of Tippecanoe, to Miss Elizabeth Sullivan, of Troy.  February 20, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Elizabeth, but MU has Lizzie

TENNEY, FLORENCE P. - On Tuesday evening, Dec. 29, 1874, by J. P. Watson, assisted by Rev. A. L. McKinney, at the residence of J. A. Tenney, Mr. Jesse Burkett and Florence P. Tenney.  January 2, 1875 (MU)

TENNEY, WILLIAM A. R. - Our young friend, William A. R. Tenney, Deputy Auditor, was married last Thursday morning to Miss Elmina, daughter of J. W. Ross, Esq.  The young couple left the same day for an eastern trip.  December 25, 1875 (MU)

TURNER, JOHN - On Thursday, September 30th, by Rev. T. E. Fidler, at the residence of the bride's parents in Clarke county, Ohio, Mr. John Turner to Miss Ida Brandenburg.  October 2, 1875 (MU)

VAN KIRK, EVA - At Troy, O., June 18th, 1875, at the residence of J. T. Orbison, by the Rev. D. Tenney, Jas. L. Orbison to Eva Van Kirk, both of Cincinnati.  Under Notes about People from the Cincinnati Enquirer - Mr. Jas. L. Orbison the handsome and popular telegraph operator of the Fire Department of this city, was married at Troy, Ohio, yesterday, to Eva Van Kirk, a beautiful and wealthy young lady of the West End.  The young couple have a host of friends throughout Southern Ohio who will wish them God-speed in their heart-in-heart journey through life.  June 26, 1875 (MU)

VAN NORTWICK, MARTHA S. - At the house of the officiating clergyman, on the 26th inst., by Rev. D. Tenney, Christian Hagerman, of this county, to Martha S. Van Nortwick, of Illinois.  July 31, 1875 (MU)

VENABLE, PLEASANT - On the evening of the 23rd inst., at the bride's residence, by Rev. Alex'r. Telford, Mr. Pleasant Venable to Mrs. Francis Jeffries, both of Troy.  There was a large and happy company to witness the ceremony and enjoy the festivities.  The numerous and valuable bridal presents witnessed the high estimation in which the parties were held.  We wish for them health, happiness and plenty.   A. T.  June 26, 1875 (MU) 

VENEMAN, MRS. ABIGAIL - By Rev. T. P. Childs, Jan. 31st, William Evans, of Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co., O., and Mrs. Abigail Veneman, of Piqua, O.  February 6, 1875 (MU)

VORIS, CARLTON W. - On Monday evening, August 23rd, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, at the residence of the bridegroom, Mr. Carlton W. Voris to Mrs. Amanda M. Jetmore.  September 11, 1875 (MU)

WALTERS, SARAH M. - At the Parsonage of the Mulberry street M. E. Church, by Rev. S. A. Brewster, Nov. 12, 1875, Mr. John M. Louthan and Sarah M. Walters.  November 20, 1875 (MU)

WEDDELL, SADIE E. - In the First Baptist Church, of Troy, O., on Sabbath evening, Aug. 29th, by Rev. P. M. Weddell, assisted by the Rev. J. T. Bil, Harvey A. Cosley and Sadie E. Weddell, both of Troy.  No cards.  September 4, 1875 (MU)

WEST, ELLA - By J. P. Watson, at the home of the bride's parents, Water St., Troy, O., July 18, 1875, Francis M. Rowe and Miss Ella West.  July 24, 1875 (MU)

WYKOFF, FLORANCE J. - At the residence of the bride, in Sidney, on Wednesday morning, March 10th, by Rev. R. McCaslin, Mr. John Prutzman, of Three Rivers, Michigan, to Miss Florance J. Wykoff, of Sidney.  Florance carries with her to her Michigan home the best wishes of her many Ohio friends.  March 13, 1875 (MU)  Note: Court records show Florance Wykoff, but MU has Florence Wikoff

YATES, NEZER - On the 24th of March, by Rev. D. A. Tawney, Mr. Nezer Yates and Miss Luella J. Collins, both of Brown township.  April 10, 1875 (MU)

ZIEGENFELDER, CHRISTIANA M. - Quite a large circle of friends and relatives assembled at the residence of Mr. Geo. Ziegenfelder, on Thursday evening last, to witness the marriage of his daughter, Miss Christiana Ziegenfelder to Mr. Frederick Steil, the popular clerk of Steil's Bazaar.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Burkhart, of the German Lutheran Church.  The bridal party left Friday morning for a wedding tour, carrying with them the best wishes of a host of friends for a long and prosperous life.  October 30, 1875 (MU) Note: Court records show Christiana, but MU has Christie

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