Marriage Record Notices from Miami Union Newspapers of 1870

Keep in mind the date following the article is the date of the newspaper announcement

Thanks to Jeannine Friend for taking the announcements from the newspaper and typing them up.

AGENBROAD, HORATIO - On the 21st inst., in Tippecanoe City, by Rev. J. J. Welch, Horatio Agenbroad to Josephine Cunningham, both of Miami county, Ohio.  November 26, 1870

BAER, QUESA A. - On Thursday morning, October 6th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, J. Wilson Finfrock, of Richmond, Indiana, and Quesa A. Baer, daughter of C. T. Baer, Esq., of Troy, Ohio.  October 8, 1870 

BAILEY, EDGAR - On Wednesday morning, October 25th at the Parsonage of the Mulberry st. M. E. Church, Troy, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Edgar Bailey and Elizabeth M. Peck.  October 29, 1870

BISHOP, JOHN -On the 2nd inst., by Esquire Metcalf, John Bishop to Sarah Spicer.  August 6, 1870

BLACK, W. IRWIN - On the 20th inst., at the bride's father, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, W. Irwin Black, and Sallie E. Wright, all of Miami Co.  February 26, 1870  

BOONE, DAVID H. -  On the 24th inst., by A. L. McKinney, David H. Boone, and Mahala Pearson, both of this county.  February 26, 1870  

BROWN, ANDREW - On the 8th inst., by Rev. Fred. Abele, Mr. Andrew Brown and Miss Maggie Rettig, both of Troy.  September 10, 1870

BYRKETT, ABIJAH R. - On the 27th inst., at the residence of the bride, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Abijah R. Byrkett and Clara A. Coleman, all of Troy, Miami county, Ohio.  October 1, 1870

CHAMPLIN, CAROLINE - On the 7th inst., by A. L. McKinney, Wm. H. Wells and Caroline Champlin, both of this county.  August 13, 1870

COLEMAN, CLARA A. - On the 27th inst., at the residence of the bride, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Abijah R. Byrkett and Clara A. Coleman, all of Troy, Miami county, Ohio.  October 1, 1870

CORRY, DAVID B. - On the 3d inst., by A. L. McKinney, David B. Corry and Jennie M. Schell, both of this county.  September 10, 1870

COSLEY, MARIE E. - On Thursday evening, in Mulberry street M. E. Church, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Pastor, Dr. J. T. Hensley to Miss Marie E. Cosley, daughter of Mr. D. Cosley of this place.  The Church on this occasion was filled by the elite of the town.  The bride was attended by her two sisters, Miss Carrie and Miss Annie, and the groom by two brothers of the bride, Mr. J. and Mr. B. Cosley.  As the bridal party walked into the church and up the aisle to the Altar, amid total silence except alone the tones of the organ, which was well played in the gallery, they made a handsome and imposing appearance.  The marriage ceremony was performed in a handsome manner by Rev. Mr. Cowden, according to the regular form of the M. E. Church.  After the ceremony, a large number of invited guests repaired to the residence of the bride's parents, where a handsome reception and bountiful entertainment were given them, and a very pleasant and agreeable evening was spent by all.  May 28, 1870

CROZIER, FANNIE A. - At the residence of the bride's parents in Piqua, on Thursday last, by Rev. W. H. Sutherland, Mr. Ed. N. Wilby, and Miss Fannie A., daughter of Mr. W. R. Crozier.  January 8, 1870

CUNNINGHAM, JOSEPHINE - On the 21st inst., in Tippecanoe City, by Rev. J. J. Welch, Horatio Agenbroad to Josephine Cunningham, both of Miami county, Ohio.     November 26, 1870

DAVIDSON, GEORGE - On the 7th inst., by A. L. McKinney, George Davidson and Emma Wells, both of this county.  August 13, 1870

DEATON, EZRA M. - On the 31st of July, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. W. R. Jackson, Mr. Ezra M. Deaton, of Champaign co. and Miss Mary Morrett, of Miami county, Ohio.  August 13, 1870

DINSMORE, MARY A. - On the 27th of October, by Rev. T. E. Fidler, Mr. Thomas Wilgus, Jr., and Miss Mary A. Dinsmore, both of Miami county, Ohio.  November 5, 1870

DOWDS, PHOEBE G. - Thursday, May 26th, at the Parsonage of the Mulberry street M. E. Church, Troy, Ohio, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Thomas Vannoy and Phoebe G. Dowds, all of Miami county.  May 28, 1870  

DUNLAP, ANNIE E. - On the 30th ult., in Troy, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Daniel S. Hatton to Miss Annie E. Dunlap.  May 7, 1870

DUNLAP, JAMES D. -  On Wednesday evening, March 9th, at the residence of Matthew Vanwormer, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, James D. Dunlap and Adria Vanwormer, all of Troy. March 12, 1870

DYE, EVA - On Thursday, May 26th, at the Parsonage of the Mulberry street M. E. Church, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, James M. Knoop and Eva Dye, all of Miami county.   June 25, 1870

DYE, SALLIE - On the 18th inst., by A. L. McKinney, Noah Walters and Sallie Dye; both of this county.  August 27, 1870

ECK, JOSEPH B. - On Thursday, the 27th inst., by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Joseph S. Eck, of Topeka, Kansas, and Belle Long of Miami county, Ohio.  October 29, 1870

EMEL, MARY  -  On the 17th inst., by A. L. McKinney, Wm. H. H. Leavell, and Mary Emel, both of this county.  February 26, 1870

EMLEY, DORA E. - On Thursday evening, June 23d, at the residence of S. J. Emley, in Troy, Ohio, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Wm. A. Shuler and Dora E. Emley.  June 25, 1870

EMMEL, SAMUEL - On the 31st of July, by A. L. McKinney, Samuel Emmel and Malinda J. Shoe, both of this county.  August 13, 1870

FINFROCK, J. WILSON - On Thursday morning, October 6th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, J. Wilson Finfrock, of Richmond, Indiana, and Quesa A. Baer, daughter of C. T. Baer, Esq., of Troy, Ohio.  October 8, 1870

FIRMAN, ELLA - On the 15th inst., at the Parsonage of the Mulberry street M. E. Church, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Mr. John T. Yaste and Miss Ella Firman, both of this county.  June 25, 1870

FOSTER, MARY E. - On Thursday, July 7th, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Mary E. Foster, daughter of James Foster, Esq., and Horace G. Knoop, all of Miami county.  July 16, 1870

FULLER, JOSEPH R. - On December 27th, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Joseph R. Fuller and Mary F. Knight, all of Miami County.  December 31, 1870

GROVER, ELIZA - At the residence of Wm. B. McLung, Jan. 13th, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Benjamin F. Shaffer, and Eliza Grover, all of this county.  January 29, 1870

HADLEY, CLARK H. - On the 7th inst., at the parsonage of the Mulberry st. M. E. Church, in Troy, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Clark H. Hadley, of Richmond, Ind., and Mary B. King, of Piqua, O.  September 24, 1870

HART, MRS. ANN MARIA -  At the residence of Mr. Daniel Smith, in Troy, on the 17th inst., by Rev. H. Calhoun, Mr. Israel Kessler and Mrs. Ann Maria Hart.  March 19, 1870  

HATTON, DANIEL S. - On the 30th ult., in Troy, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Daniel S. Hatton to Miss Annie E. Dunlap.  May 7, 1870

HENSLEY, DR. J. T. - On Thursday evening, in Mulberry street M. E. Church, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Pastor, Dr. J. T. Hensley to Miss Marie E. Cosley, daughter of Mr. D. Cosley of this place.  The Church on this occasion was filled by the elite of the town.  The bride was attended by her two sisters, Miss Carrie and Miss Annie, and the groom by two brothers of the bride, Mr. J. and Mr. B. Cosley.  As the bridal party walked into the church and up the aisle to the Altar, amid total silence except alone the tones of the organ, which was well played in the gallery, they made a handsome and imposing appearance.  The marriage ceremony was performed in a handsome manner by Rev. Mr. Cowden, according to the regular form of the M. E. Church.  After the ceremony, a large number of invited guests repaired to the residence of the bride's parents, where a handsome reception and bountiful entertainment were given them, and a very pleasant and agreeable evening was spent by all.  May 28, 1870

HERR, SARAH E. - On the 14th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by A. L. McKinney, Washington Rynearson of Hillsborough, Ind., and Sarah E. Herr of this county.  April 16, 1870

HOLT, JAMES S. - At the residence of S. K. Harter in Troy, on the 27th inst., by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Mr. James S. Holt, of Keokuk, Iowa, and Mrs. Mary C. Kyle, of Troy.  January 1, 1870

HUFFORD, GEORGE W. - On the 28th of July, 1870, at the residence of the bride's mother, near Casstown, by Rev. J. J. Welch, Mr. George W. Hufford, and Miss Maggie Knight, both of Miami county.  August 6, 1870

HUFFORD, JANE - On the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, near Casstown, by Rev. J. J. Welch, Mr. Ezra Sise to Miss Jane Hufford, both of Miami county, Ohio.  November 26, 1870

KESSLER, ISRAEL -  At the residence of Mr. Daniel Smith, in Troy, on the 17th inst., by Rev. H. Calhoun, Mr. Israel Kessler and Mrs. Ann Maria Hart.  March 19, 1870

KING, MARY B. - On the 7th inst., at the parsonage of the Mulberry st. M. E. Church, in Troy, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Clark H. Hadley, of Richmond, Ind., and Mary B. King, of Piqua, O.  September 24, 1870

KNIGHT, MAGGIE - On the 28th of July, 1870, at the residence of the bride's mother, near Casstown, by Rev. J. J. Welch, Mr. George W. Hufford, and Miss Maggie Knight, both of Miami county.  August 6, 1870

KNIGHT, MARY F. - On December 27th, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Joseph R. Fuller and Mary F. Knight, all of Miami County.  December 31, 1870

KNOOP, FANNIE C. - On the 10th inst., by A. L. McKinney, at the residence of the bride's father, Thomas Scott and Fannie C. Knoop, both of this county.     November 12, 1870

KNOOP, HORACE G. - On Thursday, July 7th, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Mary E. Foster, daughter of James Foster, Esq., and Horace G. Knoop, all of Miami county.  July 16, 1870

KNOOP, JAMES M. - On Thursday, May 26th, at the Parsonage of the Mulberry street M. E. Church, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, James M. Knoop and Eva Dye, all of Miami county.  June 25, 1870

KYLE, MRS. MARY C. - At the residence of S. K. Harter in Troy, on the 27th inst., by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Mr. James S. Holt, of Keokuk, Iowa, and Mrs. Mary C. Kyle, of Troy.  January 1, 1870

LEAF, JAMES H. -  On the 24th inst., at the residence of Mr. Frank Elliott, by Rev. H. Calhoun, Mr. James H. Leaf and Miss Susie I. Reed, both of this place.  February 26, 1870

LEAVELL, WM. H. H. -  On the 17th inst., by A. L. McKinney, Wm. H. H. Leavell, and Mary Emel, both of this county.  February 26, 1870  

LINCH, MARY - On the 29th of August by A. L. McKinney, James Windsor and Mary Linch, both of Piqua.  September 3, 1870

LONG, BELLE - On Thursday, the 27th inst., by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Joseph S. Eck, of Topeka, Kansas, and Belle Long of Miami county, Ohio.  October 29, 1870

LONG, LIZZIE - At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 28th inst., by Rev. W. B. Jackson, Mr. Michael Wilgus and Miss Lizzie Long, all of Miami county.     January 1, 1870

McDOWELL, WILLIAM - At the residence of the bride's father, by A. L. McKinney, William McDowell and Callie Webb, all of this county.  November 12, 1870

MORRETT, MARY - On the 31st of July, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. W. R. Jackson, Mr. Ezra M. Deaton, of Champaign co. and Miss Mary Morrett, of Miami county, Ohio.  August 13, 1870

NATCHER, EMMA - On the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Wm. R. Stearns of Erie, Pa., and Emma Natcher, of Troy, Ohio.  September 24, 1870

PEARSON, ANNA - On the 1st inst., at the residence of James Hickerson, by A. L. McKinney, Wm. Shepard of Kenton and Anna Pearson of this place.  March 5, 1870

PEARSON, JEREMIAH - On Dec. 22, 1870, in Troy, Ohio, by C. D. Wright, J. P., Mr. Jeremiah Pearson to Miss Marietta Sheppard.  December 24, 1870  

PEARSON, MAHALA  - On the 24th inst., by A. L. McKinney, David H. Boone, and Mahala Pearson, both of this county.  February 26, 1870

PECK, ELIZABETH M. - On Wednesday morning, October 25th at the Parsonage of the Mulberry st. M. E. Church, Troy, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Edgar Bailey and Elizabeth M. Peck.  October 29, 1870

PHILLIPS, HARMINA - On the 18th of August, 1870, by the Rev. Fred. Abele, Mr. Karl Schneyer and Miss Harmina Phillips, both of Piqua, O.  September 10, 1870

PRECKEL, WILHELMINE - On the 17th inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. William Rehmert of Miami county, to Miss Wilhelmine Preckel of Darke county.  April 23, 1870

PRIEST, JAMES R. -  At the Parsonage of the Franklin St. M. E. Church, by Rev. J. P. Shultz, Mr. James R. Priest, to Miss Samantha J. Williams, both of Miami county.  April 9, 1870  

REAR, FRANK WILLIAM - On Tuesday evening, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Frank William Rear to Miss Louisa Ziegenfelder, all of Troy.  July 9, 1870

REED, SUSIE I.  -  On the 24th inst., at the residence of Mr. Frank Elliott, by Rev. H. Calhoun, Mr. James H. Leaf and Miss Susie I. Reed, both of this place.  February 26, 1870

REHMERT, WILLIAM - On the 17th inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. William Rehmert of Miami county, to Miss Wilhelmine Preckel of Darke county.  April 23, 1870

RETTIG, MAGGIE - On the 8th inst. by Rev. Fred. Abele, Mr. Andrew Brown and Miss Maggie Rettig, both of Troy.  September 10, 1870

RUSSELL, JAMES R. - On the 28th inst., in Covington, Ohio, Mr. James R. Russell, of Concord township, to Miss Mahala Smith, of Newberry township.  January 1, 1870

RYNEARSON, WASHINGTON - On the 14th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by A. L. McKinney, Washington Rynearson of Hillsborough, Ind., and Sarah E. Herr of this county.  April 16, 1870

SCHELL, JENNIE M. - On the 3d inst., by A. L. McKinney, David B. Corry and Jennie M. Schell, both of this county.  September 10, 1870

SCHNEYER, KARL - On the 18th of August, 1870, by the Rev. Fred. Abele, Mr. Karl Schneyer and Miss Harmina Phillips, both of Piqua, O.  September 10, 1870

SCOTT, THOMAS - On the 10th inst., by A. L. McKinney, at the residence of the bride's father, Thomas Scott and Fannie C. Knoop, both of this county.  November 12, 1870

SHAFFER, BENJAMIN F. -  At the residence of Wm. B. McLung, Jan. 13th, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Benjamin F. Shaffer, and Eliza Grover, all of this county.  January 29, 1870

SHEPARD, WM.On the 1st inst., at the residence of James Hickerson, by A. L. McKinney, Wm. Shepard of Kenton and Anna Pearson of this place.  March 5, 1870  

SHEPPARD, MARIETTA - On Dec. 22, 1870, in Troy, Ohio, by C. D. Wright, J. P., Mr. Jeremiah Pearson to Miss Marietta Sheppard.  December 24, 1870

SHOE, MALINDA J. - On the 31st of July, by A. L. McKinney, Samuel Emmel and Malinda J. Shoe, both of this county.  August 13, 1870

SHULER, WM. (WILLIAM) A. - On Thursday evening, June 23d, at the residence of S. J. Emley, in Troy, Ohio, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Wm. A. Shuler and Dora E. Emley.  June 25, 1870

SISE, EZRA - On the 17th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, near Casstown, by Rev. J. J. Welch, Mr. Ezra Sise to Miss Jane Hufford, both of Miami county, Ohio.  November 26, 1870

SMITH, MAHALA - On the 28th inst., in Covington, Ohio, Mr. James R. Russell, of Concord township, to Miss Mahala Smith, of Newberry township.  January 1, 1870

SPICER, SARAH - On the 2nd inst., by Esquire Metcalf, John Bishop to Sarah Spicer.  August 6, 1870

SPROUL, ROBERT - At the residence of Mr. Wm. Stewart, on the 25th inst., by Rev. H. Calhoun, Mr. Robert Sproul and Miss Rebecca Wilson; both of Miami county.     August 27, 1870

STEARNS, WM. (WILLIAM) R. - On the 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Wm. R. Stearns, of Erie, Pa., and Emma Natcher, of Troy, Ohio.  September 24, 1870

STROCK, ADDISON - At the Morris House, Troy, O., on December 29th, by A. L. McKinney, Addison Strock and Rosetta Wrigley, both of this county.  December 31, 1870

SWEARINGEN, ANDERSON - On the evening of the 27th, ult., by C. D. Wright, J. P., Anderson Swearingen and Miss Martha J. Tobias, all of this county.  December 3, 1870

TOBIAS, MARTHA J. - On the evening of the 27th ult., by C. D. Wright, J. P., Anderson Swearingen and Miss Martha J. Tobias, all of this county.  December 3, 1870

VANNOY, THOMAS - Thursday, May 26th, at the Parsonage of the Mulberry street M. E. Church, Troy, Ohio, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Thomas Vannoy and Phoebe G. Dowds, all of Miami county.  May 28, 1870 

VANWORMER, ADRIA  -  On Wednesday evening, March 9th, at the residence of Matthew Vanwormer, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, James D. Dunlap and Adria Vanwormer, all of Troy. March 12, 1870

WALTERS, NOAH - On the 18th inst., by A. L. McKinney, Noah Walters and Sallie Dye; both of this county.  August 27, 1870

WEBB, CALLIE - At the residence of the bride's father, by A. L. McKinney, William McDowell and Callie Webb, all of this county.  November 12, 1870

WEBB, PERMELIA P. - On the 13th inst., by A. L. McKinney, at the residence of the bride's father, Charles P. Young, Esq., and Permelia P. Webb, both of this county.  January 22, 1870

WELLS, EMMA - On the 7th inst., by A. L. McKinney, George Davidson and Emma Wells, both of this county.  August 13, 1870

WELLS, WM. (WILLIAM) H. - On the 7th inst., by A. L. McKinney, Wm. H. Wells and Caroline Champlin, both of this county.  August 13, 1870       

WILBY, ED. N.At the residence of the bride's parents in Piqua, on Thursday last, by Rev. W. H. Sutherland, Mr. Ed. N. Wilby, and Miss Fannie A., daughter of Mr. W. R. Crozier.  January 8, 1870  

WILGUS, MICHAEL - At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 28th inst., by Rev. W. B. Jackson, Mr. Michael Wilgus and Miss Lizzie Long, all of Miami county.     January 1, 1870

WILGUS, THOMAS JR. - On the 27th of October, by Rev. T. E. Fidler, Mr. Thomas Wilgus, Jr., and Miss Mary A. Dinsmore, both of Miami county, Ohio.  November 5, 1870

WILLIAMS, SAMANTHA J. -  At the Parsonage of the Franklin St. M. E. Church, by Rev. J. P. Shultz, Mr. James R. Priest, to Miss Samantha J. Williams, both of Miami county.  April 9, 1870  

WILSON, REBECCA - At the residence of Mr. Wm. Stewart, on the 25th inst., by Rev. H. Calhoun, Mr. Robert Sproul and Miss Rebecca Wilson; both of  Miami county.  August 27, 1870

WINDSOR, JAMES - On the 29th of August by A. L. McKinney, James Windsor and Mary Linch, both of Piqua.  September 3, 1870

WRIGHT, SALLIE W. - On the 20th inst., at the bride's father, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, W. Irwin Black, and Sallie E. Wright, all of Miami Co.  February 26, 1870

WRIGLEY, ROSETTA - At the Morris House, Troy, O., on December 29th, by A. L. McKinney, Addison Strock and Rosetta Wrigley, both of this county.  December 31, 1870

YASTE, JOHN T. - On the 15th inst., at the Parsonage of the Mulberry street M. E. Church, by Rev. T. S. Cowden, Mr. John T. Yaste and Miss Ella Firman, both of this county.  June 25, 1870

YOUNG, CHARLES P.. ESQ. - On the 13th inst., by A. L. McKinney, at the residence of the bride's father, Charles P. Young, Esq., and Permelia P. Webb, both of this county.  January 22, 1870  

ZIEGENFELDER, LOUISA - On Tuesday evening, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Frank William Rear to Miss Louisa Ziegenfelder, all of Troy.  July 9, 1870

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