Nov. 22d, by Rev. T. Collett, Mr. Patrick Jones to Miss Susan Adams, both of Troy, Ohio. November 17, 1864ALEXANDER, ELIZA - On the 14th of April, by Chaplain W. W. Lyle, John Lafayette Weeks, of the 11th O. V. V. I., to Miss Eliza Alexander. Thanks to fair bride and the gallant bridegroom for the liberal supply of cake accompanying the above. May their days be many--and their Weeks also.
April 21, 1864ANDERSON, WILLIAM O. - On the morning of the 27th ult., by Rev. W. Cheever, Mr. William O. Anderson to Miss Zilpha A. McCorkle. October 6, 1864
BARNHARD, LYDIA A. - On the 15th of May inst., by Rev. Joseph Paris in Troy, Mr. David Miller, to Miss Lydia A. Branhard, both of Miami County.
May 19, 1864BEANBLOSSOM, SILAS - April 7th, 1864, by Rev. T. Collett, at the residence of Mr. Layton, Mr. Silas Beanblossom to Miss Susan E. Osborn.
April 14, 1864BEAR, SOLOMON - On the 20th inst., by Rev. W. M. Cheever, Mr. Solomon Bear to Miss Lucinda Snyder.
October 27, 1864BROWN, CELIA A. - Jan. 28th, by Rev. T. Collett, Mr. Henry C. Mitchell, to Miss Celia A. Brown--both of this county.
February 4, 1864BULY, HARTLEY - By the Rev. R. T. Drake, at his residence, on the evening of the 1st inst., Mr. Hartley Buly, and Miss Mary Deweese, both of this county.
September 15, 1864BYRKETT, JOHN W. - On Thursday evening, June 30, by the Rev. W. W. Lyle, Mr. John W. Byrkett, late of the 11th Reg. O. V. I., to Miss Docia Kreider, of Troy. Our best wishes follow the fair bride and her gallant groom.
July 7, 1864CAID, MARY C. - Aug. 2nd, by Rev. T. Collett, at the residence of B. K. Harter, Mr. George C. Kife, of Illinois, to Mary C. Caid, of Troy, Ohio.
August 4, 1864 CROMER, SERGEANT WM. (WILLIAM) W. - In Dayton on the 5th inst., by Rev. David Winters, Sergeant Wm. W. Cromer, "Chaplain Last Chance," 11th O. V. V. I., to Miss Della E. Woolery. May 12, 1864DEWEESE, JERUSHA - By Rev. James Harvey, in Staunton, Miami Co., Oct. 13th, 1864, Mr. Adam K. Youart to Miss Jersusha Deweese.
October 20, 1864DEWEESE, JOHN - Sept. 1st, by Rev. Thomas Collett, Mr. John Deweese to Miss Frances E. Murphy, both of this county.
September 8, 1864DEWEESE, MARY -
By the Rev. R. T. Drake, at his residence, on the evening of the 1st inst., Mr. Hartley Buly and Miss Mary Deweese, both of this county. September 15, 1864DICK, JONATHAN ADAM - Aug. 26th, by Rev. T. Collett at the residence of Mr. P. Trabing, Mr. Jonathan A. Dick, to Miss Clara C. Layton, both of this county. September 1, 1864
DOLLISON, SILAS - On the 20th of March, by Col. McConnell, Mr. Silas Dollison, of Co. E 44th O. V. V. I., to Miss Sarah Funk of Troy, Ohio.
April 7, 1864DOUGLASS, MANNIE - On ____, by Rev. Thomas Collett, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Henry P. Pontius, to Miss Mannie A. Douglass--of Troy. October 6, 1864
DYE, GRAYSEN - On the 13th inst., by Rev. W. M. Cheever, Mr. Graysen Dye to Miss Louisa Shaffer.
October 27, 1864FENNING, MRS. BIBANA - On the 7th of April 1864, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Daniel Lhaffner to Mrs. Bibana Fenning, both of Troy.
April 14, 1864FUNK, SARAH - On the 20th of March, by Col. McConnell, Mr. Silas Dollison, of Co. E 44th O. V. V. I., to Miss Sarah Funk, of Troy, Ohio.
- On the 14th inst., by Eld. P. Banta, Mr. Daniel Shanks, to Miss Charlotte B. Gaskill--both of this County. July 21, 1864GINN, LIBERTY - On the 7th inst., by Rev. Mr. Younts, Mr. Liberty Ginn, of Delaware Co., Ind., to Miss Sarah J. Long, of this County.
January 28, 1864GOULD, JACOB H. - By Rev. J. P. Agenbroad, Feb. 18th, Mr. Jacob H. Gould, of Cincinnati, to Miss Lizzie Swisher, of Troy.
February 25, 1864GURLEY, CATHERINE - At the Morris House, Sept. 1st, by Rev. S. B. Smith, Mr. W. J. Manson to Miss Catherine Gurley, all of Monroe Tp., Miami County. September 22, 1864
HARVEY, DAVID H. - On the 9th inst., by the Rev. D. E. Thomas, Mr. David H. Harvey, of Marion, Ohio, to Mrs. Lucinda B. Odaffer, of Miami Co., O.
February 18, 1864HAWN, ELIAS - March 1st, by the Rev. J. P. Agenbroad, Mr. Elias Hawn to Miss Cyntha A. Nutter, both of Bethel Township.
April 3, 1864HAYWOOD, ESTHER - New Year's eve, by Rev. J. P. Agenbroad, Mr. Charles Josephs to Miss Esther Haywood, both of Troy. January 7, 1864
By the Rev. R. T. Drake on the evening of Thursday the 8th inst., Mr. John U. Henderson, and Miss Catharine Susannah Norris, both of Piqua. September 15, 1864HOAGLAND, SARAH JANE - Nov. 17th, at M. E. Parsonage, by Rev. T. Collett, Mr. Samuel Morehead, of Troy, Ohio, to Miss Sarah Jane Hoagland of Fort Wayne, Indiana.
November 17, 1864JACKSON, LAURA ANN - March 29th, 1864, by the Rev. J. W. Icenbarger, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. R. A. Proctor, of Piqua, O., and Miss Laura A., daughter of John M. Jackson, of Troy, O.
April 7, 1864JANVIER, ANGELINE - On the 18th inst., by Rev. R. T. Drake at the residence of J. T. Janvier, Esq., Mr. D. W. Smith to Miss Angeline Janvier. October 20, 1864
JONES, PATRICK - Nov. 22d, by Rev. T. Collett, Mr. Patrick Jones to Miss Susan Adams, both of Troy, Ohio.
November 17, 1864JOSEPHS, CHARLES - New Year's eve, by Rev. J. P. Agenbroad, Mr. Charles Josephs to Miss Esther Haywood, both of Troy. January 7, 1864
KIFE, GEORGE C. - Aug. 2nd, by Rev. T. Collett, at the residence of B. K. Harter, Mr. George C. Kife, of Illinois, to Mary C. Caid, of Troy, Ohio.
August 4, 1864KREIDER, DOCIA - On Thursday evening, June 30, by the Rev. W. W. Lyle, Mr. John W. Byrkett, late of the 11th Reg. O. V. I., to Miss Docia Kreider, of Troy. Our best wishes follow the fair bride and her gallant groom.
July 7, 1864LAYTON, CLARA A. - Aug. 26th, by Rev. T. Collett at the residence of Mr. P. Trabing, Mr. Jonathan A. Dick, to Miss Clara C. Layton, both of this county.
September 1, 1864LHAFFNER, DANIEL - On the 7th of April 1864, by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Daniel Lhaffner to Mrs. Bibana Fenning, both of Troy.
April 14, 1864LINE, SARAH E. - Sept. 29--by Rev. T. T. Collett at the Methodist Parsonage, Mr. J. J. Swigart to Miss Sarah E. Line--both of Tippecanoe. October 20, 1864
LONG, SARAH J. - On the 7th inst., by Rev. Mr. Younts, Mr. Liberty Ginn, of Delaware Co., Ind., to Miss Sarah J. Long, of this County.
January 28, 1864MANSON, WILLIAM J. - At the Morris House, Sept. 1st, by Rev. S. B. Smith, Mr. W. J. Manson to Miss Catherine Gurley, all of Monroe Tp., Miami County. September 22, 1864
McCORKLE, ZILPHA A. - On the morning of the 27th ults., by Rev. W. Cheever, Mr. William O. Anderson to Miss Zilpha A. McCorkle. October 6, 1864
MILES, A. J., M. D. - At Asbury Chapel, Tuesday morning, June 7th, 1864, by Rev. Adam Fox, A. J. Miles, M. D. of London, O., formerly of Miami Co., to Miss Mary F. Stearns, of Cincinnati. No Cards. June 16, 1864
MILLER, DAVID - On the 15th of May inst., by Rev. Joseph Paris in Troy, Mr. David Miller, to Miss Lydia A. Branhard, both of Miami County.
May 19, 1864MILLER, FREDERICK - On the 7th inst., by Rev. Mr. Hinderer, Mr. Frederick Miller to Miss Rosalie Snell, both of this county.
July 14, 1864MILLER, MARGARET - On the 15th inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Mathias Rhebholz to Miss Margaret Miller. September 22, 1864
MITCHELL, HENRY C. - Jan. 28th, by Rev. T. Collett, Mr. Henry C. Mitchell, to Miss Celia A. Brown--both of this county.
February 4, 1864MOREHEAD, SAMUEL - Nov. 17th, at M. E. Parsonage, by Rev. T. Collett, Mr. Samuel Morehead, of Troy, Ohio, to Miss Sarah Jane Hoagland of Fort Wayne, Indiana. November 17, 1864
MURPHY, FRANCES E. - Sept. 1st, by Rev. Thomas Collett, Mr. John Deweese to Miss Frances E. Murphy, both of this county.
September 8, 1864MURRAY, REV. SAMUEL - By Rev. James Harvey, in Piqua, Sept. 29th, Rev. Samuel Murray to Miss Catherine Studebaker. October 20, 1864
NORRIS, CATHARINE SUSANNAH - By the Rev. R. T. Drake, on the evening of Thursday the 8th inst., Mr. John U. Henderson, and Miss Catharine Susannah Norris, both of Piqua.
September 15, 1864NUTTER, CYNTHA A. - March 1st, by the Rev. J. P. Agenbroad, Mr. Elias Hawn to Miss Cyntha A. Nutter, both of Bethel Township.
April 3, 1864ODAFFER, MRS. LUCINDA B. - On the 9th inst., by the Rev. D. E. Thomas, Mr. David H. Harvey, of Marion, Ohio, to Mrs. Lucinda B. Odaffer, of Miami Co., O.
February 18, 1864OSBORN, SUSAN E. - April 7th 1864, by Rev. T. Collett, at the residence of Mr. Layton, Mr. Silas Beanblossom to Miss Susan E. Osborn.
April 14, 1864PONTIUS, HENRY P. - On ____, by Rev. Thomas Collett, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Henry P. Pontius, to Miss Mannie A. Douglass--of Troy. October 6, 1864
PROCTOR, RICHARD A. - March 29th, 1864, by the Rev. J. W. Icenbarger, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. R. A. Proctor, of Piqua, O., and Miss Laura A., daughter of John M. Jackson, of Troy, O.
April 7, 1864RHEBHOLZ, MATHIAS - On the 15th inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Mathias Rhebholz to Miss Margaret Miller. September 22, 1864
SHAFFER, LOUISA - On the 13th inst., by Rev. W. M. Cheever, Mr. Graysen Dye to Miss Louisa Shaffer.
October 27, 1864SHANKS, DANIEL - On the 14th inst., by Eld. P. Banta, Mr. Daniel Shanks, to Miss Charlotte B. Gaskill--both of this County. July 21, 1864
SHARER, JANE S. - Dec. 27th, 1863, by Rev. T. Collett, M. A. Whiteman, to Jane S. Sharer, both of Troy. January 14, 1864
SMITH, DANIEL - On the 18th inst., by Rev. R. T. Drake, at the residence of J. T. Janvier, Esq., Mr. D. W. Smith to Miss Angeline Janvier. October 20, 1864
SMITH, GEORGE W. - On the 28th day of April 1864, at the residence of Mr. Bejamin Enyart near Troy, O., by Rev. James Harvey, Mr. George W. Smith with Miss Louisa Enyart. May 12, 1864SMITH, HANNAH - On the morning of the 27th ult., by Rev. W. Cheever, Mr. Daniel S. TenEyck to Hannah Smith.
October 6, 1864SNELL, ROSALIE - On the 7th inst., by Rev. Mr. Hinderer, Mr. Frederick Miller, to Miss Rosalie Snell, both of this county.
July 14, 1864SNYDER, LUCINDA
- On the 20th inst., by Rev. W. M. Cheever, Mr. Solomon Bear to Miss Lucinda Snyder. October 27, 1864STEARNS, MARY F. - At Asbury Chapel, Tuesday morning, June 7th, 1864, by Rev. Adam Fox, A. J. Miles, M. D. of London, O., formerly of Miami Co., to Miss Mary F. Stearns, of Cincinnati. No cards. June 16, 1864
STUDEBAKER, CATHERINE - By Rev. James Harvey, in Piqua, Sept. 29th, Rev. Samuel Murray to Miss Catherine Studebaker. October 20, 1864
SWIGART, J. J. - Sept. 29--by Rev. T. Collett, at the Methodist Parsonage, Mr. J. J. Swigart to Miss Sarah E. Line--both of Tippecanoe. October 20, 1864
SWISHER, LIZZIE - By Rev. J. P. Agenbroad, Feb. 18th, Mr. Jacob H. Gould, of Cincinnati, to Miss Lizzie Swisher, of Troy.
February 25, 1864TALBOTT, ALLEN - Sept. 20th, by Rev. Thomas Collett, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Cruikshank, Mr. Allen Talbott, of Crestline, to Miss Mahala Wilmington, of Troy, Ohio. Thanks for the liberal supply of "fixings" to the printers. September 22, 1864
TEGTMEIER, WM. (WILLIAM) - On the 28th inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Wm. Tegtmeier to Miss Louisa Zeigler, of this County. July 28, 1864
TENEYCK, DANIEL S. - On the morning of the 27th ult., by Rev. W. Cheever, Mr. Daniel S. TenEyck to Hannah Smith. October 6, 1864
WEEKS, JOHN LAFAYETTE - On the 14th of April, by Chaplain W. W. Lyle, John Lafayette Weeks, of the 11th O. V. V. I., to Miss Eliza Alexander. Thanks to fair bride and the gallant bridegroom for the liberal supply of cake accompanying the above. May their days be many--and their Weeks also.
April 21, 1864WHITEMAN, M. A. - Dec. 27th, 1863, by Rev. T. Collett, M. A. Whiteman, to Jane S. Sharer, both of Troy. January 14, 1864
WILMINGTON, MAHALA - Sept. 20th, by Rev. Thomas Collett, at the residence of Mr. Wm. Cruikshank, Mr. Allen Talbott, of Crestline, to Miss Mahala Wilmington, of Troy, Ohio. Thanks for the liberal supply of "fixings" to the printers. September 22, 1864
YOUART, ADAM K. - By Rev. James Harvey, in Staunton Tp, Miami Co., Oct. 13th, 1864, Mr. Adam K. Youart, to Miss Jerusha Deweese.
October 20, 1864ZEIGLER, LOUISA - On the 28th inst., by Rev. J. Hinderer, Mr. Wm. Tegtmeier to Miss Louisa Zeigler, of this County. July 28, 1864