Marriage Record Notices from Troy Times Newspapers of 1856

Keep in mind the date following the article is the date of the newspaper announcement

Thanks to Jeannine Friend for taking the announcements from the newspaper and typing them up.

BABB, CAROLINE M. - By the Rev. Wesley Webster, on the 26th of February, Mr. Cyrus Lefever of Troy, to Miss Caroline M. Babb of Fairmount, Miami county, Ohio.  March 6, 1856

BANE, OLIVE C. - At the residence of Mr. Bane, near Troy, July 28th, by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Mr. David S. Thomas to Miss Olive C. Bane; all of Concord township.  July 31, 1856

BAUSMAN, DR. I. L. - At Mr. Joseph Furnas', Thursday evening, February 21st, 1856, by R. E. Cable, Esq., Dr. I. L. Bausman to Miss Sarah Ann Newman, all of Newton Township.  "Who can, find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies; the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.  She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life."  February 28, 1856

BEASLEY, ISAAC A. - On Thursday, the 31st ult., by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. Isaac A. Beasley and Miss Mary A. Gearhart.  February 7, 1856

BEEDLE, CLARINDA K. - July 15th, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. R. G. Kreider to Miss Clarinda K. Beedle.  July 17, 1856

BELL, HELEN C. - On the evening of the 4th inst., by Rev. D. Rice, at the residence of the late Gen. Bell, in Greenville, Mr. Wm. I. Faulkner to Miss Helen C. Bell.  September 11, 1856

BIDDLE, MARY ELIZABETH - Last evening, by Rev. H. B. Knight, David Stanford, of Kenton, Hardin co., and Mary Elizabeth Biddle, of this town.  Our thanks are due for the bountiful supply of "good things."  May 15, 1856

BIRCH, SARAH E. - On the 10th inst., at Mr. Kline's Hotel, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. Wm. B. Smith and Miss Sarah E. Birch.  December 11, 1856

BLACKMORE, BENJAMIN F. - On the 30th of October, by Elder P. Banta, Benjamin F. Blackmore to Elizabeth Shellebarger, all of Miami county.  November 6, 1856

BRAND, REBECCA - At Daniel Brand's, on Thursday evening, May 15, 1856, by R. E. Cable, Esq., Mr. Levi Deeter to Miss Rebecca Brand, all of Newton Township.  They have our best wishes for their future welfare.  May 22, 1856

BRANDON, SARAH A. - At the house of Joseph Beedle, Esq., Staunton Tp., on the 31st ult., by Rev. R. Brandriff, Mr. Charles Woolsey, of Sandusky, and Sarah A. Brandon, of the former place.  January 3, 1856

BRENDLE, GEORGE - February 4th, by John F. Somerville, Esq., Mr. George Brendle and Miss Elizabeth Chapin.  February 7, 1856  

CARPENTER, MARIA LOVINA - In this town, on the evening of the 14th inst., by Rev. H. B. Knight, Constant B. Grove and Maria Lovinia Carpenter.  June 26, 1856

CARROL, WESLEY - On the 18th inst., by Elder P. Banta, Mr. Wesley Carrol, of Wisonsin, to Miss Margaret Mitchel, of this county.  December 25, 1856

CHAPIN, ELIZABETH - February 4th, by John F. Somerville, Esq., Mr. George Brendle and Miss Elizabeth Chapin.  February 7, 1856

COLLINS, LUCINDA - On the 23d inst., by J. F. Conrey, Mr. Joseph Montonney to Miss Lucinda Collins.  September 4, 1856

CULBERTSON, AMANDA O. - Dec. 31st, by Rev. Mr. Conrey, Mr. Isaiah Miller and Miss Amanda O. Culbertson.  January 3, 1856

CURTIS, JOSEPH - January 31st, by John F. Somerville, Esq., Mr. Joseph Curtis and Miss Mary Jane, daughter of Col. Josias Westlake.  February 7, 1856

DAILEY, MARY - April 21st, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. Benjamin B. Overfield and Miss Mary Dailey.  May 1, 1856

DAVIS, JEMIMA - On the 21st of February, near New Carlisle, by the Rev. Wesley Webster, Mr. Jacob Shroyer to Miss Jamima Davis, both of Miami county, Ohio.  March 6, 1856

DAVIS, NANCY - At Troy, August 7th, by H. J. Pettit, Esq., John Dills to Nancy Davis, both of Miami County.  August 14, 1856

DEETER, LEVI - At Daniel Brand's, on Thursday evening, May 15, 1856, by R. E. Cable, Esq., Mr. Levi Deeter to Miss Rebecca Brand, all of Newton Township.  They have our best wishes for their future welfare.  May 22, 1856

DEMMITT, ANDREW - Oct. 30th, by Rev. T. Harrison, Mr. Andrew Demmitt to Catharine Shroyer, both of Miami county.  November 6, 1856

DILLS, JOHN - At Troy, August 7th, by H. J. Pettit, Esq., John Dills to Nancy Davis, both of Miami County.  August 14, 1856

DODSON, JOHN - By the Rev. T. P. Childs, Nov. 11th, at the house of Mr. J. R. Johns, John Dodson to Martha Weaver, all of Miami County.  November 13, 1856

DOUTY, JOSEPH - At Troy, by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Oct. 8th, Joseph Douty to Rebecca Hammond.  October 30, 1856

DRAUBAUGH, L. - At Troy, July 28th, by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Mr. L. Daubaugh, to Miss Phoebe N. Reed, all of Concord township.  July 31, 1856

EDWARDS, WILLIAM N. - On the 15th inst., by Rev. D. Rice, Mr. William N. Edwards of Troy, to Miss Mary Kelly of Milton.  July 17, 1856

FAULKNER, WM. (WILLIAM) I. - On the evening of the 4th inst., by Rev. D. Rice, at the residence of the late Gen. Bell, in Greenville, Mr. Wm. I. Faulkner to Miss Helen C. Bell.  September 11, 1856

FISHER, WM. (WILLIAM) - January 13th, by Rev. T. P. Childs, Mr. Wm. Fisher to Miss Ann E. Harmon, all of Troy.  January 17, 1856  

FISHER, WM. (WILLIAM) - On the 26th inst., by J. F. Conrey at Miami City, Mr. Wm. Fisher to Magelena Scoby.  September 4, 1856

FOX, CHARLES - May 1st, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. Charles Fox and Miss Eliza Jane Helpman.  May 1, 1856

FURNAS, RHODA - January 28th, by R. E. Cable, Esq., Mr. Jacob Swisher to Miss Rhoda Furnas, all of Newton Township, Miami Co., Ohio.  They have our best wishes for their future prosperity, and we hope their joys may multiply and increase through a long and happy life.  February 7, 1856  

GADDIS, MALITA N. - At Troy, Oct. 2d, Abraham Martin to Malita N. Gaddis, both of Newton township, by H. J. Pettit, Esq.  October 30, 1856

GEARHART, MARY A. - On Thursday, the 31st ult., by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. Isaac A. Beasley and Miss Mary A. Gearhart.  February 7, 1856

GEISINGER, J. B. - July 15th, by the Rev. D. Scott, Mr. J. B. Geisinger to Miss Elma Morris, all of Miami Co., O.  July 17, 1856

GEIST, DANIEL - On the 15th inst., by Rev. J. F. Conrey, at the Washington Hotel, in Troy, Mr. Daniel Geist to Mrs. Christiana Leiter.  January 17, 1856

GOSS, M. W. - On the 23d December, by the Rev. Daniel Rice, M. W. Goss, to Miss Mary E. Mayo, both of Troy.  January 10, 1856

GROVE, CONSTANT B. - In this town, on the evening of the 14th inst., by Rev. H. B. Knight, Constant B. Grove and Maria Lovinia Carpenter.  June 26, 1856

GROW, MARY A. - On Thursday evening, May 22d, by Rev. F. S. Fagan, Mr. Daniel M. Rouzer to Miss Mary A. Grow, all of Tippecanoe.  Our friend 'Dan,' whom we long ago had consigned to perpetual bachelorism, has verily come over among us.  We hope they may have a good time of it, and trust that the vile tongue of slander, may not tarnish the fair name of his partner, by taking advantage of a fact that cannot be denied, that in so short a time she should Grow a Rouzer.                  C.  June 5, 1856

HAMMOND, REBECCA - At Troy, by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Oct. 8th, Joseph Douty to Rebecca Hammond.  October 30, 1856

HARDENBROOK, JOHN G. - On the evening of the 18th inst., at the house of Mr. W. B. Orbison, by Rev. W. M. Cheever, Mr. John G. Hardenbrook to Miss Rachel Ross.  December 25, 1856

HARLAND, HARRIET E. - On Jan. 1st., Rev. Mr. Conrey, Augustus S. Tullis, to Miss Harriet E. Harland.  January 3, 1856

HARMON, ANN E. - January 13th, by Rev. T. P. Childs, Mr. Wm. Fisher to Miss Ann E. Harmon, all of Troy.  January 17, 1856

HARTER, KATE - On the 21st inst., by the Rev. Mr. Lynn, Col. John W. Randolph, of Macomb, Ill., to Miss Kate, the only daughter of J. O. Harter, Esq., of this county.  October 23, 1856

HAVENS, R. T. - June 3d, by Rev. T. P. Childs, Mr. R. T. Havens and Miss Maria Jackson, all of Casstown.  June 5, 1856

HELPMAN, ELIZA JANE - May 1st, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. Charles Fox and Miss Eliza Jane Helpman.  May 1, 1856

HETEL, CHRISTIANA - At the Franklin House in Dayton, February 7th, by Rev. Mr. Nicholson, Mr. Christian B. Niesley to Miss Christiana Hetel, both of Miami County.  February 14, 1856

HETZLER, MARGARETTE JANE - On the 5th, by Rev. S. M. Brower, Mr. Erastus Robbins, of Miami Co., to Miss Margarette Jane Hetzler, of Shelby Co., O.  December 11, 1856

HETZLER, STEPHEN - On the 4th inst., by Rev. S. M. Brower, Stephen Hetzler, of Shelby Co., to Miss Margarette Jane Weir, of Miami County.  December 11, 1856

HUNTSINGER, DANIEL - On January 31st, by John F. Somerville, Esq., Mr. Daniel Huntsinger and Miss Elizabeth Wertz.  February 7, 1856 

HYATT, MRS. NANCY - In Troy, July 1st, by R. Brandriff, Joseph Jones, Esq., of Lafayette, Ind., and Mrs. Nancy Hyatt, of Hyattsville, Miami county, Ohio.  July 10, 1856

ISENBERGER, JACOB - At the Buckeye House, July 31st, by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Jacob Isenberger to Mary Knee, of Union Township.  August 14, 1856

JACKSON, MARIA - June 3d, by Rev. T. P. Childs, Mr. R. T. Havens and Miss Maria Jackson, all of Casstown.  June 5, 1856

JOHNSON, ELIZABETH S. - On the 6th inst., by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Newton Smith, of Versailles, Ky., to Miss Elizabeth S. Johnson, of Troy.  March 6, 1856

JONES, ELIZABETH J. - July 10th, by J. F. Somerville, Esq., Mr. Alexander Yohe, to Miss Elizabeth J. Jones.  July 17, 1856

JONES, JOSEPH ESQ. - In Troy, July 1st, by R. Brandriff, Joseph Jones, Esq., of Lafayette, Ind., and Mrs. Nancy Hyatt, of Hyattsville, Miami county, Ohio.  July 10, 1856

KELLY, MARY - On the 15th inst., by Rev. D. Rice, Mr. William N. Edwards of Troy, to Miss Mary Kelly of Milton.  July 17, 1856

KNEE, MARY - At the Buckeye House, July 31st, by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Jacob Isenberger to Mary Knee, of Union Township.  August 14, 1856

KREIDER, R. G. - July 15th, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. R. G. Kreider to Miss Clarinda K. Beedle.  July 17, 1856

LEFEVER, CYRUS - By the Rev. Wesley Webster, on the 26th of February, Mr. Cyrus Lefever of Troy, to Miss Caroline M. Babb of Fairmount, Miami County, Ohio.  March 6, 1856

LEITER, MRS. CHRISTIANA - On the 15th inst., by Rev. J. F. Conrey, at the Washington Hotel, in Troy, Mr. Daniel Geist to Mrs. Christiana Leiter.  January 17, 1856

LUDLOW, JOHN M. - July 3d, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. John M. Ludlow to Rebecca S. Swain.  July 17, 1856

MARTIN, ABRAHAM - At Troy, Oct. 2d, Abraham Martin to Malita N. Gaddis, both of Newton township, by H. J. Pettit, Esq.  October 30, 1856

MAYO, MARY E. - On the 23d December, by the Rev. Daniel Rice, M. W. Goss, to Miss Mary E. Mayo, both of Troy.  January 10, 1856

McDONALD, SARAH - At Mrs. McDonald's in Staunton tp., by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Eli Robbins to Sarah McDonald, Oct. 23d.  October 30, 1856

McNICHOLS, WM. (WILLIAM) - June 9th, at the Washington Hotel, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Wm. McNichols and Mrs. Susan Ann Slayback.  June 19, 1856

MILLER, ISAIAH - Dec. 31st, by Rev. Mr. Conrey, Mr. Isaiah Miller and Miss Amanda O. Culbertson.  January 3, 1856

MITCHEL, MARGARET - On the 18th inst., by Elder P. Banta, Mr. Wesley Carrol, of Wisconsin, to Miss Margaret Mitchel, of this county.  December 25, 1856

MONTONNEY, JOSEPH - On the 23d inst., by J. F. Conrey, Mr. Joseph Montonney to Miss Lucinda Collins.  September 4, 1856

MORRIS, ELMA - July 15th, by the Rev. D. Scott, Mr. J. B. Geisinger to Miss Elma Morris, all of Miami Co., O.  July 17, 1856

MORRIS, GEO. (GEORGE) W. - On the 4th inst., by Rev. D. Rice, Mr. Geo. W. Morris to Miss Harriet F. Tullis, both of Troy.  September 11, 1856

NEWMAN, SARAH ANN - At Mr. Joseph Furnas', Thursday evening, February 21st, 1856, by R. E. Cable, Esq., Dr. I. L. Bausman to Miss Sarah Ann Newman, all of Newton Township.  "Who can, find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies; the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.  She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life."   February 28, 1856

NICHOLSON, MALISSA - At the Buckeye House, Troy, O., by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Oct. 23d, Alexander Patterson, of Iowa, to Malissa Nicholson, of Miami County.  October 30, 1856

NIESLEY, CHRISTIAN B. - At the Franklin House in Dayton, February 7th, by Rev. Mr. Nicholson, Mr. Christian B. Niesley to Miss Christiana Hetel, both of Miami County.  February 14, 1856  

OVERFIELD, BENJAMIN B. - April 21st, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. Benjamin B. Overfield and Miss Mary Dailey.  May 1, 1856

PATTERSON, ALEXANDER - At the Buckeye House, Troy, O., by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Oct. 23d, Alexander Patterson, of Iowa, to Malissa Nicholson, of Miami County.  October 30, 1856

PATTERSON, JOHN D. - On the 28th inst., by J. F. Conrey, Mr. John D. Patterson to Miss Catharine J. Ullery.  September 4, 1856

PRIEST, OBADIAH - On the 7th inst., near Miami City, by Elder P. Banta, Mr. Obadiah Priest to Miss Susan Clarissa Sprinkle.  {Does this settle the question whether it is right for a Priest to Sprinkle?}  December 11, 1856

RANDOLPH, COL. JOHN W. - On the 21st inst., by the Rev. Mr. Lynn, Col. John W. Randolph, of Macomb, Ill., to Miss Kate, the only daughter of J. O. Harter, Esq., of this county.  October 23, 1856

REED, PHOEBE N. - At Troy, July 28th, by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Mr. L. Draubaugh to Miss Phoebe N. Reed, all of Concord township.  July 31, 1856

ROBBINS, ELI - At Mrs. McDonald's in Staunton tp., by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Eli Robbins to Sarah McDonald, Oct. 23d.  October 30, 1856

ROBBINS, ERASTUS - On the 5th, by Rev. S. M. Brower, Mr. Erastus Robbins, of Miami Co., to Miss Margarette Jane Hetzler, of Shelby Co., O.  December 11, 1856

ROSS, RACHEL - On the evening of the 18th inst., at the house of Mr. W. B. Orbison, by Rev. W. M. Cheever, Mr. John G. Hardenbrook to Miss Rachel Ross.  December 25, 1856

ROUZER, DANIEL M. - On Thursday evening, May 22d, by Rev. F. S. Fagan, Mr. Daniel M. Rouzer to Miss Mary A. Grow, all of Tippecanoe.  Our friend 'Dan,' whom we long ago had consigned to perpetual bachelorism, has verily come over among us.  We hope they may have a good time of it, and trust that the vile tongue of slander, may not tarnish the fair name of his partner, by taken advantage of a fact that cannot be denied, that in so short a time she should Grow a Rouzer.                   C.  June 5, 1856

SCOBY, MAGDALENA - On the 26th inst., by J. F. Conrey at Miami City, Mr. Wm. Fisher to Miss Magdalena Scoby.  September 4, 1856

SHELLEBARGER, ELIZABETH - On the 30th of October, by Elder P. Banta, Benjamin F. Blackmore to Elizabeth Shellebarger, all of Miami county.  November 6, 1856

SHROYER, CATHARINE - Oct. 30th, by Rev. T. Harrison, Mr. Andrew Demmitt to Catharine Shroyer, both of Miami county.  November 6, 1856

SHROYER, JACOB - On the 21st of February, near New Carlisle, by the Rev. Wesley Webster, Mr. Jacob Shroyer, to Miss Jamima Davis, both of Miami County, Ohio.  March 6, 1856

SLAYBACK, MRS. SUSAN ANN - June 9th, at the Washington Hotel, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Wm. McNichols and Mrs. Susan Ann Slayback.  June 19, 1856

SMITH, NEWTON - On the 6th inst., by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Newton Smith, of Versailles, Ky., to Miss Elizabeth S. Johnson, of Troy.  March 6, 1856

SMITH, WM. (WILLIAM) B. - On the 10th inst., at Mr. Kline's Hotel, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. Wm. B. Smith and Miss Sarah E. Birch.  December 11, 1856

SPRINKLE, SUSAN CLARISSA - On the 7th inst., near Miami City, by Elder P. Banta, Mr. Obadiah Priest to Miss Susan Clarissa Sprinkle.  {Does this settle the question whether it is right for a Priest to Sprinkle?}  December 11, 1856 

STANFORD, DAVID - Last evening, by Rev. H. B. Knight, David Stanford, of Kenton, Hardin co., and Mary Elizabeth Biddle, of this town.  Our thanks are due for the bountiful supply of "good things."  May 15, 1856

STOWELL, M. A. - On the 2nd inst., by the Rev. J. H. Gill, Mr. M. A. Stowell, of Indianapolis, to Miss Elizabeth Telford, daughter of the late James and Mary Telford, of Troy.  September 4, 1856

SWAIN, REBECCA S. - July 3d, by Rev. J. F. Conrey, Mr. John M. Ludlow to Rebecca S. Swain.  July 17, 1856

SWISHER, JACOB - January 28th, by R. E. Cable, Esq., Mr. Jacob Swisher to Miss Rhoda Furnas, all of Newton Township, Miami Co., Ohio.  They have our best wishes for their future prosperity, and we hope their joys may multiply and increase through a long and happy life.  February 7, 1856

TELFORD, ELIZABETH - On the 2nd inst., by the Rev. J. H. Gill, Mr. M. A. Stowell, of Indianapolis, to Miss Elizabeth Telford, daughter of the late James and Mary Telford, of Troy.  September 4, 1856

THOMAS, DAVID S. - At the residence of Mr. Bane, near Troy, July 28th, by H. J. Pettit, Esq., Mr. David S. Thomas to Miss Olive C. Bane; all of Concord township.  July 31, 1856

TULLIS, AUGUSTUS S. - On Jan. 1st., Rev. Mr. Conrey, Augustus S. Tullis, to Miss Harriet E. Harland.  January 3, 1856  

TULLIS, HARRIET F. - On the 4th inst., by Rev. D. Rice, Mr. Geo. W. Morris to Miss Harriet F. Tullis, both of Troy.  September 11, 1856

ULLERY, CATHARINE J. - On the 28th inst., by J. F. Conrey, Mr. John D. Patterson to Miss Catharine J. Ullery.  September 4, 1856

WEAVER, MARTHA - By the Rev. T. P. Childs, Nov. 11th, at the house of Mr. J. R. Johns, John Dodson to Martha Weaver, all of Miami County.  November 13, 1856

WEIR, MARGARETTE JANE - On the 4th inst., by Rev. S. M. Brower, Stephen Hetzler, of Shelby Co., to Miss Margarette Jane Weir, of Miami County.  December 11, 1856

WERTZ, ELIZABETH - January 31st, by John F. Somerville, Esq., Mr. Daniel Huntsinger and Miss Elizabeth Wertz.  February 7, 1856

WESTLAKE, MARY JANE - January 31st, by John F. Somerville, Esq., Mr. Joseph Curtis and Miss Mary Jane, daughter of Col. Josias Westlake.  February 7, 1856

WOOLSEY, CHARLES - At the house of Joseph Beedle, Esq., Staunton Tp., on the 31st ult., by Rev. R. Brandriff, Mr. Charles Woolsey, of Sandusky, and Sarah A. Brandon, of the former place.  January 3, 1856  

YOHE, ALEXANDER - July 10th, by J. F. Somerville, Esq., Mr. Alexander Yohe to Miss Elizabeth J. Jones.  July 17, 1856

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