Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers --Sponsored by the Computerized Heritage Association

From the 1880 History of Miami County Ohio
pages 400-410

Prior to the first election. held in July, 1807, this township was bounded as follows: On the South by Montgomery County, on the east by Champaign County, on the north by Canada, on the west by the Great Miami River - that portion of the county east of the Miami was known by the name of Randolph Township. At the first meeting of the County Commissioners, the county was divided into five townships ; the fourth was called Elizabeth. From the official records we extract the following: "The fourth township to be known and called by the name of Elizabeth; and bounded: Beginning at the northeast corner of Bethel Township thence west with the line of said township to the Great Miami River; thence up said river to the middle of the eleventh range thence east, with the line through said range, to the county line; thence south with said line to the beginning;" this being the present boundary of the township.

The seeker of a home was struck by the healthy condition of this locality. Beautiful springs were noticed on all sides; numerous streams traversed through the soil, assuring its fertility; the white oak, which predominated in the forests, promised to be of value in the building of cabins; and the many maple trees yielded an abundance of sugar and molasses. These extraordinary inducements were not overlooked; and it is not surprising that settlements were made in the younger days of the nineteenth century.

No actual settlements were made previous to 1800, though the forests were inhabited by the hunter and trapper during the period of 1790 to 1799. In 1799, Michael Carver emigrated from Pennsylvania to this State and settled on what is now known as Staunton. One year later, Carver, with Benjamin and Christopher Knoop removed some five miles east of Staunton. Carver purchased a half-section of land from John Cleves Symmes, paying, $2.50 an acre for the same. This property is now in the possession of Henry Carver, who inherited it from his father. At this period, scarcely any trace of civilization was apparent, the locality for a distance of several miles consisting of one continued forest. A rude. hut was constructed as a shelter from the elements, and an enclosure provided for the horses. Then the work of clearing the forests began in earnest, During the years of 1800 to 1812, occasional travelers, upon reaching this township, were not long in ascertaining its many advantages, and very naturally sought permanent homes within its boundaries. Among these, who were mainly from Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Virginia, were John and Jacob Mann, Michael Shidecker, George Williams, Christopher Prillamen, Obadiah Winters, John Flinn, John Gearheart, Ralph French, Thomas and James Cecil. These men settled in different sections, and in the face of many difficulties. The thriving and prowling son of the forest was as yet in his element, and the midnight howl of the wolf disturbed the rest ot the weary settler. The cutting down of trees and the clearing of the forests progressed slowly, requiring much labor.

Sociability was a prominent feature of the pioneer; ever ready and willing to assist his neighbor-a request being responded to with readiness. Williams Mitchell, upon concluding to erect a cabin, invited his neighbors to assist him. A force of men began hewing the necessary timber in the morning ; and at the close of day the cabin was erected. Need we add that doors and windows were not, included? The opening was covered by a quilt or blanket; the open space between the logs was covered with paper, serving instead of glass windows. Log-rolling constituted the chief employment in the early spring. It was customary to divide those participating into two companies, each commanded by a captain; each party strove to perform the most labor; consequently, every man worked with a will. Whisky was furnished at intervals, which placed the men in a splendid working condition. At noon, and in the evening, meals were provided for them, consisting chiefly of chicken pot-pie and noodle soup. In an interview with Leonard Bousman, the writer was informed that he (Bousman) had attended some twenty of these log- rollings in one season.

An article indispensable in every household was whisky, obtained, in the earliest times, at the Knoop distillery, in Staunton. In later years, a number of distilleries-in the township supplied the demand. Every family had a quantity of the liquor in the house. Should a neighbor call, he was sure to be greeted with a tin cup filled with whisky. Was a laborer engaged to perform a few days' work, he expected plenty of whisky in addition to his wages, and was never disappointed.

Marriages then, as now, were a source of much social enjoyment. The entire neighborhood was invited to attend the ceremonies, and the invitation was invariably accepted. Usually the youths and maidens mounted on horses and formed a procession. Much amusement was indulged in during the trip to the residence of the bride, sometimes many miles distant. A bottle of whisky was placed on the road, at a considerable length in advance of the company. Two of the young men would then dismount and run for the bottle. The winner of this novel race was entitled to the flask and it's contents. The enormous amount of labor performed from year to year required the hearty cooperation of every member of the family, consequently, there was no time for idleness, and the youngsters had few opportunities of engaging in amusements. Occasionally, they were granted a short respite, and the ball and bat were brought into service. Instead of the base ball of to-day, they were content to play "corner ball." In the fall of the year, gathering beech-nuts and hickory-nuts was considered fine sport. The spinning wheel furnished the sole amusement for the maidens.

Elizabeth was well represented in the Indian war of 1812. Several companies of volunteers were organized of which John Williams and Jacob Mann were Captains, while John Shidecker, William Mitchell, William Shearer, Philip Sailor and others deserve honorable mention as privates. Abrarm Statler was compelled to go to Fort Wayne during the campaign. Here he endured many privations, fortunately returning home in safety, though much broken down in health, His father was originally detailed to perform this duty, but this the brave and noble soil would not allow, under any circumstances, and went in his stead. Such heroic conduct and filial devotion is commendable. While Capt. Williams' company was stationed at Fort Loramie, a little incident occurred which was related to the writer by one of the oldest settlers. One night one of the soldiers had a dream. Of the nature of this dream history will ever be silent, the dreamer sleeping, the sleep that knows no wakening, his lips having long been hushed in silence. Perhaps, in his imagination, he saw some horrible illusion, for suddenly a piercing shriek was heard. In an instant all sprang to their feet and grasped their weapons in alarm, Capt. Williams was thrown into a state of great fear, and, heedless of the degradation which might follow, he ran from the camp and sought refuge behind a log. A soldier, thinking he was an Indian, raised his gun and fired, fortunately missing his man. Before another shot was fired, the Captain came to his senses and the mistake was discovered.

For many years after the first settlement had been made, the township was inhabited by the untutored sons of the forest. Generally these Indians were inclined to be peaceable, though the pioneer was much disturbed by the numerous visits to his cabin, begging for bread and whisky, which were never refused them. The Pottawatomies, who have a close connection with the Shawnoes, were camped at various parts of the township. Mr. Henry Carver informs us that the land at present owned by him was a favorite camping- ground, at that time being in possession of his father, Michael Carver who was often the victim of their depredations. On one occasion, Michael, with two horses attached to a sleigh, was hauling logs. An Indian came toward him. shoving strong symptoms of an over-indulgence in fire-water, undoubtedly procured, from the whites. His drunken performances frightened the horses. This so angered Carver that he extracted a stake from the sleigh, and, striking the savage with it, felled him to the ground. When the latter became conscious, he walked away without making any demonstration, nor was Carver molested in the future. With the tribe just mentioned, was a white woman (her name we could not ascertain), who had been stolen from her home in Pennsylvania, when but a child, and taken by the band to Ohio. Eventually, she became reconciled with her lot, married a grim warrior and became the mother of a large family. It is said that, in later years, she paid a visit to her old home remaining for a short time only, and soon rejoining her wild associates. The savages were considered peaceful and harmless, and no danger was apprehended. Immediately after the killing of Dilbone and the Gerards, however, the entire country prepared for action. The women and children were taken to the house of John M. Dye, while the male portion of the community scoured the country in search of the murderers, but without success. For some time after the deed was committed, an Indian was held in mortal dread and looked upon with suspicion. No further disturbance occurring, all recollections of the bloody affair passed into oblivion. It may have been twenty years after the first settlement before the last of the Pottawatomies disappeared. Many of the present inhabitants have distinct recollections of seeing these representatives of the red race, the above facts having been ascertained through interviews with Henry Carver, William Mitchell, Leonard Bousman, Andrew Sayers, Mrs. Dye, Mrs. Statler, Mrs. French and others, whose names do not occur to us at this writing. They all admit that the presence of an Indian inspired them with uncontrollable fear.

Wild beasts, common to American forests, abounded in this locality previous to the year 1820. The howl of the wolf was heard nightly, encounters with bears and panthers occurred frequently human life was in danger, and the lives of domestic animals were in continual jeopardy. Mr. Leonard Bousman furnished us with the following: "The first sheep were brought to the county by the Knoops. As the flock increased in numbers, five of the sheep were sold to man named Jackson, and placed in a pen attached to his cabin. They were soon discovered by wolves, who, on a certain night, made an attack. The continued howling, of the wolves frightened the sheep, and they made a desperate attempt to escape from the enclosure finally, they succeeded, and ran in the direction of a stream near by, closely pursued by their enemies the wolves. Upon reaching the stream, the foremost sheep plunged headlong into the water and was drowned. The remaining four, true to their instinct, followed the leader and shared the same fate, literally jumping from the frying, pan into the fire. Woolen clothing was not worn by Jackson's family in the following winter. At another time, Bousman's father was burning logs and rubbish in a field which he was clearing. His sons were assisting him. After the evening meal had been served, the male members of the family again repaired to the field it being essential that the land be prepared for the plow as quickly as possible, all hands labored diligently. Presently, the howl of the wolf could plainly be heard piercing, the calm night air, followed by a succession of fierce cries apparently from every direction. Ere long, Bousman and his sons saw the beasts approaching. The fire, which had been the agent in attracting them, for a long time, kept them at bay but ere long, one more daring than the others, sprang toward Bousman, who promptly struck him with an ax, his sons flying to his assistance, they soon dispatched the beast. At this instant, strange as it may appear, the remaining wolves turned and fled. But for this fortunate circumstance, it mioht have gone hard with the Bousmans. Hogs were also frequently attacked by the wolves, until they were provided with means of defense. It became customary to allow several hog s to live to an old age ; as they grew older, their teeth increased in size, making them a splendid weapon of self defense, and a protection also for the rest. An old, ferocious hog, with long teeth, was considered a match for any wolf. Gray squirrels proved another source of continual annoyance. Immediately after the corn was planted, it was ferreted out by thousands of these little pests, often making it necessary to plant a second time. An inroad was also made upon the growing corn as soon as in milk, and they would work upon it until gathered, sometimes destroying half the corn in a field. The nuisance becoming unbearable, it was decided to adopt a plan, by which the many little animals could be destroyed. Accordingly, a certain day was set apart by the inhabitants of a district, for a general slaughter. To encourage hunters, some of the farmers would raise a subscription in corn, to be paid the hunter who would bring in the most scalps. Isaac Mendenhall and Allen Ramsay were considered among the best hunters in this section. The year of 1828 witnessed a general migration of the squirrel to the East. After this time, wholesale squirrel killing was abandoned.

The excellent facilities for water-power did not long escape the keen observation of the settler. The necessity of a flouring-mill became apparent, the nearest being Freeman's Mill, in Monroe Township. A continual demand for whisky and the abundant production of corn increasing from year to year, guaranteed the erection of distilleries a safe investment. In 1811, the building of the first mill was commenced by John M. Dye, at the Lost Creek crossing, near the land now owned by John Lefevre. The entire neighborhood assisted in hewing the logs. Perhaps the only man living who assisted in the construction of this mill, is Andrew Sayers. The mill was not finished until the year 1813, the first wheat being ground a few days prior to the marriage of Dye's daughter, Sarah, to Abram Statler. Mrs. Statler remembers that the chief amusement of the wedding guests consisted in visiting the new mill. At that time, Dye resided on the site of the Children's Home but, at the completion of the mill, he erected a stone building just north of it, the house still stands and is occupied by John Lefevre. This new improvement was but the forerunner of many others. A road was surveyed from the mill to Troy, making a direct avenue for conveying grain to and from the center. The second grist mill was built by Michael Carver, in 1823 ; this building is at present used as a cotton-mill by Henry Carver. Other mills were erected in later years, many are yet in good running order, and will be found in every part of the township.

Jacob Mann erected the first distillery; in what year we have been unable to ascertain. The next distillery of any magnitude was built by Daniel P. Voorhis, in 1830. The many private whisky factories throughout the township are not considered worthy of notice. A Dutchman by the name of Van Culen Hampton owned the first saw-mill, situated on the land now owned by M. Hill. Perhaps, a, powder-mill erected by Jacob Prillman, on Indian Creek, in 1806, is the first manufacturing establishment ever put up in the township - the property is now in possession of William Thompson. Some years after, a man named Lusenhall engaged in the manufacturing of hats, on the site of Levi Staley's residence. In 1825, Newman Scarlet operated a turning lathe, on the present Henry Bell property, on Indian Creek. Stores were also established as they were needed. The first store was kept by Conklin, in 1831, father of John Conklin, the Corporation Clerk of Troy. Isaac Sheets and Asa French were also engaged in the sale of merchandise.

For many years, roads were comparatively unknown. The pioneer cut a path to the house of his nearest neighbor, who, in turn cut his way to the next cabin. Thus, it will be noticed that the roads were very irregular, and traveling was necessarily slow and tedious. The road from Dye's mill to Troy was the first laid out by the County Surveyor. The first pike built through the township was the Troy and Springfield pike. At this writing, the township is traversed by three or four free pikes, intersected by a complete network of roads.

Cincinnati was the nearest trading-point for a number of years. After harvest, wheat was taken to the mill and ground; if there was a surplus of flour, it was taken to Cincinnati, by wagon, and exchanged for leather, coffee and other indispensable necessaries. Sometimes a small amount of cash was received, which was saved for the tax-gatherer. The leather was usuall converted into shoes, by roaming shoemakers. Horses were often taken to South Carolina and sold at a good figure. A cargo of flour and pork was placed on a raft and floated into the Miami, thence to the Ohio, down to the Mississippi, thence onward to New Orleans. Here the cargo was disposed of, and the pilot returned on foot, some three or four months being consumed in going and returning.

A new impetus came to the homes of the pioneer in 1830. This year witnessed the erection of frame dwellings , new arrivals came from the East, and general prosperity crowned the efforts of the inhabitants. On and after this date, no backward steps were taken the population was on a rapid increase; instead of one continual forest, beautiful fields of golden grain were seen; blazed roads had long disappeared; the educational interests attained a higher standard. It was apparent the struggles through poverty were a thing of the past.

Clock peddlers traversed the country in 1835, selling their wares at a high figure many settlers paid from $25 to $75 for a common eight-day clock. Stoves were introduced in 1840, and created somewhat of a sensation. To the pioneer, accustomed to sit and warm by the dear old fire-place from infancy up, it seemed that the new contrivance could be of no service in heating and cooking. So strong was the prejudice against this invention, that many declared that victuals had not the wholesome taste produced by the old way of cooking. The general opinion soon chanced, and erelong stoves came into general use. Simultaneously with the stove came the cast-iron plow, and lately the steel plow, the mower and reaper and the thresher. Log cabins gave way to beautiful edifices of frame and brick, large bank barns were erected for the comfort of the domestic animal; everything was changed as if by magic.

Taught to reverence and trust in the Lord of Hosts, when but children, and faithfully adhering to these teachings as they grew older, it is natural that the settlers should make rapid progress in the religious cause. After six days of hard labor, the Sabbath was welcomed as a day of rest. Ministers were unknown for several years after the arrivals of the first settlers. No house of worship had been erected. On Sabbath morning, the humble cabin was converted into a house of prayer; the family gathered around the fire-place, passages of Scripture were read and commented upon, interspersed by the singing of hymns of yeolden time. The long, distance to the house of the next-door neighbor made impossible the favorite Sunday afternoon call of the present day; social conversation, suggesting and discussing plans for the future, and the singing of a hymn occasionally, serving to while away the long hours of the afternoon and evening. Later on, the locality becoming somewhat more populated, it was decided to hold services at a certain house which could be conveniently reached by the neighborhood; and persons would gather from a radius of four and five miles to join in social worship. The first meeting was held at the house of Rafe Stafford, on the George Stafford farm, in Clarke County, by members of the Methodist Episcopal denomination. The first services held in the township, were conducted by the Methodists, at the house of John Gearheart, at present occupied by Miss Sarah Gearbeart, on the Troy and Springfield pike, near the easterntown shipline. The New Lights erected a church, in 1815, near the Cold Springs.

The first meeting of the Baptists was held at the house of Stephen Dye, in Staunton Township, on the 3d of November, 1804, a full account of which will be found in another part of this work. Our forefathers endured all the inconveniences connected with an attendance to these meetings; yet the long, walk through the dense forests was performed without a murmur, and with glad thanksgiving to the Most High. At the residence of William Knight, on the site of the Children's Home, the first meeting within the township was held. Services were also conducted in the houses and barns of the neighbors, and frequently an adjournment was made to God's first temples. Assembling together for the purpose of holding social religious meetings was the favorite and only pastime of the young folks The house owned by Knight was afterward sold to john M. Dye, with the express understanding that devotional exercises should be continued, Mr. Dye, being a stanch Baptist, acquiescing readily. These meetings continued for some years. Mrs. Sarah Statler is the only living member of this organization. At present the Casstown Church is attended by the Baptists of Elizabeth; there is no Baptist Church in the township.

Having penned a general outline of the history of the New Light and Baptist churches, we now turn our attention to the Methodist Episcopal. The first meetings were held at the house of Samuel Mitchell. A society was afterward formed near the location of the present McKendree Chapel; this was in 1815. Aunt Betsy Stafford is the only surviving member of this class the others have long passed away. Joseph Oglesby was the first circuit minister; and Abbott Godart the first quarterly minister. In 1822, a structure was built on Section two, southeast of Miami City, and called McKendree Chapel. In 1845, the building was torn down to make way for an edifice of brick, which is, at present, attended by a large congregation. At the first Sunday school of this church the first lesson was the first chapter of the Gospel according to St. Luke. John Bruce was elected Superintendent.

We wish to remark while writing on this subject, that religiously, Elizabeth county is unsurpassed by any township in the county, The family Bible occupies a conspicious position in nearly every household. In the cares and pleasures of daily life, devotional exercises are never forgotten. The examples set fourscore, years ago have passed from generation to generation. That religion and morality will ever have a firm foothold is a foregone conclusion. So mote it be.

One of the prime objects of the pioneers was the establishment of suitable schools for the children. Pennsylvania, to whom the township owes her earliest settlers, offered poor and uninviting educational facilities. John M. Dye, it is said, left his native State for that reason. Obstacles in the way of establishing suitable schools were many. There were, as yet, very few people in the district, money was scarce; able and efficient teachers could not be obtained; much labor was required in building a suitable house for educational purposes. But, in spite of all these difficulties, the pioneer did not waver. A site was selected, logs were hewn, and erelong the house was ready for occupancy. A teacher was procured who received a small compensation, and boarded "round." The original schoolhouse was situated on the farm of Christian Knoop, near the Staunton line. The first person to officiate therein as schoolmaster was John Enyeart, who combined with the duties of pedagogue that of Justice of the Peace. Later on a schoolhouse was built near the present Staley mill, in what is now known as Bethel Township.

In 1812, the schoolhouse on the Lost Creek Crossing was taught by John Schell, when he was sober. For charts, rude boards on which were inscribed in rough caricatures the alphabet and easy monosyllables, were used. Noah Webster's spelling book, Dilworth's arithmetic, the Bible, or any other book obtainable, completed the outfit. Under careful, economical management, the educational interests of this locality progressed gradually and satisfactorily. As the general surroundings advanced in civilization, the population increased the pioneer was slowly placing himself and his interests on a firm financial basis, thus enabling him to afford his children better facilities for obtaining a good common-school education. Prior to 1840, there were but two schoolhouses in the township. Today, eight flne brick structures, erected at an average cost of $2,000, bear testimony to the rapid strides made in this direction.

A stranger is impressed by the numerous graveyards located in nearly every section of the township. They are not populated very thickly, but their number and location show a change induced by the absence of roads, and strengthen the idea that each family buried its own dead on the home place. No costly monument was erected in ye olden times, a plain, rough sandstone, simply inscribed, marking the silent resting-place. The oldest known grave is that of Mrs. Lowder, who rests in the burying-place in the rear of Charles Voorhis' residence. The Methodist Episcopal cemetery is the oldest public burying-ground in the township. James Mitchell was the first person buried here. July 19, 1815, is the date. In this city of the dead repose soldiers of all American wars, a singular coincidence. We append the names: Revolutionary war, Samuel Mitchell, John Burns - war of 1812, Jacob Ullery, John Drury, William Mitchell: Mexican war, John French; rebellion, Jacob Sterrett, Randolph Moore, Merriam Kester, Edward Kemp. The New Light cemetery, adjoining Henry Carver's property, is beautifully situated. From its highest point can be obtained a full view of the entire neighborhood. Here sleeps Michael Carver, an early settler. The following is engraved on his tombstone.


A native of Pennsylvania,
who died Dec. 2, 1842, aged 60 years and 2 months.
He was one of the first settlers in this vicinity,
and emigrated to this county in 1799,
where he lived respected, and died regretted,
leaving a large family to inherit his name
and practice his many virtues.

Miami City, or Alcony P. O.,
is the only village. It was laid out in 1858 by M. G. Carr, Levi Hart and William Vandeveer. It is situated on the Troy and Springfield pike, having formerly been a stopping-point on the Troy and Springfield stage-route. The first house was erected by Philip Dick, and used as a cooper-shop. In 1860, it was bought by John Drury, and changed into a tavern stand; the tavern is closed at present. The town has a population of about 150. A post office has been established in what year, we could not ascertain. Mail is carried from Troy, via this place, to Christiansburg, Champaign Co., on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. The early records of the office having been lost, we can give a list of the recent Postmasters only: William Schoby, 1869; Christian Seuer, 1870; S. B. Thatcher, 1871-72 - William Scott, 1872, who continued in office until 1878, when J. M. Smith, the present incumbent, was appointed. Following is a showing of the business interests of the town: Dry goods, groceries, etc., J. M. Smith, J. M. Hart; blacksmithing and wagon-making, W. A. Baker, J. A. Robinson, W. Anderson physicians, V. S. Deaton, J. O. Davy ; shoemaking, Rudolph Billett. The only saloon has been closed. Many of the early records are lost or destroyed; therefore it is impossible to give a complete list of all the officers of the township. John M. Dye was Justice of the Peace in 1811. Thomas Sayers held the office of Clerk for many years ; he was also a Justice of the Peace. Debts were sometimes contracted which could not be paid when due, and the accounts were left in the hands of the "Squire" for collection. This constituted the chief legal business.


In as much as the above-mentioned home is situated in this township, and on the land donated by one of her former most prominent citizens, we will endeavor to present a brief sketch of the founding and management of this institution. For many years, the subject of building a suitable asylum for the accommodation of children who had been deprived of the comforts of a home, had been agitated by philanthropists of this county. Year after year, it became more and more apparent that decisive steps must be taken toward the accomplishment of this object. The matter was first brought before the public by the Women's Christian Association, of whom it may well be said that they laid the corner-stone of the handsome edifice which now greets the eye of the passer-by. In their official semi-annual Report of March, 1877, the Directors of the County Infirmary advocated, in the strongest terms, the establishment of a home for destitute children, a number of whom were at that time supported by the managers of the Infirmary. They called attention to the bad examples set before the little ones, while inmates of that institution, and urged that the evil influences by which they were surrounded would certainly lead to bad results.

On the 4th day of June, 1877, John H. Knoop conveyed to Isaac Clyne, W. R. Northcutt and D. C. Branson, Commissioners of 4iami County, the grounds known as the "John Statler farm " (jointly owned by his brother Jacob and himself), in Elizabeth Township containing about 160 acres of land, on which the "Home Buildings" are now located. The Commissioners authorized the Auditor to notify the qualified electors of the county that they would be called upon to vote on the question of building a Children's Home, at the October election, of 1877. The result of this election was as follows: For the Home, 5,891 against the Home, 175. During the winter of 1877, and spring of 1878, the Comissioners visited a number of homes throughout the State, with a view of gaining an insight into the construction of these institutions. D. W. Gibbs, of Toledo, was selected architect, who drew up the plans and specifications of the proposed building. On the 8th of May, 1878, the contract for constructing the building was awarded to various parties at a cost of $16,270.25. Much additional work and many improvements have swelled the total cost to $30,000. January 15, 1878, the Commissioners appointed the following gentlemen to serve as Trustees - R. P. Spiker, Piqua, one year ; Jacob Rohrer, Tippecanoe, two years Samuel K. Harter, Troy, three years. January 21, 1879, Washington Barnes, of Troy, was appointed Superintendent. On the 30th of the same month, the building, was completed and ready for occupancy.

Having decided upon giving the readers of this work a detailed account of the manner in which this institution is conducted, we repaired to the home. Upon ringing the door-bell, we were ushered into the cozy reception-room by a servant, a few moments later we were greeted by the genial Matron, to whom our wants were made known, and who kindly offered to conduct us through the building. Adjoining the reception-room is the office of the Superintendent and also of the physician; across the hall is the parlor, through which we pass into the sitting-room. Everything presents a neat and inviting appearance. The children's dining-room, linen-room, etc., are also found on this (ground) floor. On the second tloor is located the hospital, Superintendent' s private apartment, spare room, girls' dormitory, baby-room, occupied at this writing, by eight sweet little cherubs, under the watchful eye of a nurse. The girls' sleeping apartments, and the dormitories and sleeping apartments of the boys, are also on this floor. The chapel and servants' apartments are on the third floor. In the basement is the employees' dining-hall, kitchen and storerooms. Back of the main building is the engineer room, laundry and bakery. The building is heated by steam and i lluminated by gasoline. An inexhaustible spring furnishes water, which is forced to all parts of the building. Healthy bath-rooms have been provided, and the children are bathed once a week-Saturday. Visitors are admitted from 1 to 4 o'clock, P. M., daily, except Saturday and Sunday. Those who wish to attend the Sabbath school will be welcomed. The Trustees meet on the first Monday of each month. The friends of the children are also allowed to call on them on that day.

The total number of children who are inmates at this writing, is sixty-nine. The following is the number of employees, and the character of their duties : One teacher, two cooks, one baker, three laundry girls, three nurses, one chambermaid, one maid-of-all- work, one engineer, three laborers. The Matron has been much encouraged by favorable comments made by visitors, and well she might; a person more fitted for the responsible position could not be found. The Superintendent also takes an active, interest in the welfare of all connected with the institution. Recently, the Female Bible Societies, of Troy, and Piqua, presented the home with Bibles. A Sabbath school has been organized, and is visited by friends of the institution from far and near. Thus is the seed of morality and religion sown in these young hearts, and the Divine injunction, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not," is literally obeyed. Miami County may well be proud of her Children's Home. Situated on the grounds donated by descendants of her earliest settlers, built by the almost unaniinous consent of her people, and managed by some of her most charitable citizens, she way ever point with pride to the Knoop Children's Home.


Trustees: S. K. Harter, President, Troy; Jacob Rohrer, Tippecanoe; R. P. Spiker, Piqua. Superintendent, Washington Barns, of Troy. Matron, Mrs. Mattie J. Barnes. Physician, L. M. Lindenberger. Teacher, Miss Lizzie Roney.

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