
Thanks to Jeannine Friend for these listings

BRAYSHAW, MR. AND MRS. ROBERT - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brayshaw announce the birth of a daughter last Friday at Stouder hospital.  Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Brayshaw.  Tipp City Herald dated December 6, 1971

BUCKMAN, MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM - Mr. and Mrs. William Buckman announce the birth of a daughter born Friday, October 8, at Stouder Hospial.  Tipp City Herald dated October 13, 1971  

CRAIG, MR. AND MRS. KENNETH  - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Craig announce the birth of a daughter Tina Marie born last Wednesday at Grandview hospital in Dayton.  They also have a son Todd Allen.  Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Craig of S. Second St. and maternal grandparents are Rev. and Mrs. Wesley Runk of Mansfield, Ohio.  The paternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Leona Craig of Barnesville, Ohio.  Tipp City Herald dated December 6, 1971

DAVENPORT, STAFF SGT. AND MRS. - Congratulations to Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Michael Davenport (Janice Boring) on the arrival of William Elmer Davenport on December 1 at Wright-Patterson AFB hospital.  He weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. at birth but has just come home to his family, following a little trouble.  His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boring of Brandt, and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davenport of Hannibal, New York.  Howard Davenport is young William Elmer's great-grandfather.  The younger Davenports live at 9295 W. National Road, New Carlisle, 45344.  .Bethel Beeline of Tipp City Herald dated December 15, 1971  

ELDRIDGE, MR. AND MRS. PAUL - A girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eldridge, last Friday at Dettmer hospital.  Tipp City Herald dated December 6, 1971

HOWARD, (NO FIRST NAME) - Mr. and Mrs. Howard announce the birth of a daughter, born Friday, October 8, at Dettmer Hospital.  Tipp City Herald dated October 13, 1971  

SACHS, MR. AND MRS. ROBERT - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sachs, 5200 Winterhill drive in Bethel township are the parents of a new little daughter who weighed in at 7 lbs. 9 1/2 oz.  Karen Lynn was born on February 25th.  Tipp City Herald dated March 10, 1971  

SNELL, MR. AND MRS. GARY - A boy, born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Snell at Stouder hospital.  Tipp City Herald dated December 6, 1971

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