Thanks to Jeannine Friend for these listings

ADAMS, DAVID FAMILY -  Mr. David Adams was the happiest looking man that struck town yesterday. He looked as though he didn't care whether the ground hog saw his shadow or not. The arrival of a fine boy at his house Thursday was the cause of all this joy.  February 3, 1877 (MU)

BRECHBILL, FRANK FAMILY - Frank Brechbill was about the happiest looking man last Tuesday we have seen for a fortnight.  He was brimful to overflowing with joy, and all because a little daughter put in an appearance at his house that morning.  December 15, 1877 (MU)

HOAGLAND, MR. AND MRS. I. N. - Mr. I. N. Hoagland is the happy father of a new daughter, which put in an appearance last Wednesday.  November 10, 1877 (MU)

SPEAGH, MR.& MRS. CHARLES D. - Chas. D. Speagh, formerly of this place but now of Bellefontaine, writes us to inform his friends here that he is the happy father of a fine boy who put in an appearance last week.   August 18, 1877 (MU)

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