First grade in Covington Ohio 1908
The bottom row from Second Row starting Top row starting on
left to right: on the left: the left:
01. Herschel Minnich 17. Alice Rudy 30. Walter Goens
02. Harley Thompson 18. Jay O'Donnell 31. unknown Roeth
03. Arthur Tobias 19. Gladys Alexander 32. unknown Roeth
04. Samuel Fisher 20. Marie Thompson 33. unknown Goens
05. unknown Beeman 21. Naomi Thompson 34. unknown Goens
06. Glenna Rench 22. Katie Thompson 35. unknown Rieber
07. Marcus Dollinger 23. Devault Weaver 36. unknown
08. Darrell Rudy 24. Herbert Ullery 37. Harry Drees
09. Gladys Wagner 25. Lawrence Kendall 38. Francis Etter
10. Catherine Overcash 26. Vivian Fulker 39. Bernie Brooks
11. John Ramsey 27. Dwight Williams 40. Lloyd Marlin
12. Robert Coleman 28. Velma Vandigrift 41. Albert Brinkman
13. Mary Nicolas 29. Mary Carlton 42. Clarence Frey
14. Sophia Shuman 43. Frank O'Roark
15. Alva Rudy 44. Miss Wine
16. Annabelle Musser 45. Miss Johnston
I have used the numbering from the back of the photo, written by my great grandmother Lo Etter. The left hand corner of the top is rather iffy because I cannot tell which boy is Walter Goens due to having one large boy in the background. Is this a teacher or a grade schooler? ......Pamela Etter Zull <>