Stillwater Valley News
February 27, 1928

Luther Albert Wright

Jan. 10, 1927 there came to brighten the home of Moses Wright and Effie Wright near Covington, O. a fine little boy. This same little babe was not only welcomed most heartily by all members of the family but was named by them, Luther Albert Wright. He was a most promising child and grew rapidly not only in stature but also in those graces which add to childhood so much of beauty and loveliness. Naturally he also grew in the affection of neighbors and friends.  Not withstanding the wonderful prospects that seemed to be ahead for our dear little friend he became very ill a short time ago. Everything that could be done for him was faithfully and thoroughly applied with the hope of speedy recovery. That mysterious messenger which calls our loved ones to that other and better world summoned this precious child and he passed through the gates, Thursday evening, Feb. 16, 1928 at the age of 1 yr., 1 mo., and 6 days. He leaves to mourn his departure his father, Mr. Moses Wright and Mrs. Effie Wright and the following sisters and brothers: Sarah, Charles, George, Lucille, Betty Jane, and Esther Louise.  Besides the above he is survived by his two grandfathers, his aunts and a large number of other relatives and friends.

"And you shall shortly know that lengthened breath
Is not God's sweetest gift unto His friend,
And that sometimes the sable pall of death
Conceals the fairest boon His love can send,
If we could push ajar the gates of life
And stand within and all God's workings see,

......The remainder of the poem is missing....

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