Western Spy

October 12, 1811 

GLOVER, ELIAS ESQUIRE - Died, on Saturday the 5th instant, at Lebanon, after a short illness, Elias Glover, Esquire, Counselor at law, of this place.  Death, in cutting off this victim in the prime of life, and in the enjoyment of superior talents, and abilities, has occasioned a loss that will be very sensibly felt.  In the exercise of his profession, he invariably exerted himself with laudable zeal, and the strictest honor and integrity.  His particular friends, only can be truly sensible of the goodness of his heart.  Some hundreds of persons followed him to the place of the 'last long rest'; the procession was formed by a general attendance of people of both sexes.  His friends beg leave to express their gratitude to Doctor Canby, the attending physician for his assidious attention; to the citizens of Lebanon, for their unremitting kindness, during his last illness; and for their demonstration of respect in rendering the last mournful offices to the deceased. 

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