Troy Times

February 16, 1865

LOVE, SALLIE A. - On the 28th of January 1865, at her father's residence, near Troy, Ohio, Miss Sallie A. Love, aged 21 years, 10 months and 2 days. Her sickness was Tubercular consumption, which she bore with Christian resignation and patience. She had united with the church of Christ in her 17th year, though generally reticent concerning her religion emotions, in her last sickness she talked with freedom and delight on the subject of religion and her prospects for eternity. To her mother she said, "I know that the Lord has given me a change of heart, I feel that I love Him, and long to go and be with Him that I may see and love Him more. Mother, do not weep, I know it is hard for you, but God doeth all things well and for me to go now and be with Christ will be far better." Her dying message left for her young companions was "Give them my farewell, and tell them to prepare to meet me in Heaven, where I hope to go."

And shall my heart arraign
That God whose ways see love?
Or vainly cherish anxious pain
For man who rests above?
No!--let me rather humbly say
Obedience to his will,
And with my inmost spirit say,
"The Lord is righteous still."

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