Troy Times

February 28, 1850 

COTTINGHAM, MRS. SUSAN - Died - In Troy on the 20th inst., Mrs. Susan Cottingham, wife of William Cottingham, aged 30 years.  Mrs. Cottingham united with the Presbyterian Church in 1830, and continued a consistent, and much esteemed member, until the time of her death.  She was characterized by the cheerfulness with which she made personal sacrifices, and submitted to personal privations for the good of others.  She was most beloved by those who knew her best.  Her seat in the sanctuary, and in the social prayer meeting, was never vacant, when she could so order her family arrangements as to be present; and when there, some of her children were always by her side.  She went down the "dark valley," expressing a calm reliance on the Redeemer in whom she had trusted in health, and after having one by one, commended her family to God, peacefully breathed her last.  She left a husband and five little children, to mourn a loss which God alone can repair.

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